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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nacho Libre

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Okay, I did not like Napoline Dynocrap (you catch that? i replaced Dynomite with dynocrap, witty ey?). This movie I think was far worse. I saw a midnight showing, and the theater was about half full. Most of the audience enjoyed the movie, but me and my buddy were amazed on how terrible the movie really was. It falls under the so stupid its (not) funny genre. People were cracking up around us to our amazment... because what was happeaning on the silver screen was just not comedic at all.

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Okay, I did not like Napoline Dynocrap (you catch that? i replaced Dynomite with dynocrap, witty ey?). This movie I think was far worse. I saw a midnight showing, and the theater was about half full. Most of the audience enjoyed the movie, but me and my buddy were amazed on how terrible the movie really was. It falls under the so stupid its (not) funny genre. People were cracking up around us to our amazment... because what was happeaning on the silver screen was just not comedic at all.

If you didn't like napolean dynomite, why see this?

It was directed and produced by the same people, and from every trailer I saw, was going to run pretty similar in terms of humour too.

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Because I pretty much see every movie. The theater I went to in manhattan has 25 movies, and its right accross from another theater that has 10 movies, i have seen 29 of the 35... I always give movies a chance... this one tho... ouch.

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I hate chickflicks.. thats why I didnt go see The Notebook. I have been watching movies every weekend (usually 2 a weekend) for about 9 years now. Its your own fault that you didn't like the movie.

I liked ND and I will go watch this one tonight. I already got my tickets from Fandango.

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Because I pretty much see every movie. The theater I went to in manhattan has 25 movies, and its right accross from another theater that has 10 movies, i have seen 29 of the 35... I always give movies a chance... this one tho... ouch.

Maybe you should wait and give them a chance at the video store? Or not post about movies you don't expect to like, when it appears the majority of those around you enjoyed it.

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Its your own fault that you didn't like the movie.

Its my fault that I didnt like the movie?? WHAT? What does that even mean?

Its not that I didnt expect to like the movie. Look at Jerry Brookhiemer, 95% of what he produces is CRAP, but he will come up with a watchable movie every now and then.

It seems like a lot of you take it as a personal attack when I say I didnt like the movie. Just because I didnt like it dosent mean its a bad movie. It just means that I do not find the movie humorous at all. A lot of people went out and saw Xmen, when it was a very poorly directed and produced movie... dosent mean its any good.

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You seem to bash every movie though

Most of what hollywood shits out is crap... try and find an indy theater, or a theater that shows some real movies in your area.

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this really looks like the the stupidest movie ever created

I agree 100% definitely not planning on watching it.

Jack Black isn't really that funny to me, tenacious D was good but every one of his movies look/was crappy.

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this really looks like the the stupidest movie ever created

I agree 100% definitely not planning on watching it.

Jack Black isn't really that funny to me, tenacious D was good but every one of his movies look/was crappy.

i agree. Jack black is not funny at all, he trys way too hard i think

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I thought it was a good movie. Well worth my $7.50.. Its not a fightclub or gladiator, but I really liked it.

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