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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2007 MLB Thread

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so is everyone in agreement that the division 'race' is over now? The Yanks needed a sweep this weekend to really make it interesting. I'm happy with just getting to the playoffs after the way the Yankees started the season, but catching the Sox would have been awesome. They'll almost definitely (depending on if the Yanks can actually beat the Angels) meet in the ALCS yet again, in what should be a great series.

And I really really hate TB... if only they could have held on to those two games at the beginning of last week, things would be realllllllly interesting in the division race.

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Jeremy Reed, overrated CF prospect who couldn't hit enough to make up for his defense.

Ah, that makes more sense. I thought you were referring to a Sox prospect, and couldn't understand why you were comparing Jacoby to a slow second baseman.

Regarding last night, given the circumstances, teams and particular players, that was a great game.

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Tonight did pretty much seal up the playoffs.

I wonder what all the Yankee haters, who were like pigs in crap earlier this year, currently have in their heads.

Especially if they're fans of non-playoff teams.

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Same thing as back when: Their pitching is horrible and can't carry them. How sad is it that making the playoffs, WC or not, is now something to justify the Yankees' season. I remember when it was a ring or bust.

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Well, as of today, they play Cleveland in the first round. If that's the case then they're making the world series.

Only team I feel they would have a problem with is the Angels. And even the Angels have had problems lately.

The Yankees will probably go into the playoffs with Roger/Pettitte/Wang/whoever finishes the season the best out of Hughes/Mussina/Kennedy as the rotation. Really, no other playoff teams in the AL are that equiped, and the most serious threat in the NL(Philadelphia) doesn't have a playoff spot.

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I have to give you credit for optimism not thinking many teams could give them trouble.

The only starter of the three that would scare me is Pettitte because of his experience. Wang had looked good but is looking tired of late so not sure if that's just a rut or something to be looking at. You're also insane to disavow the Sox staff like that because I'd take Beckett/Daisuke over any Yankee combo. Their pen though? Ew.

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Matsuzaka has been completely terrible since the break.

Wang had a bad start against Boston. His previous 5 starts went like this,

6ip 3er 6k 2bb against Detroit

8ip 1er 6k 2bb at Detroit

7ip 0er 4bb 5k against Boston

7.1ip 1er 3bb 1k against Seattle

7ip 3er 4bb 4k against KC

and the 5.2ip 5er 3bb 3k at Boston

Now, Matsuzaka over the same span,

6ip 6er 3bb 5k against Tampa Bay

6ip 2er 4bb 8k at Tampa Bay

6.1ip 5er 3bb 2k at NYY

5.1ip 7er 1bb 3k against Toronto

2.2ip 8er 3bb 2k at Baltimore

5.2ip 2er 5bb 7k against NYY

And then you add in that Wakefield's been terrible, Lester isn't that good, Schilling's been touch and go.

The pitching staffs are going in opposite directions. Hughes has won his last two starts, Kennedy has a sub-2era in three starts, even Mussina had a good start while Roger just came back and threw a gem in Boston.

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I wouldn't ever count Wakefield in anything other than a spot relief appearance. I will never get people, let alone Sox fans, thinking he's decent. From back in the 90s all he's been in October is BP.

I gotta say though, I don't think the Yankees staff holds up. Plus what's going to become of the Joba rules when they need him to be mid-90s Rivera?

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I think there's no doubt that the Joba rules get lifted for the playoffs. That's why they're so etched in stone now, so come playoff time he won't have been over used.

I think its pretty much guaranteed that it'll be Yanks/Sox in the ALCS, with pitching match ups being Wang-Pettite-Clemens-(most likely)Mussina again Beckett-Schilling-DiceK-Wakefield. The first half of that slightly favors Boston, while the second half strongly favors the Yankees. Not to mention, the Yanks have crushed the Boston bullpen. The Yanks bullpen suddenly has turned tremendous, and if Farnsworth can go back to the way he was a week and a half ago before he sat out, they're unbelievable dangerous. Out of the pen you'd have Ramirez, Farnsworth, Vizcaino, Chamberlain, leading to Mariano (who apparently got hit by a Gagne pitch warming up before sundays outting). I'll take that bullpen any day.

And its still ring or bust for the Yanks, but after such a crappy first half of the season, getting to the playoffs is a nice surprise. You have to figure that Joes job rests on getting to the WS at least

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And then you add in that Wakefield's been terrible, Lester isn't that good, Schilling's been touch and go.

The pitching staffs are going in opposite directions. Hughes has won his last two starts, Kennedy has a sub-2era in three starts, even Mussina had a good start while Roger just came back and threw a gem in Boston.

You know what I love about you, Mik? You don't let facts get in the way!

Lester is 4-0 and given up two runs or less in three of his last five starts. But he's not that good. On the other hand, Hughes has won his last two starts, and is a product of the Yankee farm system. Thus, he's really good.

Personally, I'd classify them both as young pitchers with good potential.

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And then you add in that Wakefield's been terrible, Lester isn't that good, Schilling's been touch and go.

The pitching staffs are going in opposite directions. Hughes has won his last two starts, Kennedy has a sub-2era in three starts, even Mussina had a good start while Roger just came back and threw a gem in Boston.

You know what I love about you, Mik? You don't let facts get in the way!

Lester is 4-0 and given up two runs or less in three of his last five starts. But he's not that good. On the other hand, Hughes has won his last two starts, and is a product of the Yankee farm system. Thus, he's really good.

Personally, I'd classify them both as young pitchers with good potential.

Lester just got beat up on by Tampa after having back to back good starts against Baltimore. Other than that he's been spotty at best.

The difference between him and Hughes is this though, other than Phil's high ceiling while Lester's is a 4-5, is that Phil probably won't be in the postseason rotation. Lester's probably the third best starter the Red Sox have right now.

Call me crazy but I'm not a huge fan of a guy with a 1.50whip, doesn't strike guys out, and sports a higher ERA than Hughes.

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I think he has to be given a slight mulligan for missing around 125 games to cancer recovery, especially since this was supposed to be his first full season in the majors. For argument's sake, let's give him the 8-8 that Tavarez had filling in for him this year. That would give Lester a 12-8 record to go along with his 7-2 last year, which is pretty good for a 23-year-old and is much better than most teams' 4-5 starters.

His problem is he gets his pitch counts up. When he learns how to go deeper into games, his ceiling is a 2-3.

Also, I don't think too many Sox fans would consider Lester to be better than our fourth best starter right now. I'm sure you're suggesting he's pitching better than Dice-K, but the Sox have said they are going to get Dice-K more days of rest to head into the playoffs.

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Record is the worst way to show value of a pitcher, it's a team stat. Lester is 11-2 for his career, with a 96+era. He was 7-2 last year with a 1.648whip and a 4.76era.

Until he went back to the minors this year he was a below average pitcher at every level above A ball. His h/9, bb/9, hr/9 all went up while his k/9 went down as he went up every level.

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In Lester's case, record is a good indicator, because he has a habit of creating his own jams, yet escaping them. That's why he's had a winning record with such a high WHIP. As he matures, he should become economical/efficient. Again, this is effectively an extension of his rookie year.

He pitched well again tonight, although he walked four. Unfortunately, Gagne once again paid off his debt to the Yankees <_< , so the lead is now 2.5.

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It's starting to feel like 05, even down to the Yankees playing Baltimore and the Red Sox playing Toronto. In 05 the Jays took three of four then came down here and got swept by the Yankees.

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Wow Melky. Through six innings, 0-4 0rbi. Final line, 3-7 5rbi game-saving outfield assist.

ARod also coming up huge today.

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