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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ever Drop your gloves against a teammate?

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About 5 of my friends/teammates (from my league team) will be at pickup with me, and we usually split up, so we can play against each other. When things wind down, we'll tussle a little bit, just with grappling and trying to knock the other person off balance.

One night though, my D-man was playing on white, and i was on dark. As usual, once things started winding down, we started with the "love" taps, and finally agreed to go. I asked if he wanted to go for real. It's not that i was pissed, i just kinda felt like it. He replied "semi-real", and we tangled. As I was trying to figure out what "Semi-Real" actually meant, he got his arm free for a sec and landed a couple jabs....at which point i raised my defcon level to "Definitely Real". :)

I don't want to mislead; we weren't throwing as hard we could. It was a little more than "Just-enough-to-make-contact", but no where close to vicious.

It was a good one. We started off righty, switched to lefty, and back to righty. He landed a few more punches than I did, but mine were higher quality. In the end, he did end up bloody, which we couldn't figure out, because as much as I'd like to say my fists are iron, that's not really true and I don't think I could have cut him. Here's his pic afterwards:


After some thought and investigation, I suggested that the cuts came from my elbow pad, which had slid down my arm and been on fist for a few shots before I shook it off. There is a very small section where the hard plastic is exposed, and I think that is what did the damage.

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WoW! A PeeWee kid? Comeon its hockey not UFC here I'm a referee and if i took a shot at every PeeWee hotshot that swore at me I'd be in jail for life. that's just not what its about.

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I guess I should elaborate a little more.. I kinda look like a goon.

-He was swearing at everybody, new or not.. you dont need to scream those kinds of things to your mates on the ice.

-We told him to stop several times. He just returned with a very polite "fuck off".

-We were trying to wing the new guys (I never took it all the way down the ice, I would try to get it to the new guys to make sure they had a good time).. its hard when this asshole would get his shoulder into the greenies and poke check them as soon as they got the puck

-I wasn't planning on fighting him till he came after me, I asked him to play his game down a little for the new kids and he decicided to take his agressions out on me reminding me that this was OPEN dropin.. not beginners or advanced. After he started pushing around one of my TEAM teammates, I went in to put an end to it and ended up getting into a little scuffle while trying to cool down my TEAM teammate. He shoved me away with his stick and continued with his language. I admit that I have a short fuse, but it was spent much eariler in the game and my patience was wearing thin too.

-after a few more words were exchanged and he took a swing with his stick at one of the NEW KIDS who were just trying to talk everybody down I had had it.

I think I was in the right for doing what I did.. if you disagree, im sorry.

That makes for sense, now that you explained the situation. I hate it when those type of players won't take a hint. Even when you tell them to calm down, they keep doing stupid stuff. That sucks that someone screws up a fun drop in session for everyone else.

The only time I have seen a team fight was when I was playing high school hockey. It was my second season and I was playing on the JV team. The Varsity goalie was playing for us and was doing a terrible job. The JV coach pulled him and put in the backup JV goalie. The Varsity goalie came to the bench, told the coach to f*#% off, then threw his helmet at him. About half the team tried to fight him, but the coach stepped in and stopped it. The goalie got sent to the locker room. Fortunately it happened on the bench so we didin't get any penalties.

I agree. Your actions are a lot more understandable now than what your initial post sounded like. Sounds like you were sticking up for some guys, especially beginners. I still prefer non-violent approaches, but I definitely take back the the 'moronic'.

Thank you.

I never intended for this thread to turn into a a fight-story thread.. I honestly just wanted to know if anybody has ever gotten into a fight with somebody on their team. Another college team here, BYU got in a locker room fight and somebody ended up losing a finger when somebody who was trying to break it up stepped on one of the teammates hands.. A few players were kicked off the team (but then later let back on when the coaching staff changed).

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BK I'm surprised you had any gas left to go after 3-on-3.

But to answer the question, I've been yelled at and I've yelled at guys on my team but I've never seen anyone go to blows on the same team. I was playing a team once an there was a lot of yelling on the bench and then all of a sudden one guy throws his helmet down, more yelling then the helmet thrower walks away to the locker room. I guess he just got kicked off the team or something, it was odd.

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Closest I came was when I hit a defenseman in the head with a puck at high school practice. It was a continuous break-out-passing-come-in-and-shoot drill. I shot backhand toward the far side of the net as he was passing behind. I missed by a couple of inches, but a few feet behind the net and a few degrees off goes pretty wide. It was a flat saucer, pretty solid but about as hard as a crisp pass. It was perfect. Hit him smack in the middle of the side of the head. I was actually laughing my ass off about it but he tried to come at me when I was standing by the penalty box. Which made it funnier.

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WoW! A PeeWee kid? Comeon its hockey not UFC here I'm a referee and if i took a shot at every PeeWee hotshot that swore at me I'd be in jail for life. that's just not what its about.

well when your dealing with the rink manager's son, and she thinks that he is god's gift to hockey and gives him the idea he is the next sidney crosby, YES he does have it coming. especially when i get new vapor 30 gloves and he says i'm not good enough to play in those gloves... well his little pewee butt needs to know that i'm gonna wear what ever i have mind to spend money on.

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it happened a couple of times last season on my team. they were bad, but at the end of the day everyone was still pretty good friends (some became even better friends). but i personally havent.

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Our team often had disagreements, but since its a women's team we ususally just talk about each other behind their backs.


One of our teammates got in a scuffle with our girls team (the blades) and got his ass kicked..

But what can you do? You fight back and your a coward.. you dont fight and get your ass kicked you're going to take flack for the rest of your life for being the "guy who got beat up by a girl".

Honestly though, I would never want to fight some of the players on our girls team.. girls fight differently and I like my jewels in tact. :P

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WoW! A PeeWee kid? Comeon its hockey not UFC here I'm a referee and if i took a shot at every PeeWee hotshot that swore at me I'd be in jail for life. that's just not what its about.

well when your dealing with the rink manager's son, and she thinks that he is god's gift to hockey and gives him the idea he is the next sidney crosby, YES he does have it coming. especially when i get new vapor 30 gloves and he says i'm not good enough to play in those gloves... well his little pewee butt needs to know that i'm gonna wear what ever i have mind to spend money on.

Unlike badkitty's explanation, your reasons for smacking an 8-year old's head into the glass are just getting dumber and dumber. How old are you?

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Our team often had disagreements, but since its a women's team we ususally just talk about each other behind their backs.


One of our teammates got in a scuffle with our girls team (the blades) and got his ass kicked..

But what can you do? You fight back and your a coward.. you dont fight and get your ass kicked you're going to take flack for the rest of your life for being the "guy who got beat up by a girl".

Honestly though, I would never want to fight some of the players on our girls team.. girls fight differently and I like my jewels in tact. :P

Girls are just plain mean. There was a fight against one of the other teams and the first thing the girl that was taking on one of our girls was grab her hair. The she started b!tch smacking.

It wasn't pretty. We were going to provincials so our girl just dropped and held onto her gloves for dear life and turteled.

She was our leading scorer and didn't want to get a 5 game suspension.

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16 and i play AAA for the JR. Hurricanes so i am much better than him.

Who cares how good you are? Quit being violent to little kids!

I have had to hold myself back from lil kids like that, seriously you did what i would have done if i didnt care about getting kicked out of a club. its usually stuipd and petty whatever they say but it does seem to wind you up more.

Back on topic, i am sad to say that when i play up an age group, there are fights in training, not recently but this season there have been a few. Usually including the same 1 guy, it wastes training as that team only gets 1 a week and we have been kicked off early due to it. Also if just kills team morale, we were definately on course for some playoff action but once there is no team jsut individuals, there go our chances.

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16 and i play AAA for the JR. Hurricanes so i am much better than him.

:o That's pathethic. Any 16 year old who beats up an 8 year old is a pussy. You didn't have the self control at your age to ignore a kid half your age talking trash? That's BS.

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16 and i play AAA for the JR. Hurricanes so i am much better than him.

Your 16 and play AAA, who cares? Your still a toolbag for hitting an 8 year old kid who "had it coming to him".

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I held a team meeting where I threw one of our players against a wall and yelled at him. That's about as close as I've came.

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16 and i play AAA for the JR. Hurricanes so i am much better than him.

That's quite disgraceful, not matter what the situation. I played in camps with kids about their age and I just show them how they're not as good as me by telling them to come bodycheck me and all you have to do is just nudge them over with one arm.

Just take it easy next time though. Kids are meant to be arrogant by thinking they're the best - it's all part of being a kid.

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well i know alot of you have kids (probably) and you wouldn't want me hitting them like i hit this dude and i respect that... i just posted for your amusement, you don't have to go all psycho on me or anythiing.

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16 and i play AAA for the JR. Hurricanes so i am much better than him.

I'm really not surprised your name is domileafs... You're just like domi, eh? You have no right to beat up an 8 year old. I'm gonna laugh in 15-20 years when that same kid finds you playing drop in and he will beat you to every loose puck, and put you on your @$$. You may be a better hockey player than him (now), but you sure as hell aren't a better person, even if he was a brat.

EDIT: And you just posted it for amusement? WOW. I don't think hitting an 8 year old is funny, under any circumstance. And I'm sure that no one else would think it's funny either.

Now let's just drop it and let's get back to dropping the gloves with teammates, not with 8 year olds.

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16 and i play AAA for the JR. Hurricanes so i am much better than him.

Hate to burst your bubble kid, but playing AAA hockey in NC doesn't make you all that good period.

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Yeah I would usually fight with a guy on my team after a hard practice. He is a loud guy, about 6'6" and he knows and everyone knows that he is kinda the abnoxious guy on the team, he just fits that role I guess.

He and I usually tussle after practice just to relieve some of the pressure that he builds up because of his attitude during practice. I dunno, I guess I'm doing him a favour by kinda loosening up the atmosphere before we head back into the dressing room. Usually I get in his face about something (we do that on our team) and it will escalate from there, some punches and trying to get a jersey over his head etc. I've landed a few good hits, he's never hit me squarely (and it's a good thing too, he's a big boy and he could make it hurt) and we've both come away bleeding every once in a while.

I think fighting with your teammates is good at certain times. You can still be friends. A classic case is that scene from "Miracle"

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16 and i play AAA for the JR. Hurricanes so i am much better than him.

Who cares how good you are? Quit being violent to little kids!

I have had to hold myself back from lil kids like that, seriously you did what i would have done if i didnt care about getting kicked out of a club. its usually stuipd and petty whatever they say but it does seem to wind you up more.

Back on topic, i am sad to say that when i play up an age group, there are fights in training, not recently but this season there have been a few. Usually including the same 1 guy, it wastes training as that team only gets 1 a week and we have been kicked off early due to it. Also if just kills team morale, we were definately on course for some playoff action but once there is no team jsut individuals, there go our chances.


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