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Elbow pads

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Whatever you feel comfortable with. I know people who play midget AAA and still use the ones they used way back when. All personal preference.

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Pretty much any high(er) end pad from any of the companies will be fine. Pick what is comfortable for you. I play same level and use nike V-11s. Have had no problems. My current favorites are the new CCM Vectors...Even the 6.0s have decent protection.

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i think the most high end expensive new technology will ONLY work for midget AAA


just playin, whatever feels comfortable and gives you support/protection

i cant really give insight on new elbow pads because i still use Cooper elbow pads...heh

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Pretty much any high(er) end pad from any of the companies will be fine. Pick what is comfortable for you. I play same level and use nike V-11s. Have had no problems. My current favorites are the new CCM Vectors...Even the 6.0s have decent protection.

I just got the 6.0 LE elbows and I really like them, they are extremely protective.

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All you guys are saying you need the most high end expensive elbow pads to play Midget AAA. You don't need all top of the line gear to play at a high level. Pick what you find fits you perfectly, what you get the best production out of, and what offers some protection. If you get good shoulder pads, you don't nessecairly need HIGH END elbows.

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i agree with miike. i played midget aaa in nova scotia last season and i wear some bauer shift elbow pads i got a Source for sports for like $30

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Its all about RBK/Jofa JDP protection B)

yeah, you don't NEED good protection, but when you get slashed on the arm and your elbow shatters, you're going to wish you got a pair of jofas.

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Take a look at the new Mission Fuel 110 elbow pads. They look really protective without sacrificing a lot of mobility. Also, you can't go wrong with RBK/Jofa.

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Just because its AAA doesnt mean you need higher end equitment. Look at guys like Chelios in the NHL wearing 20 year old shoulder pads. Just because its a higher level of hockey doesnt mean you need the highest level equitment. I played with guys who were wearing elbow pads they wore in pee wee, and they worked just fine.

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I would not skimp on elbow pads at all. I had some of the bauer vapor elbows, the 3 piece design, and I fell once and thought I had cracked my elbow. It was tender for a couple months.

I now wear Jofa 9177 elbows. They are the same as the RBK 8K's. They are probably more than I need, but everytime I fall on my elbows now I know I am protected. They are also very light.

Miike - how does the level of shoulder pads have anything to do with what elbow pads you wear?


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Actually Miike i disagree. Sure you don't NEED the highest end but you really should make the investment for many reasons. If you are paying that much to play and are playing at that level, or any level for that matter, it sucks to get an injury like that. Sure there are cases with people wearing pads that are too small or have minimal protection but if they get hit hard enough or in the right place, they will regret it.

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Around here you pay the same if your playing B or AAA. I don't have a problem with your opinion nor am i hear to argue it. Just you can get like the 7k elbow pads for say 100$ or the 8k for like $30 more. Whats the difference between the two? Nothing besides a little added piece to the front. If people say top of the line, high end stuff, than sure you goto think yes they need the 10.0 shoudlers, elbows, shins, pants right, but the thing is you can spend like half the price of the top of the line, and get the next step down and get pretty much the same product. But like mentioned before since you stamp a 'AAA' label to yourself for the year, doesn't mean you need to go out and buy the 8k shins, shoulders, pants, gloves, elbows and helmet just so you can say oh i'm safe now from injury, because you're not. You can wear ALL top of the line gear and still get injured, Its a proven fact from the game of hockey is it not?

Btw, prices listed are from my LHS, CDN prices.

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But like mentioned before since you stamp a 'AAA' label to yourself for the year, doesn't mean you need to go out and buy the 8k shins, shoulders, pants, gloves, elbows and helmet just so you can say oh i'm safe now from injury, because you're not. You can wear ALL top of the line gear and still get injured, Its a proven fact from the game of hockey is it not?

Yup good point. I wasn't going as far as say going from a 10.0 pad to an 8.0 or S9 pad to an S7, but more if you were going to consider getting a below-mid-end pad when you are playing highly competative hockey. Fair enough. ;)

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