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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Switching back to steel...

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I'm very biased against them, in large part because of my experience with them. I've used them and destroyed them in a handfull of sessions.

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Dont get me wrong.. I loved the tblades. I have just spent a little more time at my LHS and have gotten to know the owner really well. I have a huge amount of respect for the guy and he really knows his stuff. He is going on 60 and would tell me stories of when he was my age and how much hockey has changed since then. Honestly, I think it is worth the trip there to sharpen my skates just for the good stories..

In the long run.. I think thats what hockey is about.. Tradition and making new friends. Ordering new blades off of hockeywhatever.com puts strain on this man that I deeply respect and takes away from what he loves to do. He even took me to the back of his shop and showed me his sharpener and did a free sharpening for me on my ccm's. Now that says a lot about a man.. when the customer comes before the product and lending an ear a few visits, making a friend and knowing that you are helping somebody do what they love to do.. thats whats hockey is about... not some space-age bullshit german holder that rapes that tradition away from the sport.

That is why im switching back to traditional steel. I am having him put some tuuks on my F1s next week while im gone for my wedding.

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Now that says a lot about a man.. when the customer comes before the product and lending an ear a few visits, making a friend and knowing that you are helping somebody do what they love to do.. thats whats hockey is about... not some space-age bullshit german holder that rapes that tradition away from the sport.

i agree.

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Check the level on your tblades runners and tell us what you see. Level or not?

I have 6 t-blade runners in my posession and they are all level.

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Dont get me wrong.. I loved the tblades. I have just spent a little more time at my LHS and have gotten to know the owner really well. I have a huge amount of respect for the guy and he really knows his stuff. He is going on 60 and would tell me stories of when he was my age and how much hockey has changed since then. Honestly, I think it is worth the trip there to sharpen my skates just for the good stories..

In the long run.. I think thats what hockey is about.. Tradition and making new friends. Ordering new blades off of hockeywhatever.com puts strain on this man that I deeply respect and takes away from what he loves to do. He even took me to the back of his shop and showed me his sharpener and did a free sharpening for me on my ccm's. Now that says a lot about a man.. when the customer comes before the product and lending an ear a few visits, making a friend and knowing that you are helping somebody do what they love to do.. thats whats hockey is about... not some space-age bullshit german holder that rapes that tradition away from the sport.

That is why im switching back to traditional steel. I am having him put some tuuks on my F1s next week while im gone for my wedding.

With all due respect, everything in your post sounds like your reason for switching back is purely emotional and not logical.

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Dont get me wrong.. I loved the tblades. I have just spent a little more time at my LHS and have gotten to know the owner really well. I have a huge amount of respect for the guy and he really knows his stuff. He is going on 60 and would tell me stories of when he was my age and how much hockey has changed since then. Honestly, I think it is worth the trip there to sharpen my skates just for the good stories..

In the long run.. I think thats what hockey is about.. Tradition and making new friends. Ordering new blades off of hockeywhatever.com puts strain on this man that I deeply respect and takes away from what he loves to do. He even took me to the back of his shop and showed me his sharpener and did a free sharpening for me on my ccm's. Now that says a lot about a man.. when the customer comes before the product and lending an ear a few visits, making a friend and knowing that you are helping somebody do what they love to do.. thats whats hockey is about... not some space-age bullshit german holder that rapes that tradition away from the sport.

That is why im switching back to traditional steel. I am having him put some tuuks on my F1s next week while im gone for my wedding.

Now while I don't know if that is a logical reason to ditch t'blades, it is a perfect post for all of those who choose to buy online. As I tell my employees - you do not see people who walk into your store as customers, but as potential relationships. These are the people who are going to walk in your store AT LEAST once a week.

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Dont get me wrong.. I loved the tblades. I have just spent a little more time at my LHS and have gotten to know the owner really well. I have a huge amount of respect for the guy and he really knows his stuff. He is going on 60 and would tell me stories of when he was my age and how much hockey has changed since then. Honestly, I think it is worth the trip there to sharpen my skates just for the good stories..

In the long run.. I think thats what hockey is about.. Tradition and making new friends. Ordering new blades off of hockeywhatever.com puts strain on this man that I deeply respect and takes away from what he loves to do. He even took me to the back of his shop and showed me his sharpener and did a free sharpening for me on my ccm's. Now that says a lot about a man.. when the customer comes before the product and lending an ear a few visits, making a friend and knowing that you are helping somebody do what they love to do.. thats whats hockey is about... not some space-age bullshit german holder that rapes that tradition away from the sport.

That is why im switching back to traditional steel. I am having him put some tuuks on my F1s next week while im gone for my wedding.

Now while I don't know if that is a logical reason to ditch t'blades, it is a perfect post for all of those who choose to buy online. As I tell my employees - you do not see people who walk into your store as customers, but as potential relationships. These are the people who are going to walk in your store AT LEAST once a week.

Exactly, it shouldn't be about this sale, it should be about making them want to come back time and again. If you can do that, the money takes care of itself.

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Dont get me wrong.. I loved the tblades. I have just spent a little more time at my LHS and have gotten to know the owner really well. I have a huge amount of respect for the guy and he really knows his stuff. He is going on 60 and would tell me stories of when he was my age and how much hockey has changed since then. Honestly, I think it is worth the trip there to sharpen my skates just for the good stories..

In the long run.. I think thats what hockey is about.. Tradition and making new friends. Ordering new blades off of hockeywhatever.com puts strain on this man that I deeply respect and takes away from what he loves to do. He even took me to the back of his shop and showed me his sharpener and did a free sharpening for me on my ccm's. Now that says a lot about a man.. when the customer comes before the product and lending an ear a few visits, making a friend and knowing that you are helping somebody do what they love to do.. thats whats hockey is about... not some space-age bullshit german holder that rapes that tradition away from the sport.

Sorry but that post makes no sense to me.

You say you loved tblades, but then after you made friends with this guy that somehow makes the tblades "bullshit" ?? Huh ? It sounds like you met a nice guy at an a LHS, good for both of you, but that has nothing to do with things like hockey being "about" tradition. If the game of hockey were invented today it would still be the same game, tradition or not. I have met a bunch of nice people at LHSes, but even if they were all pricks - and a lot of them are too - it wouldn't change the game for me.

And if you have such a hard-on for supposed tradition - as if "tradition" is an absolute - then you must hate those newfangled non-wood sticks, thermoformable skates, helmets (!) and visors (!!) that look nothing like the equipment of 20 years ago, let along 50 years ago. And I guess you are probably among the people who abhor the new NHL rules that "rape" the tradition away from the sport.

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Dont get me wrong.. I loved the tblades. I have just spent a little more time at my LHS and have gotten to know the owner really well. I have a huge amount of respect for the guy and he really knows his stuff. He is going on 60 and would tell me stories of when he was my age and how much hockey has changed since then. Honestly, I think it is worth the trip there to sharpen my skates just for the good stories..

In the long run.. I think thats what hockey is about.. Tradition and making new friends. Ordering new blades off of hockeywhatever.com puts strain on this man that I deeply respect and takes away from what he loves to do. He even took me to the back of his shop and showed me his sharpener and did a free sharpening for me on my ccm's. Now that says a lot about a man.. when the customer comes before the product and lending an ear a few visits, making a friend and knowing that you are helping somebody do what they love to do.. thats whats hockey is about... not some space-age bullshit german holder that rapes that tradition away from the sport.

Sorry but that post makes no sense to me.

You say you loved tblades, but then after you made friends with this guy that somehow makes the tblades "bullshit" ?? Huh ? It sounds like you met a nice guy at an a LHS, good for both of you, but that has nothing to do with things like hockey being "about" tradition. If the game of hockey were invented today it would still be the same game, tradition or not. I have met a bunch of nice people at LHSes, but even if they were all pricks - and a lot of them are too - it wouldn't change the game for me.

And if you have such a hard-on for supposed tradition - as if "tradition" is an absolute - then you must hate those newfangled non-wood sticks, thermoformable skates, helmets (!) and visors (!!) that look nothing like the equipment of 20 years ago, let along 50 years ago. And I guess you are probably among the people who abhor the new NHL rules that "rape" the tradition away from the sport.

nuggy you're being an ignorant asshole. the traditions of hockey are family-run LHS. Hockey is about making friends and sitting around after the game exchanging stories over a few beers.

the t'blades may be great, but they take away the family/friends element. you get a good friend that knows exactly how you like your sharpening, and when you get t'blades you have hurt his feelings and insulted his friendship.

i agree with badkitty on this one. it is more important to remain friends with "that guy" at the LHS than to have the latest technology.

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the t'blades may be great, but they take away the family/friends element. you get a good friend that knows exactly how you like your sharpening, and when you get t'blades you have hurt his feelings and insulted his friendship.

i agree with badkitty on this one.  it is more important to remain friends with "that guy" at the LHS than to have the latest technology.

There's no reason why you can't be friends with the guy just because he doesn't sharpen your skates. If the only reason he's your friend is because he sharpens well, that's not much of a basis for a friendship. Oh, the drama of it all!

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I'd prefer to have a custom contoured, regular blade if I had a decent shop next to me. I don't, so I now have t'blades, which I like a lot.

That said, the fact that they stay sharper longer is not a "gimmick". They don't have to be sharpened, which means that they can be made out of much harder steel than conventional blades which do have to be sharpened. As a result, they stay sharper longer. No gimmick, physics.

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^^But to make them "user friendly" they had to sacrafice ALOT of durability, i don't know how many stabalisers and runners i have seen broken, but the durability was a major factor in my desision to change back to traditional steel, and also the fact that they were common and noisey.

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badkitty I respect your reasoning but you should have not made it sound as if it was the t-blades fault that your switching.

I personally don't really care for any of the people who sharpen skates here in edmonton. IMO you would think that edmonton, which is knee deep in hockey country, would have tons of decent hockey shops. WRONG. I would only trust the Professional Skate Shop here to sharpen my skates. every other LHS was a disaster. Most employees are just there for the need of a job and could care less how good of a job they do on your skates. the real kicker too is that the majority of the hockey folk don't know what a good shapening is and how greatly it effects your game. It makes me cringe every time i hear a teammate of mine say "damn, i sharpened my skates too much". When i try an explain a good sharpening and what hollow/rocker is everyone just scratches their heads like WTF? No one ever realizes that it takes one bad sharpening and your blades are garbage. There are only the extreme serious about hockey people who understand there equipment properly around here.

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at the start of this past year of ice hockey for me seven players had t-blades. all on their graf skates.

by the end of the year 6 players had gone to some sort of cobra.

kinda self explanatory.

same with visors. there was a hype for the full shield itech's for about a month where half the team bought them but quickly realized that they scratch with ease.

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nuggy you're being an ignorant asshole. the traditions of hockey are family-run LHS. Hockey is about making friends and sitting around after the game exchanging stories over a few beers.

the t'blades may be great, but they take away the family/friends element. you get a good friend that knows exactly how you like your sharpening, and when you get t'blades you have hurt his feelings and insulted his friendship.

i agree with badkitty on this one. it is more important to remain friends with "that guy" at the LHS than to have the latest technology.

I don't think that t-blades are going to prevent you from making friends or drinking beer. Plus there are other ways to support a LHS. There is other equipment that you can buy. If you really wanted to you could even order the t-blades through your LHS. You can support your LHS without sacrificing "technology." There are legitimate reasons for disliking t-blades. This isn't one of them.

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Ok.. lets clear this up for those of you who didn't want to read my previous posts (the ones before my story)..

1st off, the reasons why im not staying with tblades.

I'm switching back because after practicing last night in my ccms (no tblades) I really liked the feel. It made my tblades feel cheap.. like I was skating on toys.
I think it is worth the trip there to sharpen my skates just for the good stories..

My LHS refuses to carry tblades.

There's no reason why you can't be friends with the guy just because he doesn't sharpen your skates. If the only reason he's your friend is because he sharpens well, that's not much of a basis for a friendship. Oh, the drama of it all!

Did I say that he sharpened well in any of my previous posts? All I care about is that my runners get a 7/16ths radius.. quit putting words in my mouth.

Domi: Dude, Whats up with that picture? Are you trying to imply something? You have flipflopped all over this thread going for and against tblades.. your a fucking tool.. go record yourself doing more slapshots or something.

Jr: yea, as much as I hate to admit it, you were right. I am going back. My skates are in and im going to pick them up tomorrow.. add me to your stats book. I am getting Custom+ tuuks on my Salming boot. I will post up pics for everybody when I get back from my wedding.

Chadd: Believe it or not, your last post holds a LOT of truth. My LHS is a local family run business. Before, when I went in there was a younger guy (in his 30's). He was kind of rude to everybody so I opted to stay away. His dad runs it now and is a lot more concerned about customer service. All of a sudden, there is a tv with classic NHL games on it, hes walking around the store helping people and honestly wants to HELP his customers. This isn't the reason why I am switching to steel, but a nice bonus. If you read my other t'blades threads, you would see that the only reason why I switched to t'blades was because I didn't have any good sharpeners around. Now I do.. No more t'blades needed.

As for this thread, go ahead and lock it if you want. I wanted to get opinions on other holders and I had a question to be answered but it turned into another t'blades war.

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I will post up pics for everybody when I get back from my wedding.

Of the Salmings or of the wedding? :lol:

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Wear the Salmings to the wedding.


I might just have to :)

Today at work, they threw my fiance a wedding shower. They brought out a cake made of a pile ding-dongs and a little hockey stick murel on the top..

I will post both when I get back though. :D

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