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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just seen the 07 Mission range !

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I'm not a physics major so can someone explain how the new hilo will be as fast as hummers?

This is all I've got

- hummers are faster because all the wheels are bigger (80mm)

- original hilo's are slower because the 72mm's slow down the roll? Is that correct?

- if the above is true, the new 76mm's will still slow down the roll compared to having all four 80mm's.

No sarcasm, honestly looking for some thoughts.

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im no physics major either however i think what people are saying is that but putting the two 76s instead of the two 72s the Mission skates will now be faster although still not as fast as the Hummrs. You still aren't as fast as the Hummrs but you gain speed compared to the old setup and still have the quicker cornering with the hi-lo setup. I could be totally wrong on this but thats what it seems people are trying to say.

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Do you know if Mission will be slotting the bottom of thier boots to allow for the 76mm and keep c.g. low and same pitch to thier chassis?

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I think the boot is high enough off of the chassis to allow for the 76mm wheels. Don't trust me, though, but either way, it will be a great skate. The recent top end Mission skates have had a slight groove in the bottom of the skate; that may be all that is required to fit 76 mm wheels.

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yeah ive noticed the little slots also. However i dont think its for the 76mm wheels. im sure you could prob squeeze in 76s but your chassi and skates would be lopsided. You would probably be leaning backwards. My guess is that the chassi is angled a different way and the front slots are a little higher. Im sure justin has all the info.. just my guess//im no designer i could be wrong

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I think the boot is high enough off of the chassis to allow for the 76mm wheels. Don't trust me, though, but either way, it will be a great skate. The recent top end Mission skates have had a slight groove in the bottom of the skate; that may be all that is required to fit 76 mm wheels.

There is enough room for a 76 as far as the chassis and boot is concerned. I put one in each of the two front spots in my 9500's and they spun fine. However, the wheels touch each other if you put in two 76's and hit the middle 80, so that is why the chassis will have to be longer.

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It's just as gman said, it will be a longer chassis. The mold will be different, so it will just be a completely new chassis. I remember I saw a Mission ad about the Hi-Lo, and it showed the two planes that the wheels were on. With the new Hi-Lo, the planes will just be slightly different, and the wheelbase extended just a bit.

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Hence makeing it a medium between the Hi-Lo & Hummer Chassis' now...

Would love to hear the sales pitch explaining how it's just as agile as a "original" Hi-Lo, while giving it a better top-speed comparable to the Hummer.

On paper it would be between them in speed, and in mobility.

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i think it's a great idea. You get the added benefits of speed and grip, without too much weight. I'm sorry, but if you put 608 wheels and bearings into a Hummer chassis, that thing is HEAVY. This will take some of the weight off. I do feel more stable on the all 80 setup though. I don't know if it's a mental thing or not, but when I was on hi-lo (soon to be Old HiLo) I found myself not as stable as I am on the Hummer.

I also like to see Mission continue to grow and add to the technholgy in the industry, or at least, be open to making changes.

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agreed with gman.. im sure they would spin.. but wouldnt it cause you to almost be leaning back while skating.. yes the chassis would have to be longer but maybe the 2 front spots of the chassis would have to be raised?

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The "Hi-Lo" concept is similar to that of Formula 1 race cars. The rear wheels are taller and wider for speed and the front wheels the contrapositive - shorter and thinner for control on turns. I think the reason why Rink Rats have worked well for people is that they are designed with "M-Tech" or maximum footprint (what surface of the wheel comes into contact with the floor) making them ideal for the rear wheels. The front wheels would thus be more effective in this setup with a harder and sharper, and thus thinner footprint for control (Labeda Dynasty comes to mind).

That's generally where the race car analogy stops. It is arguable whether a trade off for speed is better with the new 76mm setup because it's up to the player which tuning he'd like on his skates - are you a power forward and could sacrifice some control and turning ability for more speed? Or are you a defenseman looking to retain as much dexterity as possible? Or maybe you are defenseman that wouldn't mind the trade off, etc.? Do you not like the added length to your edge (see the ice forums for people who have switched out their longer LS2 Power frames from the One90's for the LS2's) Again it comes down to personal preference, and hopefully for you, not marketing. Evidence of this understanding is on the rink... there are a lot of players sticking with their older skates, especially veterans.

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At the end of the day its personal preference. One chassis type will never beat another. There are still droves of guys here in Aus that will never switch from the Rocker type that came with the Quest 1's a few yrs back. They just miss the use of the radius too much when they move from ice to inline. So something like this which gives them no obvious advantage in that respect, would not appeal.

I personally don't see the need of this sort of chassis amendment to boost speed over easier turns. I prefer the current "bastardised Hi Lo" setup I have atm with the OneUp chassis which gives me tighter turns. My speed is upto me, how fast I travel has to do with my skating technique, fitness and lastly how hard I want to push myself.

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BRING BACK THE VIBE!!! heck you can put all 80mm wheels and it'll still be good cause there will only be 3 wheels on the ground when you turn! JUST BRING BACK THE VIBE!!! :P

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shute Posted on Jun 25 2006, 03:47 AM

  BRING BACK THE VIBE!!! heck you can put all 80mm wheels and it'll still be good cause there will only be 3 wheels on the ground when you turn! JUST BRING BACK THE VIBE!!! 

A Tuuk Rocker chassis built to accomidate all 80mm wheels would produce the same result...only 3 wheels on the ground when you turn ;). Honestly I think speed has more to do with muscle strength and technique than anything else. Beyond that the hardness of the wheel plays a part and yes a bigger wheel can help, but a guy with strong legs and good technique will skate pretty damn fast with just about any chassis.

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Definantly. Ive been doing more squats and plyos andI cant believe how much speed Ive gained

Here here!

All the expensive equipment can take you so far, but it comes down to personal strength and willpower to be a badass. That said, I"m going to re-lube my swiss bearings in my magnesium chassis on my nice and shiny custom RH skates.


But yeah, that leg press and calf raise has definitely helped my game. A few times I push off so hard I lose balance.

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SOrry for the off topic question, but when squatting, you should rep 50% of your max 10-12 times correct?

There are a lot of different routines people use and it's partly what works best for your body. Personally I do 2 sets of 6-8 reps using as much weight as I can handle for the 8 reps. If I can do more than 8 reps I'll increase the weight the next time, if I can't do 6 then I'll lower the weight. If it's between 6-8 the weight will stay the same the next time I do squats. I've never really tried to max out the weight as that's a good way to get injured if you're doing Squats with free weights and I don't have enough weight on my home gym to max out.

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What I did to help train for speed was put on some out door wheels, rig up some chains and a tire and just did sprints up and down my street. it builds up all the right muscles. Looks a bit retarded but helped out a lot

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What I did to help train for speed was put on some out door wheels, rig up some chains and a tire and just did sprints up and down my street. it builds up all the right muscles. Looks a bit retarded but helped out a lot

Im sure you got some really funny looks, but honestly that is a great idea...the same as runners, footbal players, etc... useing the parachute vest...good idea...

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