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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXXX

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Dya think there will be a XXX-Lite floating around?

i love the xxxlite pants. i hope nbh makes pads to go with them.

Well, the V-14 protective line's meant to go with the Vapor XXX Lite so yeah, pads are go.

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Bauer hasnt been much into eliminating their lines. For years they have just out done the skate they put out the year before with the other line. Example, vapor XX, then comes the 8090 which, then the XXX, now the one90, then the new vapor skate, then the new supreme line skate and so on.


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the vapor 40 has a chrome like finish on the back with bits of red going along the side

WHere did you see it?

nike/bauer demo skate at york university the 2pm skate at the end darryl hughes has a pair of them.

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Funny thing is a lot of those people who have vapors don't fit well in them they just buy them because they look sick and everyone else wears them.

True. But it's their money and if that's what they want to buy then that's what they want to buy.

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Yes, but as I told you in your training, make sure it is the skate for them first. If they still shake you off after all that, oh well!

I have actually had people sign receipts saying that I am not responsible for any misfittings.

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the vapor 40 has a chrome like finish on the back with bits of red going along the side

WHere did you see it?

nike/bauer demo skate at york university the 2pm skate at the end darryl hughes has a pair of them.

nice, when i was in CT a week ago i saw a pair of vapor 50's out being field tested with black cloth over the sides to hide the majority of the skate, but i did manage to see the insane LS4 Speed holder and runner ;)

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I heard directly from a Nike/Bauer rep that there will be a new Vapor skate coming out this winter. He didn't know what it would be called, however.

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the vapor 40 has a chrome like finish on the back with bits of red going along the side

WHere did you see it?

nike/bauer demo skate at york university the 2pm skate at the end darryl hughes has a pair of them.

nice, when i was in CT a week ago i saw a pair of vapor 50's out being field tested with black cloth over the sides to hide the majority of the skate, but i did manage to see the insane LS4 Speed holder and runner ;)

Thats weird. Havent heard much about a V40... yet you seem to have seen the V50. I smell bullshit.

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Do you not see the emoticon after his post?

This board is getting filled with a bunch of morons.

yeah I feel ya THockey...but it seems like splayerc12 is 12 like his name...so... :ph34r::blink:

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I heard directly from a Nike/Bauer rep that there will be a new Vapor skate coming out this winter. He didn't know what it would be called, however.

Vapor XXX lite...

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