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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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One90 Promos

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Why give away anything if there is already high demand for a product? In all honesty the one90 could be a horrible skate and it would still sell really well. I Don't think that's going to be the case but with the popularity of their skates right now, they don't have to do anything "extra" to sell skates.

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True, but you think mission does?

Yes, they don't have much of a market share or name for their skates.

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True, but you think mission does?

The launch of the One90 is about a week away and they were expecting to sell about 7500 pairs they have orders for over 12000 so you think they would have to give anything to sell that skate....it will be the hottest skate on the market PERIOD.

Thats not to say it might not have faults or that it wont fit everyone but the ones I have had on were pretty damn nice. I think they will be well worth the money!

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In all honesty the one90 could be a horrible skate and it would still sell really well.

If the One90 or any skate were "horrible" it wouldn't sell. The flaws would be quickly exposed right here and the product would die. However, as more and more LHS have received the new NBH gloves and more guys are trying them on, it is interesting to read the positive comments on fit and design from guys. Just six months ago a lot of guys yakked at the sight of the gloves but now are finding the reality of the glove much different than the perception. The same thing will happen with the One90 skates once they are in the marketplace. They won't fit everyone as Oldtrainerguy mentioned, one player couldn't adjust, but for those who do they will be satisfied. The production/order numbers are close to what I have heard. Will you be one of the 4000 or so on the outside looking in?

Why is it that RBK/CCM(not a small company in skate market share) and Mission continue to play this giveaway game? Let your product stand on its own merit.

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In all honesty the one90 could be a horrible skate and it would still sell really well.


Why is it that RBK/CCM(not a small company in skate market share) and Mission continue to play this giveaway game? Let your product stand on its own merit.

I see most promotions in the summer... that explains it to me...

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In all honesty the one90 could be a horrible skate and it would still sell really well.


Why is it that RBK/CCM(not a small company in skate market share) and Mission continue to play this giveaway game? Let your product stand on its own merit.

I see most promotions in the summer... that explains it to me...

Thats a really good point...however it would really only be benefical to the retailer so that being sade maybe they just want there bills payed?

Humm good point to ponder. I can see both sides of this one...

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[Why is it that RBK/CCM(not a small company in skate market share) and Mission continue to play this giveaway game? Let your product stand on its own merit.

DS50 I'm a bit surprised to hear your p.o.v. on this - I would have thought these gift with purchase promos were pretty good for the dealer. While also maintaining the price point and consumer's perceived value on the brand.

It helps move product during a slow season and rewards the customer. Plus, getting a stick in their hands is good...if they like it they'll buy more. And I imagine trial is pretty key for a stick. Wouldn't be too surprised if the promo has actually done more for stick sales down the line than it has for the initial skate sales. (as I don't know margins I might be completely out-to-lunch with this speculation)

The thing I HAVE been wondering about is CCM limiting their offer to platinum dealers only. I know they are taking care of their highest volume dealers...but I've wondered about the other guys' reaction to it; can't imagine it would improve their relationship with CCM.

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[Why is it that RBK/CCM(not a small company in skate market share) and Mission continue to play this giveaway game? Let your product stand on its own merit.

DS50 I'm a bit surprised to hear your p.o.v. on this - I would have thought these gift with purchase promos were pretty good for the dealer. While also maintaining the price point and consumer's perceived value on the brand.

It helps move product during a slow season and rewards the customer. Plus, getting a stick in their hands is good...if they like it they'll buy more. And I imagine trial is pretty key for a stick. Wouldn't be too surprised if the promo has actually done more for stick sales down the line than it has for the initial skate sales. (as I don't know margins I might be completely out-to-lunch with this speculation)

The thing I HAVE been wondering about is CCM limiting their offer to platinum dealers only. I know they are taking care of their highest volume dealers...but I've wondered about the other guys' reaction to it; can't imagine it would improve their relationship with CCM.

As a dealer, I think the promo's are great. First of all, most people can't/won't dish out $400 for a skate, nevermind $600. So, in order to entice them to buy high end, they get a freebee. As a dealer, it helps me to move high-end product that doesn't normally sell fast. Granted, I'm not in a locall like Darkstar where his customers drive up in Beemers, Hummers, and Escalades, and can dump $600 on a skate at a whim and could care less about a freebee. (OK, I'm profiling :D )

Anyway, most of my customers HATE spending more than $200 on a skate. The Vector 6.0 and Bauer XIV are more likely my folks choice. However, when you tell them they can get a free stick and that it basically lowers the price of the top-of-the-line skate to $250 (just $50 more than they were willing to spend), they are more apt to jump on the deal. I sold three this week, just for that reason alone.

A side benefit is when they like the stick, they will tell their teamates, which results in more sales.

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The thing I HAVE been wondering about is CCM limiting their offer to platinum dealers only. I know they are taking care of their highest volume dealers...but I've wondered about the other guys' reaction to it; can't imagine it would improve their relationship with CCM.

You'd think they'd be bending over backwards for dealers after last year.

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How is the promo helping your inventory of CCM OPS? We both know the answer to that question.

Beemers, yes, Hummers and Escalades, no. My shop location has nothing to do with any vendor's marketing plan. And we agree that everybody cares about a freebie! :lol:

HATE is such a strong word. Its not like hockey skates and hockey just recently got expensive. Besides, you can't take it with you. Spend it on your kids!

And that sounds like a good sales hook for you so go for it! :D

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