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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anybody use top level gear for beer league?

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I think that everyone should use some low end equipment, that way when they get the higher end stuff they will appreciate what they have.

I have a creaky elbow that would disagree with that statement. Well, at least the first part of that statement..... :D

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what it really comes down to is jealousy just like others have said. if you had a hundred million dollars, would you drive a toyota tercel or would you drive an exotic sports or luxury car? it's just human nature. if you see someone with something better than you that you can't afford, you will feel some sort of resentment. some people take it harder than others. so if you can get it, use it. who cares what they think?? :P

No not really jealousy, I think it's more that the rich guys think the pro level equipment is going to make them better. So when others see them decked out in Graf skates, XXX sticks, etc, they laugh to themselves at the gomer who'd be better off spending his money on learn to skate lessons. Unlike the beemer that gets them chicks, the pro level equipment does nothing to improve their skills.

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For those of us who have played since they could walk, we use the high end because generally it's better and the difference is noticeable to us.

I skate on G5's cause they are the best balance of comfort and performance for me. Skates are more comfort, (forgetting the weight which doesn't make any real big diff) as long as they fit, I'm happy. Some things it doesn't matter a great deal, but when it comes to sticks I don't mess around. Has to be a Stealth or something similar. Nothing else feels right.

But if there is no choice, a decent player can use any twig given to him.

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When I was just starting out in hockey about 12 years ago, I was decked out in the old entry level-mid CCM Powerline gear (shins/elbows/pants) and used wooden sticks. I was definitely a total beginner on the rink.

Since then I've gotten better and play in upper rec/beer leagues and the occasional tounaments. Now I use top level gear from head to toe (although it's usually older top level gear that I found on discount). EX: I use Jofa 9090 shins, 9066 elbows.... But I still use that damn CCM HT2/652 helmet. :lol:

As far as sticks go, I don't consider woodies a "beginner" stick but I progressed through the years onto aluminum shafts, comp shafts, and OPS. I like using lighterweight twigs due to my own preferences but I'd never look down on somebody for using a wooden stick. I may be a hockey gear addict but I rarely pay attention to what others are using in my leagues.

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I don't skimp on skates (Pure Fly's) everything else is picked according to weight and and mobility. I use a roller hockey girdle (foam pads, no plastic) just got a used pair Vic shins, lacrosse gloves, no shoulder pads and I'm currently searching for some new elbow pads to replace the Koho's I'm using now and probably a different helmet (Carbster).

Oh, and Sherwood wood sticks with the Bouchard blade.

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I started skating in a pair of CCM skates that cost me $1.75 CDN I bought from the Salvation Army store when I was young with money I saved little by little. When I grew older I gradually acquired a full set of hockey equipment from wherever I could find a deal and started playing in any league or pick up game I could get into. For years that's the way it was due to the twists and turns my life has taken. Finally at the age of about thirty-six I joined a mens recreational league and have been there since. I started out with very low end equipment but after being hurt numerous occassions I committed myself to getting the best equipment I could afford to protect myself the best I can. Now I have the best pro level equipment on the market, everything high end, and I'm not ashamed of what anyone says to me, in fact I could care less. I've paid my dues and worked my way up to what I've achieved. I still need to show up for work the day after the game healthy and whole so in my estimation top end stuff is well worth the investment. ;)

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I wouldn't worry about it. Just use what works for you (in all aspects of that phrase) regardless of what level of pads, sticks, and skates they are.

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I buy top everything, it's abit of an addiction. I always joke that if I'm just standing still I'm the best looking player on the ice.

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what it really comes down to is jealousy just like others have said.  if you had a hundred million dollars, would you drive a toyota tercel or would you drive an exotic sports or luxury car?  it's just human nature.  if you see someone with something better than you that you can't afford, you will feel some sort of resentment.  some people take it harder than others.  so if you can get it, use it.  who cares what they think??  :P

No not really jealousy, I think it's more that the rich guys think the pro level equipment is going to make them better. So when others see them decked out in Graf skates, XXX sticks, etc, they laugh to themselves at the gomer who'd be better off spending his money on learn to skate lessons. Unlike the beemer that gets them chicks, the pro level equipment does nothing to improve their skills.

that's a great generalization. first, everyone that can afford high end equipment is rich. and second every rich person buys high end equipment because they think it'll make them play better. yeah...that sounds just about right :unsure: :lol:

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Dude wear whatever the hell you want! Its all about what you like so screw other people. If they are all pissy about what gear you have, don’t worry about it. For my college team we get new stuff every year, and when I do play for my beer league team I wear the same stuff. Its all about who you are on the inside buddy. Maybe you should have a little heart to heart with someone to build that confidence up. Haha. How about this, for your next game, think way outside the box and just go out there in gym shorts and no pads! Maybe start a new trend? Tell us how it goes buddy :P

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Damn that's true, wo gives a rat's ass what other's think of what your wearing haha. Good for you if you can afford it or are in a position of getting free stuff.

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All this talk is making me think I should upgrade my gloves. I have one Honeywell? and one Cooper. They are in really bad shape but at least they are a step up from the Anaheim pro return Koho's I had before.

If you are strapped for cash, invest it in the equipment that nobody can see: jock, skates (I guess people can see that) and shin and elbow pads. Nothing worse than getting chipped elbows because you put all your money in 200$ gloves but couldn't get pro-level elbow pads. Sounds stupid but I've seen it happen to kids.

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Jofa 690, 2nd-hand. Good protection against elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, and crossbars.

Just got Jofa 8800 shoulder pads. Good protection against poor sports who body-check when losing. Very well-ventilated compared to the Bauer SP300s that I had.

Vector Pros, the first new skates I have ever had.

Various broken OPSes converted to shafts.

I don't care what others think about my equipment. These jealous sneers are a form of snobs.

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So when others see them decked out in Graf skates, XXX sticks, etc, they laugh to themselves at the gomer who'd be better off spending his money on learn to skate lessons. Unlike the beemer that gets them chicks, the pro level equipment does nothing to improve their skills.

But this all presupposes that 1) the "gomer" has time to take skating/hockey lessons, instead of other things he'd rather be doing, and 2) he isn't already doing so. As for whether pro level equipment will improve their skills, of course it will not, but the higher level protective equipment might just protect him more. And one could argue that the guys who can afford to buy top-end protective equipment are the ones that SHOULD be wearing that stuff because it will be more expensive for them to miss time from work if injured.

It's all relative, the guys I know who are always sporting the latest expensive sticks, etc. all make so much money that it is irrelevant to them that the sticks cost so much. The extra $250 it costs them to buy a top OPS as opposed to a cheap wood stick means nothing to them, but buys them peace of mind in knowing that their stick will not be the problem in their game. Now if they were taking out a loan to buy this stuff, that would be stupid.

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I don't think there is any shame in wearing good or great hockey equipment.

What I find unfortunate is seeing hockey players (any level from beginner to pro) wearing equipment that is not right for them.

I believe that if you are wearing equipment that is fitted to your needs you will feel like a pro player and that is half the fun of playing hockey.

just my two cents!

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here's what i basically look for in equipment:

  • fit - ie, elbow pads obviously won't do much good if they've slipped half-way down your arm.
  • adequate protection - ie, pants i can fall in without breaking my tailbone.
  • optimum comfort - ie, i love the neoprene on mission shins...the material on jofas irritates me bigtime.
  • good performance to cost ratio - ie, buying a vapor XV shaft for $60 vs buying a synthesis shaft for $110 or whatever...i doubt that i'm good enough to notice whether or not using one over the other will yield a significant increase in performance.

with that said, i don't pay much attention to what other people wear. occasionally i'll notice something, like a tripod in vapor XXX's - but it's not big deal. if somebody crappy has all the best stuff, it's their money. or maybe that's the only gear that fits him properly - who knows? it may not make a difference in performance for him, but if its more comfortable and he's got the money...great.

right now i'm in: mission intake, mission M1 elbows, gloves, pants, and shins, and easton synergy 700 skates. highest i play right now is "intermediate" league (there's one higher league at my rink). my gear is probably above my playing level, but i feel like i play better when i'm comfortable, and if i have good gear - i have nothing to blame but myself for sucking :]

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i have nothing to blame but myself for sucking :]

That right there is the key for alot of us. Not only in hockey, but other sports as well. If technology can make a difference, then why not see how good you are by using top end stuff. That way you know that the gap is just you, and not your gear. It removes any guesswork. I am referring to skates and sticks in this regard.

As far as protective gear, you should buy the best you can afford that fits. Most of it is invisible to other players anyway, so no one should care or notice.

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Is it because you use a Warrior Dolomite or Vapor XXX LITE?  :D

lol, nope. I'm poor so I'm using a vapor V :( soon to be a redlite because the V is starting to crap out(small hairline cracks).

That dudes crazy or he has a ton of money! What happens when they break it - does he expect them to buy a new one or does he just shrug it off. I have money but not the kind where I don't wince if I have to shell out another $200.

I was crapping the other day when one of my teammates (a really big guy) grabbed my XXX Lite and starts flexing it like there's no tommorrow. I've learned enough on this board from other threads that you just don't do that to an OPS. So you can imagine if I don't want anybody flexing my stick I certainly don't want anyone playing with it.

I guess MAYBE if it was a really good friend of mine.... not just an average teammate.

Well he has SOME money. He's not rich or anything, he just got it from hockeymonkey($109), but yeah he only let's good friends that know what they're doing play with it. He wouldn't hand it over to just anyone.

I have a creaky elbow that would disagree with that statement. Well, at least the first part of that statement.....

Well, I meant along the lines of skates and sticks. No one should go cheap on something protective(in my opinion).

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I buy the best I can with the budget I set for it. I could really care less what other players think. My protection is what is important to me. I have to admit, I prolly don't need the sticks I have but that is my treat to myself.

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not sure if other adults notice mine.

I was going to ask if anyone who notices this stuff and cares is over the age of 22 or 23. That was about the age when my head finally popped from my arse and I stopped worrying about what other people are wearing and what other people thought of me in regards to play time equipment....

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Use what you want. There's something to be said for upper level skates, protective, etc...sticks are a different story though. I have a guy on my team that started out with a pair of Black Tacks skates. The guy is 6'7 and weighs almost 300 lbs!!! His poor ankles were a mess. He upgraded to some Vapor XV's and couldn's be happier. He's still a pylon but we put him in front of the net alot. :lol:

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Hey guys I have new vector 10.0s coming in for warranty replacements but I have been using the synergy 700 for the last 2 weeks and liked it alot, so shouldI change back to top-of-the-line or stay at mid-level skate? Maybe the vector 10.0s will get me more attention? But the synergy is very nice-looking IMO.

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Get good equipment on important stuff, like your protective equipment. Sticks and skates are ALL PERSONAL PREFERENCE. Look at Teemu and Kariya, they used Bauer 3000's for the longest time and those are considered only "mid-level". Personally I look like a bum on the ice most of the time because of my school's pants which have been through about 15 highschool hockey seasons, but they are very comfortable and protect well still. I also use OLD TPS Flexor elbows, but they protect me amazingly and are very comfortable. Buy whatever equipment you want, but before you go out there and buy Bauer XXX's make sure your legs are adequately protected by your pants/shinny's so you can actually use them, and before you buy a CNT Stealth make sure those gloves you have protect your hands so you can still dangle with it.

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Hey guys I have new vector 10.0s coming in for warranty replacements but I have been using the synergy 700 for the last 2 weeks and liked it alot, so shouldI change back to top-of-the-line or stay at mid-level skate? Maybe the vector 10.0s will get me more attention? But the synergy is very nice-looking IMO.

Well since you never skated in the 10.0, why don't you give it a try? Common sense is it not?

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