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Mirrored Oakley Visor...

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I'm sure it has already been discussed before but i'm curious to know if anyone has any idea if the mirrored model will be released or if i should just go ahead and get the smoked model. Appreciate it.

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itech came out with a mirrored model. they sell it at epuck


my friend has it and it looks really dank. but he gets made fun of for trying to look like ovechkin. my opinion stick with a clear or tinted grey one. i have a tinted grey one/smoked one and its pretty tight i will see if i can get a pic of it on my helmet for you.

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my bad. i dident see that you said oaklay visor. i dont think they have one out yet. but i have a tinted grey oaklay/smoked oaklay it's tight. i would go with that one.

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could you post some pics of what it looks like? just cuz I also am in the market for a visor.

as for the release of a mirrored model, I dont know, I always thought that the smoked one was considered mirrored

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  shnuggs said:
Isnt Ovechkins visor partially smoked and partially mirrored? Probably custom made for him by oakley maybe?
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ino it's slightly mirrored. It looks more tinted than mirror in different light conditions.

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  chk hrd said:
  shnuggs said:
Isnt Ovechkins visor partially smoked and partially mirrored? Probably custom made for him by oakley maybe?
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ino it's slightly mirrored. It looks more tinted than mirror in different light conditions.

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Ovechkin's visor is black iridium. It was posted on here a while back in a different thread...

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  Blackthidot said:
It seems like everyone who uses that mirrored visor that is not a pro plays liek a complete moron.
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I actually joked with a guy I know when he bought his. "You're not a douchebag, why are you buying this?" A couple weeks later he was back buying a clear one because he noticed that everyone else with a mirrored one was an asshole and people were treating him like one.

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You would not believe what that thing does to peoples hockey game when they get that thing. Well I guess you know. Guys who wear it are all D league players talking about yeah I can play A league, or guys who only played pick up saying if I get a slap shot off there is no way the goalie is stopping it. I have played with 3 guys who had that thing...Can we write to Itech and tell them to stop...PLEASE?

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if oakley made an iridium visor it would cost well over a $100. just look at the cost of their sunglasses with iridium lenses and that is only a small piece of plastic.

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  kovalchuk71 said:
What exactly is iridium?
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It's the material Oakley uses to make lenses. I believe that it was created by Oakley, and is a special word for "shiny plastic" ;)

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Im not sure what rules you guys in america and canada abide by.

But the new IIHF 2006-2010 rulebook has been released, and a new ruling is that no mirrored, coloured and tinted visors are not allowed!

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  Chadd said:
  Blackthidot said:
It seems like everyone who uses that mirrored visor that is not a pro plays liek a complete moron.
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I actually joked with a guy I know when he bought his. "You're not a douchebag, why are you buying this?" A couple weeks later he was back buying a clear one because he noticed that everyone else with a mirrored one was an asshole and people were treating him like one.

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Thats hilarious..

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  TML4LIFE said:
  Chadd said:
  Blackthidot said:
It seems like everyone who uses that mirrored visor that is not a pro plays liek a complete moron.
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I actually joked with a guy I know when he bought his. "You're not a douchebag, why are you buying this?" A couple weeks later he was back buying a clear one because he noticed that everyone else with a mirrored one was an asshole and people were treating him like one.

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Thats hilarious..

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What about a blue visor? Somebody in my beer league wears one. I keep on imagining underwater hockey whenever I play against him.

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