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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vector V130/10.0/8.0

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I have 2 questions? For the v130 users, wasit just me or was the feel fabulous on the v130?How is the feel on the retial one? Im just making sure its not the stick (I have a pro stock v130 so the feel may be different). Also, for you scarce 10.0 users, hows the feel on that stick? I love my v130 because of the feel and I might stick with them, so i wanna make sure the sticks have good feel at retail

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I personally don't have a 10.0 but my friend just bought one and I was messing around with it... It feels good, the shaft is a little grippy for my taste but the feel is really nice. Oh yeah and the stick is nice and long, perfect for taller guys.

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I've got the 8.0 shaft (using Dolomite blade) and it's pretty damn nice. You get a rather good feel for the puck and it's quite snappy. Don't know how it compares to the 10.0 but shouldn't be so much that you can immediately notice it.

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ive used both the 130 and the 10.0 and i loved the both the only differences i feel with the 10.0 is the grip texture and the shaft shape.

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The 8.0 has fiberglass, they put fiberglass in the 2nd highest model? I thought that was a lower model thing

CCM seem pretty weird at what stuff they put into their second highest models but still love the shaft :D

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Do the 10.0 & the 8.0 intermediate OPS have the rounded 'contour' shape shaft? I quite liked that shaft shape. Also, what prices have you guys been paying for the 10.0? Most of the online shops say 'call for price'.

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The 8.0 has fiberglass, they put fiberglass in the 2nd highest model? I thought that was a lower model thing

Vectors(110, 120) were always made from less expensive components.

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Do the 10.0 & the 8.0 intermediate OPS have the rounded 'contour' shape shaft? I quite liked that shaft shape. Also, what prices have you guys been paying for the 10.0? Most of the online shops say 'call for price'.

Int. 10.0 off hockeygiant is 194.99 :o

Looks like ill be going with the 8.0. What are the main differences? The fact that there is some fiberglass in the 8.0?

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Do the 10.0 & the 8.0 intermediate OPS have the rounded 'contour' shape shaft?  I quite liked that shaft shape.  Also, what prices have you guys been paying for the 10.0?  Most of the online shops say 'call for price'.

Int. 10.0 off hockeygiant is 194.99 :o

Looks like ill be going with the 8.0. What are the main differences? The fact that there is some fiberglass in the 8.0?

Wow, I sell my seniors for less than that.

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Even in the pro models? Do they use a lot of fiberglass? It doesn really matter but i was just curious

Yes. You could especially see the fiberglass material around the area where the blade meets the shaft on the 110 (remember its not a fused stick). I also think when I cut the end of my pro stock 110 and the material started splitting up a little it seemed that the inner walls of the shaft were at least partially made of fiberglass at least from what the structure looked like to me.

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but still, wasn't the 110 one of the most durable stick if not the best, and still a very durable one piece??,so mayde the fiberglass work like a charm!!

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I don't want to start a new topic, so: has anyone actually compared an Ovechkin pattern side by side with a Drury? None of the LHS in my area have new CCM stuff and I need a new (non Easton) blade. I want to order a Vector 8.0 blade, but I'm not sure how similar it really is to the Drury. I know it's been speculated in other topics, but I was wondering if anyone had a definitive answer. Thanks.

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