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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hands on look at the One 70

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Not sure how many people have had this skate in there hands to look at ?

I was not really impressed, The holders and steel looked good , Footbed also impressive , Yet when I was looking at the Outer liner it is exactly the same as the Vapor XX , It seemed very hard and brittle , In my opinion I think it will breakdown just like the Vapor did at the heal. And at the 519.00 price point , I was not really impressed ?

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Is the One70 release date the same as the One90?

Also, does anyone have pictures of the boot? Tried to look, didn't see pictures.

I was at Play It Again sports Yesterday , they have the 70's but not the 90's yet

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519.00? Why wouldn't anyone just pony up the extra 50-75 dollars and get the One90?

Sorry I didn't specify , thats 519.00 Canadian , though these days there is not much difference. 90's will sell for 799.00

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519.00? Why wouldn't anyone just pony up the extra 50-75 dollars and get the One90?

I was under the impression the One70 is the high volume boot and the One90 is not. I may be incorrect in my assumption. Does the One70 resemble the One90?

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519.00? Why wouldn't anyone just pony up the extra 50-75 dollars and get the One90?

I was under the impression the One70 is the high volume boot and the One90 is not. I may be incorrect in my assumption. Does the One70 resemble the One90?

Employee was saying that the outer liner on the 90 was much better.

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Is the One70 release date the same as the One90?

Also, does anyone have pictures of the boot? Tried to look, didn't see pictures.


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as JR will soon note, its the Supreme 70, not One 70..

its designed to replace the 8090 within the Supreme line,

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as JR will soon note, its the Supreme 70, not One 70..

its designed to replace the 8090 within the Supreme line,

Ahhhh yes, I am but a grasshopper and didn't even notice

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Boo, I really liked the 8090s for their look and fit, but I'm glad they'll still have a skate that fits like an 8090

The Holder looks cool but the heal will NEVER last , looks like a weak construction , very brittle looking also. I would not give up my 8090's for a pair

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awesome! I've been trying to look at those catalogs for like a week(mainly the mission one).

Oh btw they have that blue triangle but IMO they look like the supremes skate line meets the one90s style. They don't look bad, actually I think they look better than the one90s.

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