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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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dying your skate holders

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Hey just wanted to know if any body has ever dyed there skate holders or knows how to. because my friend's big brother who plays in the OHL dyed his and they look sick. but i forgot to ask him how to do it.


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I'm guessing the same way my brother dyed his lacrosse head.

Buy fabric dye (You can buy it at walmart), follow the directions and place the holders in the dye until you achieve the colour you want.

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or spray-paint....

though doing so might end up making your holders more brittle and making it break down quicker than usual, so I'm told

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I dyed the holders on my synergys yellow and they look wicked, I taped them up then used spraypaint, but very few coats so i don't damage the holders.

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or spray-paint....

...which will chip off and get all over your bag AND all over the ice. Not recommended...

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or spray-paint....

...which will chip off and get all over your bag AND all over the ice. Not recommended...

acrylic coat it after, it barely chipped when I did it.

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This might be a dumb question but... Would you be able to dye the holders on the Supreme One90 skates a diff color since they are translucent? and i dunno but maybe it would just change the transparency color?

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I havent seen them personally but i'm guessing yes

Bet you could get a pretty cool effect if you painted the inside of them

I think that would be cool. Paint the inside of them with that new chrome type paint. From the corner of your eye they would probably look like old tube skates.

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