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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK 7K Snake Grip

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I was at the LHS the other day and looked at the RBK sticks and noticed that there were 7Ks with snake grip. I was just wondering if this is new for 07 or what it is. Thanks

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Yeahh, my 7K had "Pro Feel". Though the 5K's that I had seen have had "Snake Grip".

Is the Pro-feel similar to the grip of other companies, Easton, bauer, ccm.......

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It's like the grip on a Bauer Endure, except much much less tacky. It's really nice actually.

Yeah, they also have it on the 6k pro stock OPS and the retail Two pieces. Its a nice grip. I havent heard/seen anything about the 7k snake grip :blink:

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was it green and black

i saw a 6k today with the pro grip and it was green and black

think the new models will be more durable

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was it green and black

i saw a 6k today with the pro grip and it was green and black

think the new models will be more durable

was it a OPS or a two piece?

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Maybe it was a prostock 7k with snakegrip? just an idea. while on the subject, has anyone used the snakegrip? I think it's a cool idea, but I don't really wanna shell out the cash and find out that I don't like it.

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I like the snake grip, it doesn't stick nearly as much while handling the puck as other "grips"

My only complaint is it only comes on med-level toothpick sticks (i.e. 5k shaft & 5k OPS)

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