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Skating Treadmill

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Let me tell you, it's a workout. Me and a friend of mine have done it (checkers1988) and its tough. All in all its a great workout and a great training aid.

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yeah, really good workout, will make you a better skates too.. the accelration around me closed up.. too bad, seemed like a good business.

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I saw a kid skating on it once. Looked like he was going to puke! It IS and intense work out.

I have read some testimonials, even from NHL guys, that say it did pick up there speed!

I am not too sure. It looked to me like an accident waiting to happen. There is a big metal bar in front of your face that looks like it would take your chickletts out in no time if you fell.

Like anything, I think it is probably up to the operator. If he is skilled in proper skating form, you could get a lot out of it. If he is some jamoke, you will just be skating on it at your top speed with poor form, and you will learn very little.

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It is a work out and you're hooked into some type of safety harness that hoists you up if you fall. It will wear the hell out of your skate blades though. Plus a session is VERY expensive. It's worth the time and money if you have it, if not try it out once to experience it.

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yes, i have done it probably 30 times, and yeah its pretty tough. one thing though, it RUINS your edges and/or the profile of your blades... i always used my old pair on that thing or else you're screwed.... also, yeah you should probably have sharp skates when you are doing it because if you dont its a lot harder. Finally, yes the harness does help prevent injury, but a) its really uncomfortable and B) i still fell and made my knee bleed real bad when i had it on. eventually, when i got real good at it, i wouldnt even wear the harness. You can also put resistance bands around your legs and then go, that is a LOT harder... you can also go backwards, which is insanely hard. Dont use your regular stick, either, because it routinely whacks against the end of the machine and it can get scuffed up, you wouldnt wanna ruin your stick that way. I did this the fall before freshman year of HS (im a sophmore now), and i hafta say the transition between select hockey and HS was seamless, DIII hs in Ma isnt amazingly hard. However, i can't say if this machine was the difference, all i can say is that im sure it didnt hurt. i went to the one at athletes edge in acton, ma by the way.

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You can skate backward on that thing? It looks like you'd be skating uphill. Backwords. Ouch I could see that hurting after 30 min or so.

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No, you cant go backwards. Me and a buddy do it in the summer. Its ridiculously hard lol like after every session i threw up and im in pretty good shape. Just imagine when your doing wind sprints at the end of practice having to do like 5 other end and back at FULL speed.

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Its required for the top teams at the Pee Wee level and up for my club. It sucks big time Ive Puked on it but its a great workout though. Its a little Uncomfortable because you have to alter your skating form a little when skating at an incline. I had to do it 2 times a week for an hour with 2 other guys from my team. You should use an old pair of skates for it, my teammate cracked the steel on his pumps two times on it. I liked the workout but It just feels akward while im doing it.

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ive tried one and its gd but it just dont feel right and i'd just rather puting on my skates and skating round the block a few times

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yes, i have done it probably 30 times, and yeah its pretty tough. one thing though, it RUINS your edges and/or the profile of your blades... i always used my old pair on that thing or else you're screwed.... also, yeah you should probably have sharp skates when you are doing it because if you dont its a lot harder. Finally, yes the harness does help prevent injury, but a) its really uncomfortable and B) i still fell and made my knee bleed real bad when i had it on. eventually, when i got real good at it, i wouldnt even wear the harness. You can also put resistance bands around your legs and then go, that is a LOT harder... you can also go backwards, which is insanely hard. Dont use your regular stick, either, because it routinely whacks against the end of the machine and it can get scuffed up, you wouldnt wanna ruin your stick that way. I did this the fall before freshman year of HS (im a sophmore now), and i hafta say the transition between select hockey and HS was seamless, DIII hs in Ma isnt amazingly hard. However, i can't say if this machine was the difference, all i can say is that im sure it didnt hurt. i went to the one at athletes edge in acton, ma by the way.

ive also done the one here in acton. we are friends with the guy who runs it. ive only gone a few times because it is far from my house but i have notcied some difference in my stride.

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I did it last summer to regain my skating form. I had broken my leg about 6 months previous. The instructor spotted it right away, and showed me on video.

My son also did it a few times, and puked once. Luckily he made it to the garbage can first.

With proper instruction you can really lengthen your stride and work the hip flexors to increase the stride rate and stride efficiency.

The incline works the muscles for a greater percentage of the time in comparison to normal skating.

I used an old pair of skate blades because I knew that they would be chewed up.

The promotional material said that all the Minnesota Wild players did the Frappier treadmill training during the summer of 2003. They need it, the way Lemaire makes them play.

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NTC - Toronto Treadmill

My daughter is going into her 4th week @ NTC – with 6 skates completed. She is in the training primarily to correct a biomechanical issue in her skating, eliminate bad compensating habits as well as all of the “normal†benefits: improve stride, speed and fitness – and it IS an intense workout. She is seeing good progress in a short time.

The facilitator/instructor is key: the primary advantage is they are always 2 feet away from you and catch absolutely everything – from the front, side and the rear.

BTW you don’t have to worry about the front crossbar – the distance is adjustable and the safety harness would stop you from landing face-first on it. The safety harness catches you before you can hit the surface if you fall – UNLESS you’re on a steep incline. I really wouldn’t recommend skating without shin pads – and gloves (although I confess I have had the uncharitable thought that, should she fall hands first, it would be “cheaper†to wait for her skin to heal up than repair/replace a glove!!! kidding)

The surface on the treadmill isn’t as rough on edges as some other artificial ice she’s skated on; and hasn’t been as damaging as I expected…but this may be a slightly different surface than other treadmills. I’m tossed about whether I should have her use her old skates for the treadmill - or if her skating technique would benefit from using her new skates.

The program does a wide variety of speeds/inclines. The fastest my daughter has done so far is about 17 mph and a 20 degree incline – but more experienced skaters are going MUCH faster and up to 35 degree incline. Eventually my daughter will be doing crossovers and stick handling…but first she has to get that foot returning properly!!!

Bottom line: All the benefits AND a killer workout! I don’t think skating yet another series of pylons would have the same benefit as she is getting from this program. It is about as expensive as an on-ice skills session and an excellent return on investment thus far; I’ll know more about that when she finishes the 1st phase the end of June.

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I know that OSU hockey department has one. My friend who plays for the OSU womens hockey team says that the guys and girls teams both use it. She says it is "a bitch" lol, and it is very hard, but she said it improved her stance and speed. Sounds fun!

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yes all the positive stuff about the treadmill is true, but please, i implore you, do not use your game/real skates on the fake plastic. It really messes them up imo. if you have an old pair, just use those. Other than that, it's awesome! ps, yes you can go backwards trust me, they need to change around the configuration a bit though.

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It really does sound like something I wanna try out...but then again, maybe not since puking all over the place isn't the prettiest thought.

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