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2007 MLB Thread

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If I remember correctly, the Sox aren't that far off the Yankees $190 million (with the mentality that once you get that high, 20 million or so really isn't much at that point).

I was definitely on the edge of my seat for Joba vs Papi, couldn't believe that Ortiz swung on the first pitch. Then again it was nice to see that he was late on it. You could tell Joba was nervous, that was he first walk since his very first MLB inning. He came back strong and just embarassed Hienske (can't remember exact spelling) and Drew. Sucks we have to wait until tomorrow to see him again

In other news, the other pitcher who started in Single A and has made his way up to Triple A in one season, Ian Kennedy, will be starting saturday instead of Mussina. Can't wait to see this kid pitch

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  willc7786 said:

If I remember correctly, the Sox aren't that far off the Yankees $190 million (with the mentality that once you get that high, 20 million or so really isn't much at that point).

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It's actually almost $47 million, according to USA Today, and that's before Clemens is factored in, which I believe would bring the difference to around $65 million

You can also click to previous seasons. Last year, the difference was also around $65 million. That's striking. Last year, the difference between the top two teams was more than 13 teams spent, while this year it's more than 8 teams spent.

In defense of both teams, the one factor that makes the rivalry great -- they play in the same division -- is what makes their spending so absurd. I would imagine they each would spend about 30% less if they weren't in direct competition with each other.

Regarding the game, I don't have Extra Innings, so I didn't get to see it. I figured the Yanks would win, however. My prediction among my friends was the games would go Yanks, Sox, Yanks.

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I only caught the 5th but hitting 100 in 6 is pretty brutal, unless you're a K pitcher and he's not.

Edit: Why people slide into first on a race is still the dumbest thing I see in baseball.

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Who trumps him up though? Actually seeing people discuss Josh Chamberlain's rules was surreal. I miss fire-y Steinbrenner. Oh well, at least I'll only have to hear about one of these teams in the playoffs.

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Yankees aren't looking better other than being able to bat all day long. They need to amend those stupid rules and let Chamberlain start.

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Clemens bounced back tonight, Pettitte's been amazing, Wang's pitched well. Kennedy is a great pitcher, might be rushed a little, but he's an improvement over Mussina.

Next year though I'm pretty sure Kennedy and Chamberlain replace Mussina and Roger in the rotation.

If this team makes the playoffs the only team in the entire league I see them losing to is the Angels since they play miserably against them, and that's who it looks like they'd face if they win the wild card.

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I'll admit Clemens has looked great at times but he's also looked horrible at times, which goes back to the consistency problems they've had. At least from what I've seen. I think if they do squeak in they'd be trouble in the first round but would have troubles in a best of 7.

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I think the opposite. I think they'd have more problems in a short series. In a long series they pitch Pettitte and Wang twice.

Five game series are too much of a crap shoot, you'll often see better teams losing them.

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I really don't like that format at all. Especially back when it started and the top-ranked team was on the road.

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A lot of people don't realize, but the reason Chamberlain is in the bullpen was that he was getting right near his preseason determined innings count. Ever since a couple years ago, when the Yanks actually started caring about their minor leaguers, they started a very strict program of deciding how many innings a pitcher would pitch that season in the minors. Chamberlain was going to get moved to the bullpen in the minors in september anyway, so they figured he'd be best off working out of the Yanks bullpen. Of course I'd rather have him starting, but thats not going to happen.

Next year though: Wang, Pettite, Chamberlain, Hughes, Mussina as the rotation, unless they find someone to take Mussina off their hands if Kennedy pitches well.

Then looking down the road to next summer, they package Alan Horne, Steven White, someone else for Santana

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Santana's not getting traded for, by anyone. Terry Ryan doesn't just make retarded deals. It would take a team's #1 and probably another top 5 prospect to even talk to him about Johan.

This team doesn't NEED Johan. There's pitching at every level at least three deep. They currently have two guys in the majors with #1 ceilings and one coming up who projects as a 2. Another that projects as a 2-3 that just won EL pitcher of the year over Buchholz and Liz.

The Yankees', theoretically, don't have to pay for pitching unless EVERYONE gets hurt.

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I didn't say they needed to, but I wouldn't be surprised if it happened. Plus they have to undo what they did to Hughes' delivery this year to get him back to last years form. There's a few articles spread out talking about how his delivery is slightly different which is showing why his fast ball has dropped off.

Speaking of pitching, Wang is putting up a gem.

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  mik3 said:

In normal Beckett fashion he was flipping out cursing at Joba from the dugout.

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i loved how could tell exactly what he was yelling at him. i dont blame him though, i mean you dont throw two at a guys head. youkilis hadnt done anything. i mean could understand one pitch getting away from him, but two 97mph fastballs in the exact same place, its hard to say he wasn't throwing at him.

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I just enjoy that Beckett talks so much about playing the game the "right way" when he's probably one of the worst in the league when it comes to doing the complete opposite.

Also, fun stat from this series.

Beckett: 13 hits allowed Wednesday

Red Sox: 13 hits this series.

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It doesn't make any sense for Joba to throw at him twice, but I guess we'll never know. My only guess is that the first slipped, then posada called for one up and in (for a strike) and that one got away too. Best I can come up with. Can't wait for the first game of the next series

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  willc7786 said:

It doesn't make any sense for Joba to throw at him twice, but I guess we'll never know. My only guess is that the first slipped, then posada called for one up and in (for a strike) and that one got away too. Best I can come up with. Can't wait for the first game of the next series

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I dont think Joba tried to hit Youkilis because he missed by alot both times and if he wanted to hit him i think he would have did it on the first pitch, or atleast on the second one.

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He wasn't trying to hit Youkilis, because he's displayed enough control to show he could hit a batter when he wants. Conversely, it's obvious that he was purposefully throwing over Youk's head. The only question is whether Joba the Hutt did it of his own volition or via signs. My guess is it was via signs because my memory is the Sox have hit WAY more Yankees players over the past five years, so I could see retribution being called.

The only problem is quotes from the Sox imply they feel it would be their turn to make it even. My guess is it won't happen any earlier than the late innings of the second game.

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And that's how someone is probably going to end up hurt. And my guess is he wouldn't be a Yankee, since they'd be the ones replying.

I do enjoy that this Yankee team is so different from the one that allowed Pedro and Timlin to just go up and in on guys for years without any sort of reply. I also find it funny that members of the Red Sox who were on the team at the time are complaining about it. Especially the one with the dead squirrel on his face. He's probably just happy that's what yesterday's game was remembered for, not him completely blowing their only true shot to score in the game.

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