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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2007 MLB Thread

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How did he completely blow it?

The basepaths allow three feet to either side of the "middle line," so he was out of the basebath by a few inches, at most, and he would have been tagged out with ease otherwise. The only thing he could have tried to do differently is stopped and tried to get A-Rod to waste time tagging him, although that play doesn't usually work.

Actually, thinking about it, what he could have done is what Lowell did to Cano earlier in the year -- shouldering him for being in the basebath. That might have prevented a throw to first.

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The rule actually reads three feet from their natural line. Which means where he started his approach to third, which was about 3 feet behind second. Leaving him 7-8 feet out of line when he touched the grass. And I don't think ARod would have just taken a shoulder like Cano did, even then if he seriously interfered then it's the umpire's call on whether or not to call both runners out.

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Wow, what a brutal call for ball 1 on the walk that broke Baker's perfect game, especially on the strike 1 call to the next batter.

Edit: Sweeney breaks it and the best part is the homer Twins announcer going "Never liked him anyway." Classy, like those old Dolphin players drinking champagne when an undefeated team loses.

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  mik3 said:

The rule actually reads three feet from their natural line. Which means where he started his approach to third, which was about 3 feet behind second. Leaving him 7-8 feet out of line when he touched the grass. And I don't think ARod would have just taken a shoulder like Cano did, even then if he seriously interfered then it's the umpire's call on whether or not to call both runners out.

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Now that you say that, I realize we were told that during a coaching orientation, that the batter essentially establishes their own base path. I didn't know it then, and apparently it was in one ear and out the other....

Regarding shouldering A-Rod, it wouldn't be interference if the shoulder was merely attempting to jar loose a ball while being tagged. It's no different than a collision at the plate, just further away from the base. I agree that A-Rod would probably respond differently than Cano, but the play is legit. As Lowell roughly said at the time, when reporters asked if he thought the Yankees would be mad at him, "Why would they be? They're the ones who taught me to do it."

  trevor13478 said:

looks like joba got 2 games for throwing at youk, i dont think its worth that at all, he didnt even hit him.

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The suspension is for what the league perceives to be intent. If you think about, just because a batter is hit, it doesn't mean a pitcher is ejected or suspended; the league has to determine it was intentional. Same thing with a batter not being hit -- if the league thinks the pitcher intentionally threw at/around the batter.

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Last night - Nick Markakis hits a 3r hr that puts the game away for Baltimore.

Tonight - Two outs in the first he gets a fastball between the numbers.

I'll hold my breath waiting for Buchholz' suspension.

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Buchholz hasn't given up a hit through 5... i really like this kid, i saw him pitch for portland a while back, some of his stuff looked filthy and he hit 97 on the gun.

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the scoreboard said 97 at merchants field or whatever the name is in manchester, NH. maybe a little skewed, but you cannot tell me the kid doesn't have some filthy stuff.

right now he's no hitting the Baltimore through 7.

and if anyone else is watching this game, did you see the play Dustin Pedroia just made on Tejada? if you're not watching, watch sportscenter tomorrow morning or baseball tonight. definite web gem, he threw a lazer beam to 1st. Tejada's a dumbass though, he dives into first, if he keeps running he's got a shot at breaking up Buchholz's no-no.

UPDATE: no hits through 8...

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An interesting footnote to Buchholz's no-hitter is the Sox have imposed rules on him similar to the Joba Rules. They had him at a 120 pitch limit. He ended up at 115, but Theo said they would have pulled him even if there was one out to go.

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Brutal showing today against good pitching today by the Yanks, but at least they'll have a clear fall like the Braves.

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They'll be ok, they lost against Seattle's only good pitcher. Probably win the next two against Ramirez and Washburn. Then it's off to KC :D

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Clemens is getting a cortizone shot, so he'll be fine after missing one start. MRI showed inflamation, not structural damage. Interesting article I read by a Yanks blogger, there've been somewhere around 20 (he listed them all, can't remember any names which also is saying something) rookies who've thrown a no hitter. Not a single one of them even a HOF consideration. Not to throw HOF in so early, just thought it was interesting, plus the huge number of rookies who've thrown no hitters.

Now I'm just wondering if the Yanks have a "rally squirrel" on their hands

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  willc7786 said:

the huge number of rookies who've thrown no hitters.

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buchholz was the 21st rookie to throw a no-hitter. only one guy has pitched a no-hitter in his first career start (buchholz did it in his 2nd), bobo holman did it at age 26(Buchholz was 22). 21 is not a huge number when you consider that there have been 255 no-hitters in the history of major league baseball.

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  Dean_ said:

Anyone here watch the Phillies and Braves game today ? It was a very nice comeback win by the Braves.

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Yeah, Myers has no business being a closer. The Phillies pretty much showed they don't REALLY want to win. They made their best or at worst second best starter their Closer, where he then hurt his arm, and they put him right back out there. He's throwing slower than he did as a starter, and that's the first time I've seen that.

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