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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Back Flip

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I can do backflips on trampolines, diving boards, off the side of the pool without a diving board, on mats and basically everything there is besides flat ground. I could do a frontflip like this also and tried it on the ground and landed it first try easy but im not so confident in trying a backflip. So my question is, can anyone here do one and if so how did you go about learning to do this and do you have any tips or pointers for trying it for the first time?

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I can do backflips on trampolines, diving boards, off the side of the pool without a diving board, on mats and basically everything there is besides flat ground. I could do a frontflip like this also and tried it on the ground and landed it first try easy but im not so confident in trying a backflip. So my question is, can anyone here do one and if so how did you go about learning to do this and do you have any tips or pointers for trying it for the first time?

is this like homo-erotic?

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I dunno if you have a gym (i mean the place with gymnast) near you where you can go for free but having a soft matress under you really helps to eleminate fear for the first time you try that. It's a lot harder than a front on flat ground. You need a really big impulsion and a fast rotation.

Good luck.

Btw i can't actually do it, i have a friend whos a gymnast and she told me that. Why would i do backflips, i'm a hockey player dammit! :lol:

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your a fucking tool. if anyone knows anything about being a homo sexual on this board its you.

Who asks other men if they can do backflips? That is just plain silly. Its homosexual sir... and stoooooop with that crap, its really not funny.

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its really not safe to try backflips without a soft ground under you.

a broken neck and many injuries can occur!

but if you know a cherleader or gymnast or dancer, ask them to help you with a backflip.

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Who are you, Marcy from Peanuts? What's with this "Sir" crap?

cats out of the bag... I pulled the wool over your eyes for months, but hey....

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Its homosexual sir...

Who are you, Marcy from Peanuts? What's with this "Sir" crap?

lol... :lol: man I'm almost crying that was so funny

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