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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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looking for a stiff agressive skate

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Can any one help with some advice about a stiff and agressive skate. I have the Vector Pro's now and have been skating on them for 8 months. I'm finding that they are starting to break down and getting soft around the ankles and foot.

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1300s have caused a lot of ankle problems.

Okay then 1500s. Your description sounds like the 1200 or 1500 skates from Easton would work well for you as they are very stiff.

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some are worse than others. On mine, the basically rubbed so hard that I ended up with scabs on my outside ankles.

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I concurr. Vector 10's or 9K Pumps. I also concurr about the 1300's. I also recommend the Synergy 1500's or 1200's. The new Pro Tacks might be a consideration as well, heard nothing but good things about them.

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If you like a skate but don't like how it breaks down so quick, why not go custom where you can add extra stiffness to the boot and get a customised fit

Because not everybody can afford it :rolleyes: But for example, i tried on the stock G3 skate, loved how it fit etc.. but they felt so flimsy, now when i got my custom pair, they're stiffend right up, felt stiffer than the XXXs i had brand new. But if you're willing to fork out cash, One90 is quite a stiff skate, as is the Vapor XXX, also saw the 1500 and it seems to be quite stiff.

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