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pants vs. girdles

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I loved my tackla girdle and then went to the tackla pro pants and im switching back to the girdle!!! They are way better buts its also how you feel with it.. Some players like it tight and some players like the loose fit!!! Its all up to you!!!

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Switched from Itech Pants to a Tackla Girdle and am never going back. When I fall, the padding is RIGHT where it's supposed to be, no shifting. I'm WAY more mobile my skating has improved, and bottom line it just feels right.

I still haven't caught a hard shot off of the girdle....I may change my tune after that ; )

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i switched from a CCM 452 pant to the Bauer MBP8 girdle

i like the girdle alot more than the pants because the girdles gives me more protection and it fits really nicely and the pads stay in the same place, it has great mobility, and you can take the pads out and wash it if you need to

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i got the Bauer MBP8 girdle and I think the mobility is fantastic. there is no protection between the inside of the thighs though. I already got a puck there and it wasn't fun. girdle = more mobility = less protection in most cases.

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Bauer MBP8 girdle. Checked some big dude hard and bounced off him. Still recovering from a tail bone injury (been about 18 days). I beleive good pants are better than this particular girdle.

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If you want to fix the lack of protection, get an old pair of pants and rip out the hip pads. Keep the thigh and the tailbone protector and you're golden.

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I use a Tackla girdle but those old Cooper G2 and G3 girdles are also fantastic. You still see those suckers in NHL locker rooms. Its definitely PP but I feel the girdle pads protect me better by staying in place when I'm in awkward positions and blocking shots. I'd recommend trying one atleast once if you've only ever played in traditional pants.

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Are girdles usually supposed to fit better than pants and offer more mobility or protection?

They fit more snugly but are not as protective as a top end pair of pants. Any improvement in mobility is marginal at best and mostly pyschological.

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Are girdles lighter than pants? I'm thinking of getting a girdle because I'm having a hard time finding the right pair of pants. I don't need much protection. The pants I'm using right now is over 10 years old with little protection. I'm looking for lightness and mobility. What is the lightest girdle in the market?

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Chadd  Posted on Jun 18 2006, 11:18 PM

They fit more snugly but are not as protective as a top end pair of pants. Any improvement in mobility is marginal at best and mostly pyschological.

Even so, psychology is an advantage to be exploited.

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Chadd  Posted on Jun 18 2006, 11:18 PM

They fit more snugly but are not as protective as a top end pair of pants. Any improvement in mobility is marginal at best and mostly pyschological.

Even so, psychology is an advantage to be exploited.

Right up until you get a big old bruise on your hip or thigh that makes it hard to walk for a week. I've seen it more than once.

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