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Olli Jokinen in One90's with Pitch 3 holders

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OK, I am looking through the hockey news draft special here, and I am flicking through the team reports, and on the panthers page it has a picture of Jokinen.

It looks like he has put the mission holders on the one90's.

How much difference do the holders make? Does one give more forward pitch, or can they be set up similarly?

Are there many others who go to a different company for their holders?

Or am I wrong completely, which is very possibly the case with me

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A lot of people just use different holders. Like Peca was using LS2's on his XX's for example. Iginla uses Pro-Lites on any skate he has, stuff like that.

I guess it's just a preference. I know if I had a choice, I would stick with E-Blades, or the PITCH holder.

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The steel in the Pitch 3 holder is supposed to be some of the hardest and toughest on the market hence they need more passes to sharpen them and keep an edge longer once you do sharpen them. The holder itself has had some good reviews and is one of the best and strongest on the market. Probably the reason why he went with that holder (on top of the fact it has a pitch adjustment) I've also seen some other NHLers with the Pitch 3 on their Synergy 1300's and 1500's skates. ;)

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A lot of people just use different holders. Like Peca was using LS2's on his XX's for example. Iginla uses Pro-Lites on any skate he has, stuff like that.

I guess it's just a preference. I know if I had a choice, I would stick with E-Blades, or the PITCH holder.

yeah basically thats what it is

lots of players like to use Custom + on their skates, any tuuks on their grafs, like you said Iginla likes Pro-Lites and Naslund will put ICMs on any skate he has, Fedorov had ICMs on his One90s but alot of the youger players seem to prefer Lightspeed

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A lot of people just use different holders. Like Peca was using LS2's on his XX's for example. Iginla uses Pro-Lites on any skate he has, stuff like that.

I guess it's just a preference. I know if I had a choice, I would stick with E-Blades, or the PITCH holder.

xxs come with ls2, my last 2 pairs have

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The steel in the Pitch 3 holder is supposed to be some of the hardest and toughest on the market hence they need more passes to sharpen them and keep an edge longer once you do sharpen them. The holder itself has had some good reviews and is one of the best and strongest on the market. Probably the reason why he went with that holder (on top of the fact it has a pitch adjustment) I've also seen some other NHLers with the Pitch 3 on their Synergy 1300's and 1500's skates. ;)

The pitch adjustment means nothing to the player - the equipment staff can grind that out, hence no need to tinker with it. HOWEVER, in Jokinen's case, his equipment manager is the one who invented/developed PITCH, Rob McLean.

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can u provide a picture?

I don't have my scanner set up, its in the paper version of the hockey news draft special.

I get hockey news on paper, never goes out of fashion as long as men need to go to the bathroom :o

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Allsmokenopancake  Posted on Jun 21 2006, 09:49 PM

I don't have my scanner set up, its in the paper version of the hockey news draft special.

I get hockey news on paper, never goes out of fashion as long as men need to go to the bathroom ohmy.gif

Dude, I agree completely. Although I don't get The Hockey News, I am an avid bathroom reader. As an aspiring architecture student I think about ideal designs and corrections of places I'm in a lot and I've often thought about the kind of small bookshelf I would design for a bathroom. It would weird a lot of people out but lots of people embrace browsing and perusing reading materials in the bathroom. And I know I would want it in my house anyway. Hooray for the bathroom readers.

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