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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Locker jocks

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Watching all the locker room interviews lately I see the same thing hanging in the middle of every guy's locker stall: his stinky dirty jock and cup. Put that thing under the bench or anywhere but where your head ends up when you are sitting in your stall. I'll never forget taking the Canadiens locker room tour at the Forum during a CCM skate party at the CSGA. Every player's jock is front and center in the stall. Even my wife said "Couldn't they put those someplace else?"

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Its the most important piece of equipment...why would you want to tuck it away somewhere and possibly forget it? its like Gordie Howe always said when asked why he wore a cup and not a helmet...."you can always pay someone to do your thinking for you.."


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Great place for aeration :)

Keeps the annoying reporters away ;)

Maybe Bonds should try this

probably doesn't have much left to protect after all the steroid usage.

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Great place for aeration :)

Keeps the annoying reporters away ;)

Maybe Bonds should try this

probably doesn't have much left to protect after all the steroid usage.

lol yeah...you don't have to air out a protective thimble.

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Great place for aeration :)

Keeps the annoying reporters away ;)

Maybe Bonds should try this

probably doesn't have much left to protect after all the steroid usage.

lol yeah...you don't have to air out a protective thimble.


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Yeah I remember seeing a guy taking pictures after having a tour around the Detroit Red Wings' locker room and stick room. Gotta love Datsyuk's cup - makes me laugh EVERYtime

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Players who forget their cup deserve to get hit in the nuts.

That is why I had to buy one from you guys today after my game. I forgot mine...as washing it and forgot the put it back...so my coach found this one that was in there that was all nast/cut up/black and icky had to use it. Now he is making me bring two cups/jocks to EVERY game I have with him. And it's worse, my secound time EVER forgetting my jock... :(

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On another note, I was playing yesterday and standing up to block a shot from the point. Needless to say, his shot rose and hit dead center on my cup. I have to give credit to Shock Doctor as it worked great.

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Great place for aeration :)

Keeps the annoying reporters away ;)

Maybe Bonds should try this

probably doesn't have much left to protect after all the steroid usage.


thats what i was thinking.

he doesnt wanna show reporters his youth small cup

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Great place for aeration :)

Keeps the annoying reporters away ;)

Maybe Bonds should try this

probably doesn't have much left to protect after all the steroid usage.


thats what i was thinking.

he doesnt wanna show reporters his youth small cup

Dude is an outfielder he doesn't need to wear a cup. You take one in the boys while playing outfield you shouldn't be on the field.

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Can you speak in regular english please? I don't understand what your saying..

I corrected my one misspelling. I hope that makes my post more legible for you.

If not, I recommend English as a second language classes.

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