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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 9K pump skates...bake?

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Yeah went in and tried them on. Can't WAIT until I get paid.

I wear a 9 ladies. The only problem is that they're a little tight around the toebox. They fit perfectly lenght wise and everywhere else. And it's only in one foot.

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You can bake them, just don't pump when you bake them it stretches them out in the ankles, I did that with my 9k's and had some problems at 1st because the ankes on my were really loose and stretched out. I talked to our rep and he said to bake them but not to pump them.

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Go with nylons on or reallt thin socks and just have them heated and then have them ounch out the toe box on that baby toe that is causing the problem.....

You could also try the 5.5 e width with nylons on and they should be pretty close on that bigger foot!

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I actually tried on the 5.5E but it seemed really tight and when I pumped them it seemed to move my foot forward.

I wear the underarmour socks when I skate. I'm definatly going to take them to get them punched.

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You can bake them, just don't pump when you bake them it stretches them out in the ankles, I did that with my 9k's and had some problems at 1st because the ankes on my were really loose and stretched out. I talked to our rep and he said to bake them but not to pump them.

Yah sorry about that you for sure cant pump them when there warm.....!! good point!

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I actually tried on the 5.5E but it seemed really tight and when I pumped them it seemed to move my foot forward.

I wear the underarmour socks when I skate. I'm definatly going to take them to get them punched.

Don't get them punched until you've skated on them a few times.

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I actually tried on the 5.5E but it seemed really tight and when I pumped them it seemed to move my foot forward. 

I wear the underarmour socks when I skate.  I'm definatly going to take them to get them punched.

Don't get them punched until you've skated on them a few times.

Yeah, I'll give them a while. Hopefully the baking will "loosen" them up a bit.

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I actually tried on the 5.5E but it seemed really tight and when I pumped them it seemed to move my foot forward. 

I wear the underarmour socks when I skate.  I'm definatly going to take them to get them punched.

Don't get them punched until you've skated on them a few times.

Yeah, I'll give them a while. Hopefully the baking will "loosen" them up a bit.

Well I would have to say being a lady playing and how typically the ladies foot is wider than most in the toe area a small punch would be very much of a benefit then waiting till you skate a few times. Mind you the heating shoud take care of most of it.

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I actually never had mine baked and after about 3 skates in 'em, they felt awesome. I did have my 8Ks baked and honestly I didn't feel a difference between having those baked and just skating in the 9Ks.

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