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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Domi Leafs Infamous Video

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you mean infamous? What, I get to see you shoot the puck with terrible form? I think Im missing somthing (hope)

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spread out your legs a little bit and stop shooting like you are playing golf.. transfer your weight and keep that stick down, that thing almost goes full rotation on your shots :S

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you mean infamous? What, I get to see you shoot the puck with terrible form? I think Im missing somthing (hope)

i was thinking the form is crappy too.

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i'm not making excuses, but my legs are really sore from tryouts... i wasn't really working on form as much as making a quick video. usually on the ice i'm lower to the ground and i bring the puck a lot further behind me.

i have trouble getting a full reach on a small 3x3 sheet.

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lol... this dude chad at my rink (not chadd on here) kept telling me to bring the puck further back so i brought it way back and shot him in the knee...

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It's okay. We'll work with you.

Spread your feet shoulder width apart. You need to work on your weight transfer. Also, you need to turn your wrists over on the follow-through - always remember, where the toe of the stick ends is where the puck's going.

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dude i am turning my wrists over, its just hard to see... yeah i just started practicing with ice pucks, so it is a little harder. hope it will stop raining so i can go some more.

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dude i am turning my wrists over, its just hard to see... yeah i just started practicing with ice pucks, so it is a little harder. hope it will stop raining so i can go some more.

Your whipping your entire stick up..

Try to keep it about waist level when you shoot. When you shoot bring the stick up and point the toe where you want the puck to go while you twist the blade/stick left. If you start with the puck on your heel and put some whip into it, trying to keep the puck on the blade while you go through your shot, you will notice that your shots will have a lot more velocity and wont look like the golf chipshots in your video.

Im just giving some advice.. we have all been on our first season and we all know where you are coming from.

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These videos are very helpful to see what your form should look like.. Also take note of how he transfers his weight on his shots.



P.s. I am not trying to steal credit, these very helpful videos were done by www.exploratorium.edu. Good site, also has some cool goalie videos about reaction time.

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alrighty, i will work on it tomorrow (really muddy today)

that video cleared some things up for me. i have to open the blade a little bit as i release the puck, then roll over to get lift. my coach said i couldn't open it, apparently he was wrong. in the video i was trying really hard to keep my wrists closed.

i need one of those turd burglers, i would get more practice with it in my neighbor's yard. i should fling all his dog poo against his house so i have a clean yard to shoot in...

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Think u invented a new shot :) Try putting ure hand slightly further down the shaft-- and the shot looks like a partial slap and snap shot merged together. If you gonna keep your weight on your right leg -- then you should be practicing snap shot-- little wind up quick roll of your wrists and flick. And dont lean back and up from the shot -- lean in. And dont open the blade face so much - youl get height like that but no power.

But nice video. Good work for a begginer.

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i'm working on the idea of creating the power with your arms and controlling the lift with the wrist snap. is that wrong??

You really need to use MUCH more than your arms.. Just sitting here and doing a little wristshot in my chair at work, I use a lot of my shoulders, back muscles and... well its too much to list. Remember that the power comes from a good weight transfer.

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This thread could be the greatest thing to happen to my shooting since ever, unless you count skidding a puck miserably along the ice shooting (although I did actually hit the crossbar with a half decent shot at stick and puck last saturday, people probably thought I was crazy but I was grinning like I won the accuracy challenge or something, my first, and as of yet only, decent shot) but I am learning lots here, so keep the tips and pointers coming


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