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Dell media buttons

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I got a Dell inspiron 6400 notebook, with the media buttons on the front (like volume up, down, play pause skip tracks etc). then work when i have a music player as my "active" window, but i was wondering, is there any way for them to work with the music player in the background?

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on my Dell Dimension 8400 the Logitech keyboard has similar buttons that work even if it's in the background. At least as far as volume, skip, pause, stop, play, and mute. I would assume your notebook works in a similar way, but I'm not certain.

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Dell dosent think before they make hardware, they just throw it out there.

yeah, unlike Apple with a one button mouse....?? :blink:

Funny how Dell they are the 25th company on the Fortune 500 list by "just throwing" stuff out there, I think it takes a little thought to have that much success...

I have a Dell XPS and don't have any problems with background windows (winamp, WMP) and controlling those programs (volume, pause, stop, etc). Maybe try a google search or tech support, their 1-800 number is pretty good from what I hear...

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Apple has two button mice. Look at Microsoft, if you think they produce great software, your ignorant. Its not really all about quality... a lot is luck. Dell use to be some of the best top level computers made... not anymore though

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Maybe try a google search or tech support, their 1-800 number is pretty good from what I hear...

If you understand the Hindi language.

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Maybe try a google search or tech support, their 1-800 number is pretty good from what I hear...

If you understand the Hindi language.

:lol: i know what you mean.

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I'm looking at a laptop this summer, and the 6400 has been one of my main options, as was the Macbook. How is the 6400 running for you? Whats the pros and cons?

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I'm looking at a laptop this summer, and the 6400 has been one of my main options, as was the Macbook. How is the 6400 running for you? Whats the pros and cons?

If you want a windows based notebook get an IBM or a Toshiba... but if you want a real machine, get a macbook

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I said windows based. You can put OS X on a windows based pc, but it is much harder and less reliable.

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