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Recchi using Warrior?

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Did anyone else notice Recchi using a Warrior stick in Saturday's game? Is he switching from CCM? There was no attempt to black out the name on the stick.

Here are some pics, although you can't see much other than it's not a CCM:

ESPN pic

ESPN pic 2

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i guess his contract with CCM doesnt include sticks or at least it doesnt anymore

hes doing what a bunch of NHL'ers do, like Pronger with RBK and he uses a Warrior or Crosby is with RBK too but uses a Sherwood stick

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I'm sure after he has seen the success that Pronger and Peca have had with the stick not to mention all the other pro's that have gone with Warrior he figured why not. Maybe Warrior should be the ones saying: THE CHANGE IS ON.

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i guess his contract with CCM doesnt include sticks or at least it doesnt anymore

hes doing what a bunch of NHL'ers do, like Pronger with RBK and he uses a Warrior or Crosby is with RBK too but uses a Sherwood stick

Obligated to mention that Crosby uses Sherwood sticks because he's still under an endorsement deal he had with that company PRIOR to his entry to the NHL and his RBK windfall...

But its probably true with Pronger about a flexible contract

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Its all marketing...

They are just innos..

maybe now some NHL'ers are more exposed to inno. Could it be that some didnt know about inno.. before warrior came around?

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When he was in Pgh if they would have just made is uniform a sponge and wet him before they games they would have NEVER had to have run the zamboni he was on the ice so much.

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