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2007 MLB Thread

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  mik3 said:

Division lead by the all-star break? Quite the possibility.

Playoff spot by next week? Why not.

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fastforward 12 days (almost twice the proposed time i might add) and we still find the yankees getting one hit in a 7-0 shmucking at the mercy of the Oakland A's. new york is still playing sub-500 ball, trailing the redsox by 11.5 games, 3rd in the division and 8 games out of the wildcard race (6th). at the rate they're going, you may want to lower your expectations a bit mik3. just a suggestion...

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Leave it to the post to screw up fashion as well. Damn, I thought she was cool for a second there.

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Damn impressive and I like how he wanted to try and finish it. Still though, I see zero chance at a playoff spot unless they pull some blockbuster deal out of their ass again.

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Actually the worst part is that its not a FCUK shirt. Thats what a lot of people figured. Its this company "Chrome (something)". Its in a article in newsday if you go to newsday.com... it literally does say "f*** you". Brilliant thing to wear to your husbands place of work

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  mack said:

Damn impressive and I like how he wanted to try and finish it. Still though, I see zero chance at a playoff spot unless they pull some blockbuster deal out of their ass again.

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The division, maybe. The wild card isn't a tough hill to climb at all.

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The only reason I'd hold off on that is just because I'm waiting to see what Chicago does with a possible fire sale. I'd still say Detroit gets it because they're not even healthy and are still playing good ball. Then again, they're still Detroit.

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Who do they not have though? Zumaya? Zumaya will only be back for about three weeks anyway, and other than throwing 100mph he doesn't do much.

Their entire offense is playing WAY above their heads, and their pitching stats are worse than NY's.

Also! Phil Hughes pitches monday for Tampa, then the next weekend for Trenton, then the next time the Yankees need a 5 he'll be in NY.

07's pre-season #1 pitching prospect will be back and the guy who's possibly 08's #1 is tearing it up in Trenton.

It's great going from a pretty garbage organization for a while to being the #1 pitching organization and the #4 overall. Currently there's probably three guys who are within a year and a half of being major league pitchers and they're all guys with #1-#2 ceilings.

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Damn, Sheff was just suspended. I guess they're set, but still I think Detroit would top the Yankees. Even then, the West is a crapshoot and with Harden coming back and Blanton being lights out the way he is it'll be tough. Granted they still can't hit, but pitching will always win.

I just don't see the Yankees doing it this year but if their young pitching is good, then in the future they should be okay. Problem with that is they may do something stupid like give up on some of that youth to get someone like Buehrle in a panic move.

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Nah, Cash already said Horne/Chamberlain/Kennedy/Hughes/Betances/Whelan aren't getting moved.

Buehrle's about to sign an extension anyway.

you can buy hitting, you don't buy good young pitching.

Trenton right now has a pitching staff that might be better than a few major league teams.

Alan Horne - 8-3 2.31 93.2ip 88h 24er 2hr 26bb 106k 1.53 go/ao

Jeff Marquez - 8-5 3.29 93ip 97h 34er 6hr 28bb 55k 1.34 go/ao

Ian Kennedy - 10-2 1.63 94ip 58h 17er 3hr 33bb 111k .77 go/ao

Joba Chamberlain - 7-1 2.26 67.2ip 45h 17er 1hr 22bb 99k 1.60go/ao

Joba's especially sick 'cause he missed a month with a leg injury.

The Yankees have had the most difficult schedule up to now based on opponent winning percentage and all. They haven't really had to play the bulk of their Tampa/Baltimore/Toronto games yet.

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That may be, but come later on near the deadline, say the Yankees are near a playoff spot do you think Steinbrenner's not going to try and do what he can to get in? One since he'll do just about anything to win and also because he looks like death's got him on hold.

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I don't think so. There won't be players available who are even worth any of Dellin/Joba/Kennedy/Horne.

Tex is hurt, and his road splits are terrible. Cincy wants a major league front end starter, major league infielder, and high prospect for Dunn.

If anything they might trade a guy like Marquez for someone like Hatteberg. But Phillips has been hitting decent and Miranda is hitting well in the minors also.

Also, everyone, don't believe the Ellsbury hype. I don't get how this guy became talked about as a top prospect. He's a no-hit all-glove CFer with speed but limited baserunning ability. Every team pretty much has one of these guys. He hasn't even put up numbers to Melky Cabrera's ability in the minors.

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You might want to check your facts on Ellsbury.. He started the season batting .452 at AA, so they moved him up to Pawtucket. My memory is he started slowly the first week, then began hitting over .300. From the day he was drafted, all comparisons have been he's a Damon clone.

By the way, other than scoring from second on a wild pitch, I haven't seen a lot of hype on the guy, although maybe they're hyping him on WEEI. I think most people realize he needs to play every day, so he'll likely go back to the minors. Of course, it's possible that theey want to see whether he can play well enough to replace Crisp, in which case they might package Crisp with someone else to get a pitcher.

Regarding the Yankees, I said it earlier, but they have to figure how to consistently motivate themselves to beat teams other than the Sox. It seemed like they had finally turned it around on their win streak, but in retrospect, they also hit a lot of teams are the right time: Pittsburgh, slumping White Sox. Without a major trade, I don't think the Wild Card is going to be quite so easy as you do.

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Ellsbury pretty much compares to a poor man's Juan Pierre.

And a 23 year old doing great in AA isn't a lot to write home about. Moss is the main position prospect that sox fans should be talking about, maybe Lowrie. Ellsbury pretty much projects to a 4th OFer.

Last year he pretty much went through the sox system on name alone 'cause he hit .299 in A+ as a 22 year old.

The Yankees pretty much have two of the same exact player at AA right now in Gardner and Curtis. But it's probably not fair to compare a top 5 organization against one that's about 18th or 19th.

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That's funny that you say that about Ellsbury and Juan Pierre. One of my buddies keeps bringing up he wants Juan Pierre. Two years ago, I would have agreed and much rather have had Pierre than Damon, but Pierre's productivity has dropped the past two seasons.

You must know something about Ellsbury that the brass doesn't, because there's no doubt they consider Ellsbury the cream of the system.

Last, I have no idea whether the Yankees' system skyrocketed this year, but your facts are off about Sox's ranking. I found Baseball America's 2006 Rankings online, but I can't find 2007. My memory, however, is an article in preseason stated the Sox had improved from 8th place in the rankings -- I believe to Top 5.

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I think some of the prospects will eventually be traded. With Wang/Hughes, there'll only be 3 spots in the rotation for years. And there's at least 7 guys in the minors who in the next two or three years that can legit compete for spots. So even if two or three of them go to the bullpen, you'll have a ton of guys left over thats trade able. I actually think that every call up we've had this year besides Hughes would be good to trade, because the other guys are better then those guys that have pitched in the bigs so far this year

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BA Ranked the red sox as #21 before this year. Only three players in the top 100. One was Ellsbury, but Moss has outproduced him by so much.

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Do you have a link to that, because it doesn't make much sense -- or square with my memory.

The Sox were ranked 8 going into 2006, then BA ranked their 2006 draft as the best in baseball:

"Further evidence that the Red Sox’ commitment to drafting and developing their own players is not just eyewash, as Jimy Williams would say, comes this week in Baseball America, the trade publication that pronounced that the Sox had the best amateur draft of the 30 major league teams this June.

“After depleting their system through call-ups and trades, the Red Sox took a big step toward restocking it with this draft,” Baseball America wrote. “They addressed their biggest shortcoming (home run power) while also adding athletes and power arms.”

I understand Pedroia made it to the majors, but that wasn't a sure thing prior to this season, so it doesn't make sense the BA would downgrade a team that they thought had the best draft.

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Because, a good draft only adds guys to low-A ball/short season ball.

And the 21st ranking is with Pedroia as a prospect, not graduated. Lester's counted as graduated but he wasn't a top 100 prospect anyway. They really have nobody worth much that can get called up this year and be an impact type player. Maybe Buchholz, but even that's a stretch.

Their top 100 guys were Buchholz, Ellsbury, and Bowden.

You need a premium BA account to get organizational ratings. It's funny though that Theo wouldn't trade DelCarmen and Hansen for Abreu, then signed Drew to that outrageous deal. But I mean, Hansen was the next premiere closer in baseball if you read the Boston Herald after the 2005 draft.

The Yankees have had amazing drafts since 04, but it's only shown in the ratings this year.

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actually the redsox have players in 2007's top prospects,

9matsuzaka, ellsbury, bard, bowden, buchholz)including the #1 so i donno where you're seeing that they only have three. by the way, the yankees only have 5 themselves.

also, it's not just prospects that matter, the young players that you have contributing at the major league level are just as important if not moreso than anybody's rankings. the redsox currently have 8 players on their roster born in the 80's, whereas the yankees have a mere 5.

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Yeah, Matsuzaka's a prospect......

And Bard's terrible, he was ranked before throwing more than 40 pro innings.

His line on the year so far is.... 35.2ip 36h 41bb 22hr In low A

Meanwhile the Yankees have two guys that are probably going to be top 10 prospects next year, if not three. Then you count guys like Austin Jackson, Francisco Cervelli, Damon Sublett, and Marcos Vechionacci.

There's a reason why one of these teams is top five and the other's over 20.

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