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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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which one is the best?

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hey guys i havent really baughten anything from any online stores but i want to buy something but i dont want to pay a million dollars in duty etc. so in past experiences which is the best online store to ship to canada with the least or no brokerage fees i live in canada and i generally want to buy off a american store cause they are somuch cheaper let me know!!\

thans alot in advance!

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My experiance with epuck is that they are good but not if you dont want taxes duties and high shipping costs

yea i want somewhere that will ship to canada but not have to much duty or anything...

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epuck is probably my favorite in the states. If you're avoiding shipping from the US to canada I would recommend a canadian site(for obvious reasons).

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epuck is probably my favorite in the states. If you're avoiding shipping from the US to canada I would recommend a canadian site(for obvious reasons).

yea but i dont want to shp at the shops in canada it is way to expensive.. if im going to pay those prices i might as well go to my lhs, so what is the best company to ship from then? usps?

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I'd say just try and avoid Fedex and UPS

ok will do...... i also have another option.... my sister is coming down to visit and she lives right near pure hockey in Mass, i was thinking about buying a stick and sending it to her and she could bring it over BUT do you think they would let her bring it on the plane? or what would she do with it?

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They'd let her bring it on the plane for sure, but i wouldnt suggest it. Not only would the stick be exposed to pretty extreme conditions, but the airlines treat everything like junk. Ive had sticks, skates and tons of equipment damaged when flying.

(Thats why when we fly places now, we send a van with our team's gear.)

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They'd let her bring it on the plane for sure, but i wouldnt suggest it. Not only would the stick be exposed to pretty extreme conditions, but the airlines treat everything like junk. Ive had sticks, skates and tons of equipment damaged when flying.

(Thats why when we fly places now, we send a van with our team's gear.)

oh i dont care about how they treat it....can you wrap it in like bubble wrap or something or would they say no?

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hockeymonkey has been good to me, even their customer service... idk about their shipping policies to canada tho(but the thread on the front page could probably argue why they aren't the best in shipping to canada, lol).

but IMO epuck has the best customer service I have ever dealt with, pretty good prices and super fast shipping. But IDK about shipping usps from them.

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epuck is probably my favorite in the states. If you're avoiding shipping from the US to canada I would recommend a canadian site(for obvious reasons).

yea but i dont want to shp at the shops in canada it is way to expensive.. if im going to pay those prices i might as well go to my lhs, so what is the best company to ship from then? usps?

No online shop is permitted to ship goods across the border, though some still do. The duties you pay are to the Canadian government, not the stores. The duties should be the same no matter what store you buy from

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avoid hockeymonkey at ALL costs

they really screw you with shipping and some other fee. $26 and its been a week now since i ordered my stick. for ground they say 5-7 days.

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i have had good experiences with hockeymonkey and epuck myself so those would be good choices, but Greatskate has been the best i bought at least 400 dollars of equipment and the shipping was only a matter of days and im on the opposite side of the country

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I've bought from pretty much all of them at some point with no real bad experiences. Just be proactive and check stock ahead of time, be clear in shipping instructions, and don't wait like two weeks to see if your order has gone out the door. As far as duties, it doesn't matter who you use or buy from, duties are duties applied to any product made out of the U.S./Canada/Mexico (NAFTA).

If you plan on saving a bit on freight and are in no hurry... use good Ol' mail. You can often select them to ship standard ground shipping via USPS and get an expedited service and you'll usually just have to pay the G.S.T. when it gets to your door or parcel post pick up.

One thing I have done and can recommend if you live close enough to the border and can factor in your cost for the drive down is to look locally across the border. Often in U.S. border towns there will be some kind of freight handler depots. The one I use is Package Express. These freight handlers will be a pick up and drop off depot for all major couriers like UPS etc...

The one I use lets you set up a free account with them and then pay a nominal fee for your packages. In my case $3.00 for any package under 50 lbs.

Just make sure you have your a copy of your invoices going down and quite often if your purchases are under a $100.00 (low value) they don't even bother with you paying the tax. Its not worth the time and effort for them. And most (customs officers) don't know or don't care if there are duties on sporting equipment. I think I've had to pay on maybe 1 in 5 times across, and its only the same tax you'd having been paying anways in Canada. U.S. It has been a blessing in disguise to be able to purchase South of the border, I get all the top level stuff (especially for my kids) at the same price you pay for the lower end stuff here. Some of isn't even available at my LHS, and usually have to wait for those 'special' orders.

I've often found it ironic that I can buy a Canadian name brand hockey product cheaper from some warehouse in California than I can at some pro shop in Vancouver... I mean wtf is up with that. Pay less for importing a Canadian export??? Anyways...

Two words of caution though, make sure you know exactly what you want, size, brand etc... ahead of time, b/c buying something sight on seen and then wanting to return it will raise the cost of your purchasing experience considerably. And just watch the overall value or price of your purchase, I wouldn't want to pay the tax, freight, and possibly duties on say a complete order of goalie gear, unless you know it's still going to be a great deal.

Hope that helps


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All the online sites I've dealt with in the U.S. have been great. It's the shipping agents and the government duties that screw it all up. Those hidden shipping costs and at the door taxes and duties don't make it feasable to buy a lot of equipment because it ends up costing you more than it you bought it in Canada. My plan now is to wait until the following year the product comes out and get something thats realitively new at a discount price in Canada. You wouldn't believe the cash you can save on things that are still great quality top end equipment but the stores are just wanting to clear out for the newer stuff. Heres some examples:

Reebok 8K skates last year $599.99 CDN this year $ 299.99 (National Sports)

Jofa 8800 shoulder pads last year $ 199.99 this year 129.99 ( Sports Chek)

Easton Synergy 700 Pants l.y. $149.99 t.y. $ 79.99 (Sports Chek)

Easton Synergy 900 Skates l.y. $ 459.99 t.y. 299.99 (National Sports)

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A couple of good canadian sites are

cupolosports.com and


I've purchased from both in the past and they are good to deal with.

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Great input OkSt. Didn't realize this. I've been looking for a Canadian on line site as well. Might give them a go!

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