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2007 MLB Thread

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  trevor13478 said:

redsox win. 2007 world champions.

proving once again that the national league is a complete joke...

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No ... I would rather think a 150 million payroll should beat a 50 million one.

That and the Sox are in fact a VERY good team.

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  LkptTiger said:

Ugh. Girls in pink hats. More girls in pink hats.

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I don't quite understand people getting uptight about the pink hats. I understand some think that these are a sign of Josephina Come Lately fans, but I don't see it that way. To be sure, even I said to my wife back in 2004-2005 that I was getting a bit bummed by all the people who started wearing their Sox caps after we finally won. However, I don't remember there ever being pink hats until after 2004, and it's probably fair to say that woman likely would have worn the hats prior to 2004. What would you expect them to wear....cammo?

Certainly, I tried to buy pink hats for my daughters when we went to Camden Yards in September, but they were sold out in kids' sizes. It wouldn't matter if it said "Red Sox" or "John Deere" -- if the color is pink, my girls would pick it first.

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  mack said:

He'll go to someplace with money, that's the sure thing. What was the rumoured extension? Something like 5 years at ~$25 mil per? Insane.

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I was hearing and have read a few articles that were getting at him wanting around 8 years - $240-$250 million making it $30 million+ a year. Ridiculous and yes insane.

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  ponty said:
  trevor13478 said:

redsox win. 2007 world champions.

proving once again that the national league is a complete joke...

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No ... I would rather think a 150 million payroll should beat a 50 million one.

That and the Sox are in fact a VERY good team.

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I think you both are right. I think the AL is deeper overall than the NL, yet I believe a major reason for this is 7 of the top 10 payrolls are in the AL.

  D-MaN88 said:
  mack said:

He'll go to someplace with money, that's the sure thing. What was the rumoured extension? Something like 5 years at ~$25 mil per? Insane.

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I was hearing and have read a few articles that were getting at him wanting around 8 years - $240-$250 million making it $30 million+ a year. Ridiculous and yes insane.

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I have no problem with the Red Sox picking up A-Rod, but I would think they are idiots if they tied up that type of money for four years, let alone eight.

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you can quote me on this: I, DCott, will cease to be a Red Sox fan, and will seriously consider moving out of Boston, if Alex Rodriguez signs with the Red Sox.

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  mack said:

8 would be absolutely horrible but 4 wouldn't be that bad. Overpriced, yes, but he'll still be in his prime.

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Here's a great one that a customer told me this week. He said Matt Holliday's contract if up after next season, and his agent is Scott Boras. Supposedly, Boras told the Rockies that it will take a 12-year deal to sign the soon-to-be-28-year-old; however, he'd consider signing for only six years, but it would take a 25% premium over market value to sign him.

Man, I hate Boras....

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  DCott said:

you can quote me on this: I, DCott, will cease to be a Red Sox fan, and will seriously consider moving out of Boston, if Alex Rodriguez signs with the Red Sox.

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I don't have a problem with the Sox signing A-Rod, although he's too fake for my liking and the money he's asking could pay for three very good players. Still, 40+ homers and 115+ RBI's is a lot of production.

I understand he's had postseason failures, but he's never hung out with a team that knows how to win it all..... ;)

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  SalmingUSA said:

I don't have a problem with the Sox signing A-Rod, although he's too fake for my liking and the money he's asking could pay for three very good players. Still, 40+ homers and 115+ RBI's is a lot of production.

I understand he's had postseason failures, but he's never hung out with a team that knows how to win it all..... ;)

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Mike Lowell will be had this offseason for maybe 12.5 mil max and had 120 RBIs this season. I know he's aging, but I would prefer him to be on the team than that mercenary A-Rod.

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Whaa? Who the fuck are these guys, mack? And who the fuck is going to play SS?

*individual (you figure it out) springs to mind*

Oh, dear Lord Jesus, no...

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  sabre09923 said:

Mike Lowell will be had this offseason for maybe 12.5 mil max and had 120 RBIs this season. I know he's aging, but I would prefer him to be on the team than that mercenary A-Rod.

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I like Lowell and his personality better. As well, I think the $25 to $30 million that A-Rod wants is crazy.

I'd rather have Lowell for two years plus an option (if possible), particularly at the tax bracket he'd be in. However, I don't think A-Rod would bring about the demise of the Sox that some people are predicting. If they could sign him for $15 to $18 million, he would probably be worth it, but I know it will never be close to that.

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Lkpt it's pretty much back to rebuilding like in '05 but this time around it won't work. Maybe they'll spend some money and get A-Rod this time around, ironically after passing on dealing Andruw for him the first time.

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They've been rebuilding since Glavine and Maddux left. It might not have been THAT long ago, but I'm young and impatient. After Michigan dropped its first two games, given the Cowboys ultimately have no chance against New England (should it even come to that) and now that the Devils suck, my life as a sports fan just feels empty.

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  SalmingUSA said:

I like Lowell and his personality better. As well, I think the $25 to $30 million that A-Rod wants is crazy.

I'd rather have Lowell for two years plus an option (if possible), particularly at the tax bracket he'd be in. However, I don't think A-Rod would bring about the demise of the Sox that some people are predicting. If they could sign him for $15 to $18 million, he would probably be worth it, but I know it will never be close to that.

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Reports are that Boras is looking for 12 years, $360M. He turned down a 5 year, $150M extension from the Yankees, so I think something around 8 years, $250M is probably doable.

And I would guess that if the Sox were to sign him, they'd play him at short and then use Manny's money when they opt out of his contract next year to pay for part of it.

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Interesting blurb from today's Globe about the Series' TV ratings:

Fox's national TV ratings were the second-lowest ever measured for a World Series, an average of 10.6 that was ahead of only the 10.1 in 2006 for the St. Louis Cardinals' five-game win over the Detroit Tigers.....The series did get huge ratings in the Boston area. On average, more than half of all households and more than 70 percent of homes with the TV on were tuned in. When the Red Sox clinched the championship after midnight, 87 percent of households in the Boston area with the TV on were tuned into the game.

I'm sure the sweep didn't help the numbers, just as I'm sure too few people understood how magical the Rockies' season had been. However, the Red Sox are easily the second most popular team in baseball, with fans spread throughout the country, so the numbers would probably have been less if the Indians were the other participant.

I doubt the networks look at it this way but, in some ways, it explains the Stanley Cup's ratings sinking. Outside of the Super Bowl, the other three major sports are drawing less viewers.

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