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Paris Hilton & Jose Theodore

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what has she ever done wrong?!

What has she done right? (besides the guys she meets...even then its a little suspect)

Used her family name to make her one of the most recognizable faces in the US. Plus, she doesn't let the fact that she kinda looks Downes-ey stop her from being a sex symbol.

She does have some floppy cow eyes but I just lump it all under her "not attractive" label.

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shes partying hard, shes young, shes hip, shes rich, let her live life, why do people care so much? Jelousy... <3Paris<3

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I think you care the most, but then again you're as close to a woman as one can hope for around these parts.

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Not really when you consider that they never come to the defence of a girls' "icon" like this or talk about fashion as much as some. There's just a lot of mussy around here it'd seem.

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im obviousy kidding about the whole paris thing, i couldnt really care less about the dame. So are you saying because the girls on this board are manly because they dont talk about fashion? And what makes fashion feminine?

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Not really when you consider that they never come to the defence of a girls' "icon" like this or talk about fashion as much as some. There's just a lot of mussy around here it'd seem.

Oh Mack, this is a really inane comment. Give yourself a shake!

Read-up lad, the post @ 3:59

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Oh. Well you're probably "that" lady that tries to be a little more hip to the younger generation but I'll let that slide because it probably works as a professor.

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He tried to be edgy and sarcastic and funny... and most of the time he is, but it gets dumb after a while... we get it, your an ass.

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i guess sydney crosby isnt the only won who can undress jose theodorelmao!!!

ron maclean just said something about this on the award ceremony!!! lmao

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Im gonna put in a vote for mack being a complete dick, anybody to second the motion?

How so? If you weren't off at Clown College you'd realise it's a lot better to have professors reach out and at least try to grasp where kids are at today, so long as they don't do it in a narc-ish obnoxious fashion.

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and mack makes the complete 180 turn, and is now pro hockeymom. I go to a very good college, the top fashion-business college in the country. Just stop trying to purposly be an asshole, its not jenuine and not funny.

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No, not pro hockeymom at all. Just because I can agree and even back one part of something a person does I'm "pro them"? You bring up good info on iPod and Macs in general but does that make me pro you at all?

No one's purposely being an asshole but you, what with your cool little hall monitor act.

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I guess they don't teach basic English at this very good college, do they?

LOL, i make no bones about not being able to spell

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Ok I can see paris not being the best person to get caught doing something you probably shouldnt have but lets see........

Humm was there any other NHL players in the room with him?? NHL awards here in TO .....so i am thinking she meets him at the arards for MTV they all say lets go hit the clubs..they all agree.....now in any of the pics is he doing more than kissing and can you see a tongue down the throat kiss???

is there a sex tape to ...NOOOOOO so all he did was kiss her??

ok was maybe a little more than it should have been?? ok...

even my wife said if that had of been me and it was anyone else but Paris she wouldnt have thought anything about it.....

So whats his side of this???

Not sticking up for him but what happened to innocent till proven guilty.....I have seen any pics that are that damming yet.

you guys have any to change that?

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MONTREAL (CP) - Former Montreal Canadiens goalie Jose Theodore and his girlfriend have demanded a retraction from French television station TQS over a story the network aired reporting the couple had separated.

Theodore and Stephanie Cloutier are also seeking an on-air apology, saying the June 20 report by Marie-Christine Proulx was "false and deceitful," their lawyer said in a news release.

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