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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Soaked glove

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With the recent rain here in the northeast i had a accident in my basement. Luckily only one glove was soaked of eveything because i have imy equipment hanging in my basement. Its really wet and weighed down but will the wetness ruin the glove? Whats the best way to dry it out?

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My basement floods so i dont think its contaminated with sewage. I was just worried that the foams or whatever whould be damaged but i guess itll need alot of time to dry out

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what material are your gloves made up of??

when I accidently left my XXX's out in the rain one night, I was in the same situation as you

and I just left em over a heating vent for a couple days

and viola, they were fine, little tough/crispy on the palms but after warm up they were just fine

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When I get out old gloves and the palms are stiff, I would just put my hands under the faucet and then put the gloves on. Works perfect everytime.

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Hockey gloves are designed to survive in a wet environment so just let it dry out and it should be fine.

thats right, I saw the lady at ShopRite using a pair of Eagles to take the lobster out of the lobster tank.

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Hockey gloves are designed to survive in a wet environment so just let it dry out and it should be fine.

thats right, I saw the lady at ShopRite using a pair of Eagles to take the lobster out of the lobster tank.


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The problem with submerging gloves in water is that even though you try to dry them, the water gets trapped inside. A little sweat drys easily but a totally wet glove rarely dries, even if left in direct sunlite for hours. Do everything you can to dry the glove completely, otherwise you will get mold and fungus inside, plus wet gloves wear quicker than dry gloves.

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Use a fan to blow air across the cuffs or into the gloves. It will help to dry out the fingers and thumbs.

If you have pad for the backs of the hands, try to flip them so that they are out of the gloves.

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Yeah they should be fine. I used to wash my gear by soaking it in the bathtub overnight and laying it out in the sun for the day. Everything dried out fine. But now a days I actually like wet gear. Playing college club hockey, you get tired of having to re-break in gear practice after practice. Just let them dry and you should be ready to go.

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use a fan on them, should dry out in a day.. from my experience unless it rains everyday in your neck of the woods..

since they are wet might as well wash them... to get rid of some bacteria..

you dont want no flesh eating virus...

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what material are your gloves made up of??

when I accidently left my XXX's out in the rain one night, I was in the same situation as you

and I just left em over a heating vent for a couple days

and viola, they were fine, little tough/crispy on the palms but after warm up they were just fine

The gloves are XX's so they have that waterproof leather stuff which helps.

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what material are your gloves made up of??

when I accidently left my XXX's out in the rain one night, I was in the same situation as you

and I just left em over a heating vent for a couple days

and viola, they were fine, little tough/crispy on the palms but after warm up they were just fine

The gloves are XX's so they have that waterproof leather stuff which helps.

yeah that should help, but there is a slight chance of them maybe being a little heavier, and I'm only talking in a matter of grams, just cuz there is some leather on the glove. And the leather retains water after it gets soaked enough, usually this happens to gloves over a longer period of time.

However nylon doesnt have this setback

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