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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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With or without socks?

Do you wear socks with your skates?  

55 members have voted

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I tried without socks once and rubbed my ankles raw on the top of my boots.

Its socks all the way for me.

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Never wear socks (ice or roller), and I wear my skates smaller than recomended. I believe I can "feel" the surface better and get more response out of my skates. Might be mental but I prefer it.

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Yes for both, but absolutely no cotton. Under Armour socks and Nike Dri-fit for me.

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Never wear socks (ice or roller), and I wear my skates smaller than recomended. I believe I can "feel" the surface better and get more response out of my skates. Might be mental but I prefer it.

That is usually the response I hear from people who don’t wear socks. I feel the same way when I don’t wear socks except after ward my feet are also bleeding. So personally I usually wear socks.

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Bleeding?! I don't have that problem.

And I don't have a problem with skate odor either suprisingly. I always remove insoles, even take a paper towel to the inside of the boot if it's particularly moist, spray with antibacterial spray or equipment spray and sometimes throw them in front of a fan (fan pointing inside of course).

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Yeah, the smell issue. It's of course no socks all the way for me, but strangely enough, I've come to enjoy the smell. I think it's the feeling that you're really getting the most use out of your equipment. . .

I have not had a problem with the tops of the skates biting my calves.

And speaking of rusting rivets, why not use nylon or some material that doesn't corrode, but is still very strong?

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Never wear socks (ice or roller), and I wear my skates smaller than recomended. I believe I can "feel" the surface better and get more response out of my skates. Might be mental but I prefer it.

Same here. Actually, I started when I was about 14. It was the end of the season and my skates were getting too small. I kept using a thinner and thinner sock...but they were still too small (big growth spurt). This was back in the day when it took several good skates before you could break in a new pair (we didn't bake skates in those days!). I didn't have time to break in a new pair because we were in the play-offs...so I tried bare foot. I loved it and I have never looked back. If your skates fit properly and your laces are tied right, it really elimanates most of the concern for blisters. But remember, if you skates fit right WITH socks, they won't fit right WITHOUT socks...so keep that in mind. Your foot has essentially gotten narrower, so you have to compensate for that with a narrower boot, or crank down on the laces.

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i love the feeling without socks, but they are trashed in no time. i go with a super light sock, but without socks feels the best. the funk from your feet just kills skates- no to mention how good they smell after a week or so.

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