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SportChek selling One90's?

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Someone told me this morning in Canada Sportchek will be selling Bauer One90 skates and a couple other higher end Bauer products? Anyone no if this is true or not.

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Yes. They have been in our system for months now.

Price was listed at $699, but that seemed a little low to me for this skate. My manager was quite adimant that the price listed was the price they'd sell for.

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At what stores do you know, as that is a good price.

probably all the bigger ones are getting them

i know that the sportchek around here has crap for selection but when you goto one of the bigger ones in the major malls like metrotown they have more stuff there like synergies etc;

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Any of the A stores will get them. Pretty sure pacific centre will. Last time i checked there was no stock available as of yet, but i'm sure it should be arriving soon as i know my store (coquitlam centre) has the supreme 30's. I'm hoping we'll get the 70's too, but i doubt it.

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bandit832 Posted on Jun 17 2006, 01:47 PM

  At what stores do you know, as that is a good price. 

Wow, I never thought I'd see the day when someone would feel $699 was a good price for skates! With PST and GST in Ontario that's $803 for one pair of skates...

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We're supposed to get them soon as we're an A level store, but so far we haven't. We've gotten the 50 and 30s, but none of the new stuff. We've gotten the XXX lite sticks in, but not much... I'm still waiting, but yes, 700 is the price on them as far as i know.

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699 for a pair of skates of that calibre is a good deal. i paid 699 for my XXX's, and everyone was told the One90's would be 799, which is understandable. So when a new skate that is supposedly undeniably better then the previous years top model is released for the same price it's phenomonal.

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699 for a pair of skates of that calibre is a good deal. i paid 699 for my XXX's, and everyone was told the One90's would be 799, which is understandable. So when a new skate that is supposedly undeniably better then the previous years top model is released for the same price it's phenomonal.

That price is incorrect they will be 799.99 when released. Word from above. It was a mistake when entering the sku!

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699 for a pair of skates of that calibre is a good deal. i paid 699 for my XXX's, and everyone was told the One90's would be 799, which is understandable. So when a new skate that is supposedly undeniably better then the previous years top model is released for the same price it's phenomonal.

That price is incorrect they will be 799.99 when released. Word from above. It was a mistake when entering the sku!

my local national sports has one90 in stock right now went n tried them on WOW.. there going for 799.99$ i wish i had the money to spend on them DAMMIT!

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Unless you've got plenty of cash or are playing competitive hockey, I don't see any reason for spending that much money on skates. Damn, these skates cost allmost more on their own than my whole hockey equipment lol... 799 + taxes, that's insane.. but that's just me <_<

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Unless you've got plenty of cash or are playing competitive hockey, I don't see any reason for spending that much money on skates.  Damn, these skates cost allmost more on their own than my whole hockey equipment lol... 799 + taxes, that's insane.. but that's just me  <_<

Well for a lot of people its a matter of how much someone is willing to pay to have the best skate. there are lots of competitive rec. leaguers (i know thats an oxymoron but bear with me) that have played good hockey, know what they want in skates, and because of success in life can afford to spend that on skates.

I mean, some of us take our hockey pretty seriously. And to be honest, Child rep players up to the age of about 16 have their parents to pay for their gear. After that, most junior players don't foot the bill for their own gear anyway, so they dont even worry about it.

Its not insane, just hard for some to comprehend. Not trying to be insulting, just trying to give you the 'other' point of view, because obviously buying these wouldnt make sense to everyone

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That price is incorrect they will be 799.99 when released. Word from above. It was a mistake when entering the sku!

That's pretty steep. My LHS has them forabout $50 cheaper at $749. Although i guess its not a big difference with how expensive these skates are

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Unless you've got plenty of cash or are playing competitive hockey, I don't see any reason for spending that much money on skates.  Damn, these skates cost allmost more on their own than my whole hockey equipment lol... 799 + taxes, that's insane.. but that's just me  <_<

Well for a lot of people its a matter of how much someone is willing to pay to have the best skate. there are lots of competitive rec. leaguers (i know thats an oxymoron but bear with me) that have played good hockey, know what they want in skates, and because of success in life can afford to spend that on skates.

I mean, some of us take our hockey pretty seriously. And to be honest, Child rep players up to the age of about 16 have their parents to pay for their gear. After that, most junior players don't foot the bill for their own gear anyway, so they dont even worry about it.

Its not insane, just hard for some to comprehend. Not trying to be insulting, just trying to give you the 'other' point of view, because obviously buying these wouldnt make sense to everyone

I'm with you on this one Hockeyhair...and as a parent who is footing the bill, let me add this into the mix:

I've sacrificed MY sport for the benefit of my kid's sport because we can't afford two expensive hobbies. I'm forking out thousands of dollars on hockey development - am I going to save $100 on skates? I think that's a false economy. Now, mind you, my kid has never been in a top of the line skate before, but that's been an issue of getting the right skate for player weight and frequency on ice - with an exceptional fit...NEVER an economic decision. Skates are critical to performance.

I'm a pond skater not a hockey player, but when I rode horses competitively I had a $4,000 custom saddle - and I could sure tell the difference: had increased "feel", range of motion and naturally held in the correct position. The saddle is to riding what skates are to skating - your primary point of contact. A better saddle helped make a rider better. The "best" saddle that didn't fit you right was a total liability. I assume the same holds true for hockey; I've yet to find someone who says it doesn't.

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I wish you were my hockeymom. I grew up with $50 dollar play it again sports skates. and believe me, this was not that long ago. haha

Thanks Hockeyhair...been to Play It Again on numerous occasions; have been fortunate enough to find a couple of sets of skates there over the years. Not at all adverse to saving money if it is ALSO the right skate!

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Just wait till they blow them out at the end of season youll get em for 350.00$$ :P

I still dont know who would buy top end skates at a department store. Granted youll pay slightly more at a place like Just Hockey etc. etc. But youll get a professional fitting you - heat molding them--- a bunch of free sharpenings, and help if anything doesent feel right or goes wrong with your skates in the future.

Dont think they will sell at sport check -- until the clearance sale that is.

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