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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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One90 outsole

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Hey guys,for hose of you that have he one90's, is the outsole and footbed thinner than most skates? Im trying to figure it out because i may need to dremel the bottom a bit for a hummer chassis, but if its too thin, ill just put a hi-lo on there. (I know thats roller hockey, but the one90 part isnt)

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I have a pair and I don't think that the outsole is any thinner than the Vapor XXX's have. It maybe not be as smooth. Why do you have to dremel the outsole to get those particular chassis' on?

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couldnt you just use size 72s or something instead of altering the outsole. Id hate to see someone void a warranty and ruin a good pair of $600 skates!

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couldnt you just use size 72s or something instead of altering the outsole. Id hate to see someone void a warranty and ruin a good pair of $600 skates!

He could, that would work. However he'd lose the benefit of using all 80mm wheels.

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Well since the tour skates use a recessed outsole for the wheel-well so as to fit all 80mm wheels they design their outsole to fit. to be honest i don't think its a good idea and id prolly stick with the hi-lo.

All that having been said, the outsole of the one90 isnt complete all the way through that front area as its cut away. So there's a chance of the hummer fitting if the recessed area is enough to get it on there. although, again i seriously doubt it would work.

good news is either way you won't be dremmel-ing anything :D

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Well since the tour skates use a recessed outsole for the wheel-well so as to fit all 80mm wheels they design their outsole to fit. to be honest i don't think its a good idea and id prolly stick with the hi-lo.

All that having been said, the outsole of the one90 isnt complete all the way through that front area as its cut away. So there's a chance of the hummer fitting if the recessed area is enough to get it on there. although, again i seriously doubt it would work.

good news is either way you won't be dremmel-ing anything :D

I mean My flexlites have the outsole dremeled and theyre fine. I just like using all 80mm wheels thats all. I play more roller than ice. I think I might just put a MG chassis on it for how much theyre gonna cost. Definantly dont wanna ruin a nice pair of skates

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Well since the tour skates use a recessed outsole for the wheel-well so as to fit all 80mm wheels they design their outsole to fit. to be honest i don't think its a good idea and id prolly stick with the hi-lo.

All that having been said, the outsole of the one90 isnt complete all the way through that front area as its cut away.  So there's a chance of the hummer fitting if the recessed area is enough to get it on there. although, again i seriously doubt it would work.

good news is either way you won't be dremmel-ing anything  :D

I mean My flexlites have the outsole dremeled and theyre fine. I just like using all 80mm wheels thats all. I play more roller than ice. I think I might just put a MG chassis on it for how much theyre gonna cost. Definantly dont wanna ruin a nice pair of skates

If you went through with it, and took off the LS2P i may be interested in buying them, depending on size.

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