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Players changing sticks

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if it comes down to the wire, you really don't want to be worrying about your equipment. As a pro, that's the last thing you want on the back of your mind. I can imagine a guy like Pronger doesn't want to really worry about a 7k stick exploding when he's letting a clapper go from the point so i guess he feels more secure with the warrior. I guess if these little things bother you that much, it can throw you off your game and i know a lot of players are quite superstitious when it comes to gear.

Not to mention Prongers qoute " I shot like 20 miles and hour faster with this stick"

and in fact with most people it is true. We had our test day the other day and the guy with the hardest shot used every stick there XXX Vector10 RBK Easton Mission and the hardest he could do was 80 or so with a Vector i belive then he used the Warrior Mac Daddy and hit a 93. And this guy play mens league. I think that says it all. (He did play a high level hockey in his hay day though)

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Shanny switched because he ran out of his Easton aluminum shafts.

Actually he didnt they made him a 1000 shafts that are still available to him.

Yes, they made him 1000 shafts but how many years ago was that? IIRC, Shanahan would only use an aluminum shaft for 3 shots because of the torque he put on them would cause them to be too warped to be accurate after that point. Now, think of how many shots he would take in any given season during games and practices. It is quite conceivable that he could have burned through the supply made for him by Easton as it has been quite a few years since Easton sold aluminium shafts.

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Actually he didnt they made him a 1000 shafts that are still available to him. They had made them before destryoing the mold. The other post about his contract running out and him able to try other things and liking them is the correct statement.

Molds aren't used for aluminum shafts. They are extruded from a block of aluminum.

You better tell that to the Easton guys as that is what they said at the tech school the other day and for the other post those 1000 were made just before the lockout. So I dont think he has used them all up yet.

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RBK only changes the color on their sticks, and Warrior takes the NHL by storm.....

And what exactly did Warrior do? Change the name and colour? Wow.

I also flat out refuse to believe there is any stick out there than can take your slapshot from 80mph to 93mph.

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You better tell that to the Easton guys as that is what they said at the tech school the other day and for the other post those 1000 were made just before the lockout. So I dont think he has used them all up yet.

Trust me, I know EXACTLY how an aluminum shaft is made.

Easton guys huh? Rep I take it? Hm... :rolleyes:

Ok well seeing as I was running in and out of the room then maybe I missed the part on what part or tools they used but they were destroyed after they were made. And no not just the rep the Pro Tech guy from Calgary and the Canadain Asst Sales manager and the local rep.

So seeing as you KNOW then what ever the parts are that they use to extrude the metal from oh...humm they have a tooled peice the extrude it from oh yah..that would be what was destroyed........anyway he loves the Warrior Stick nothing much more you can say about that?

But hey correct me if i am wrong on this as I said I went in and out of the room setting up the on ice testing.

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RBK only changes the color on their sticks, and Warrior takes the NHL by storm.....

And what exactly did Warrior do? Change the name and colour? Wow.

I also flat out refuse to believe there is any stick out there than can take your slapshot from 80mph to 93mph.

Well then should I have the 40 people that saw it get on here..or just the guy shooting....trust me nobody thought it would happen either..and i did say 80's did I not?? I think he had one other stick he shot an 85 with but the majority was 80 81 82 83 ...but the Warrior went to 93.

So I guess if my guy cant shoot harder with I guess Pronger is full of crap to......I dont know you tell him I sure am not going to be the one to....You know what when I see him in August at the Rookie camp for his team i will tell you said so...where do you live?? I will send him right over....LOL..Just kidding.

And when they were innovative how many guys used them and still had really hard shots?

Brett Hull???Paint has nothing to do with it with out a doubt it is one of the top sticks on the market period.

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Back to the heart of this thread. Guys dont use RBK sticks because they're brutal.

I've talked to a bunch of players and they say they can't stand them.

XXXlite's are getting poor reviews too :unsure:

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Back to the heart of this thread. Guys dont use RBK sticks because they're brutal.

I've talked to a bunch of players and they say they can't stand them.

XXXlite's are getting poor reviews too :unsure:

Thats what I have heard as well in regards to the XXXLites.

Would you agree that when such expensive products ( $160.00 +) regardless of the company is poorly made and word gets out it effects all companies in the industry.

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Back to the heart of this thread.  Guys dont use RBK sticks because they're brutal.

I've talked to a bunch of players and they say they can't stand them.

XXXlite's are getting poor reviews too  :unsure:

Thats what I have heard as well in regards to the XXXLites.

Would you agree that when such expensive products ( $160.00 +) regardless of the company is poorly made and word gets out it effects all companies in the industry.

I think thats an excellent statement. Ask Pierre Mcquire he seems to know everything that is wrong with OPS but hasnt used one and so on....

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RBK only changes the color on their sticks, and Warrior takes the NHL by storm.....

And what exactly did Warrior do? Change the name and colour? Wow.

I also flat out refuse to believe there is any stick out there than can take your slapshot from 80mph to 93mph.

They made themselves more avaliable. That was what they changed. Probably everyone had RBK trying to get them into their sticks. Before, Innovative wasnt doing that to the best of my knowledge.


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