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whippy sticks

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will a whippier stick, such as the tps whip, give ya harder snap shots or will it slow them right down? i know it helps with the wrist shots but i use snap shots normally

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There's no way to know without trying. I find the 70 flex is way too whippy for me but it does benefit others.

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i used a 100 easton and 95 sherwood this year.

its just that iwas playing around with some of my younger bro's 50flex sticks which are cut down a bit so theyre in the tps whip range, and i was getting some good shots off with it.

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Last practice I broke the blade on my Vapor XV which is a regular 87 flex, so I had to go back to using my old R2 which is whip flex. I immediately noticed that my snap shots were flying pretty hard as I could feel the stick flexing when I shot. I think I was probably even putting too much strength into it, but after a while I got used to it. My slap shot was great from in close as I could just roof it with a hard shot without putting much into it. It took a bit of getting used to again, but if you know how to shoot with a whippy stick it should help you a lot. Just like Hull, using a freaking 65 flex stick. You should be OK with a whip flex, but take in mind that I only play roller hockey, and the puck is a lot lighter.

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I've always found that I can adjust my shot to shoot with any flex. It just depends on how much you lean into your shot, or let your stick shoot for you. For example, if I take a slap shot with a 110 flex Easton I lean into my shots as much as possible and I can really drive them. I also had a TPS Whip Rubber and I should shoot as hard with it as I can with my Z-Bubble, I just wouldn't lean into it as much and I would try to use a movement that had more "flow" to it.

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yea,changing to a whippy stick has done wonders for my all my shots, also i get alot more "zip" on my passes,maybe it was just me but i really benefitted from a whippy stick.

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when i had a whipy stick i couldnt keep my slap shots along the icec but that was a long time ago so i am thinking of going to a regular 87 flex. do all u guys with whippier sticks just use technique and not so much strenght?

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Use both technique and strength. If you want to shoot hard with a whippy shaft, you still use all the muscles you have, you don't hold back because the shaft flexes a lot. You do have to adjust a bit for the flex and twist that do occur.

It still comes down to the person using the stick - whether stiff or flexy - how hard and accurate the shot is. The stick is just the tool.... but some carpenters are better than others.

The stick may just feel better to you, fit your size, or suit your shooting style better.

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its essentially knowing the combination of your strength and shooting style. Im a fairly strong person, 5'10 180 and take snap shots 95% of the time so whippier flexes work the best for me.

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I use a really whippy stick (for me) a 75-Flex Easton Z-Bubble, and I find my slap shots aren't as good as when I was using a 102 flex Bauer Vapor XX, but my wrist shots are a lot better. I guess it's just personal preference.

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