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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates for Narrow Heel

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I have a similar issue. In my case I have Bauer Vapors and they fit great for a stock skate, but after doing some research here on this board I plan on ordering custom skates. I currently wear a size 10D/A and my heel still has a bit of wiggle room and doesn't really feel locked in. From what I have read, they don't make a stock skate with a narrower heel (AA, AAA, etc). I don't know what your situation is, but there are plenty of knowledgeable people on this site that can help you out. What skate size are you wearing now?

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Just got a pair of Fuel AG 110's. Skate fits great, but I have a lot of slippage in the heel. My foot is wide, but with a narrow heel.

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Check out www.eastwesthockey.com

They have a guide there for diffrent skates or you could always call them..

It's really accurate too since a G5 is listed as fitting a narrow foot with a high arch and a wide front and low arch. :rolleyes: That's why you try them on instead of buying them online.

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Check out www.eastwesthockey.com

They have a guide there for diffrent skates or you could always call them..

It's really accurate too since a G5 is listed as fitting a narrow foot with a high arch and a wide front and low arch. :rolleyes: That's why you try them on instead of buying them online.

Good Point Chadd I also noticed in the narrow heel section there was not one CCM skate mentioned? Since when do CCM's not have a narrow heel?

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Check out www.eastwesthockey.com

They have a guide there for diffrent skates or you could always call them..

It's really accurate too since a G5 is listed as fitting a narrow foot with a high arch and a wide front and low arch. :angry: That's why you try them on instead of buying them online.


I was only referring it as a starting point.

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Just got a pair of Fuel AG 110's. Skate fits great, but I have a lot of slippage in the heel. My foot is wide, but with a narrow heel.

CCM Tacks & Vectors offers a snug heel with a wide midfoot and toe box. Try them on to see which feels the best. Nike Flexlite also offers a snug heel and a very wide toe box. You also might want to look into Graf wich has a fit for almost everybody...

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Which is better suited for people with high arches, Tacks or Vectors?

Have a narrow heel and wide/normal midfoot & toe's.

Tacks.......vectors are a little lower in the arch then the tacks

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Check out www.eastwesthockey.com

They have a guide there for diffrent skates or you could always call them..

It's really accurate too since a G5 is listed as fitting a narrow foot with a high arch and a wide front and low arch. :rolleyes: That's why you try them on instead of buying them online.

Hey chadd I guess you don't sell many grafs in R/W/N then do you? Or mabe you should spend more time on your research on skate cuts. High arches can help flat feet.. what do you think superfeet do?

I also think you could worry less about me.

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I'm quite familiar with Grafs, hence my comments. Sorry if I pay attention to what links posted on our website say.

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I'm quite familiar with Grafs, hence my comments. Sorry if I pay attention to what links posted on our website say.

ya your right I should try the kor skate...

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Check out www.eastwesthockey.com

They have a guide there for diffrent skates or you could always call them..

It's really accurate too since a G5 is listed as fitting a narrow foot with a high arch and a wide front and low arch. :rolleyes: That's why you try them on instead of buying them online.

Hey chadd I guess you don't sell many grafs in R/W/N then do you? Or mabe you should spend more time on your research on skate cuts. High arches can help flat feet.. what do you think superfeet do?

I also think you could worry less about me.

how could a high arch help a flat foot. if a person has a flat foot and you put them in a boot with a high arch you creating pressure under the middle of there foot. Now one thing to note is the G series grafs have a lower arch im comparison to the 700 series grafs due to the carbon fibre and how little they are using.

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I'm quite familiar with Grafs, hence my comments. Sorry if I pay attention to what links posted on our website say.

ya your right I should try the kor skate...

Great skate, but it doesn't work for everyone. It doesn't work for me and my issues were documented. Skates are something you should try on before buying. Sorry if that opinion doesn't gibe with your business model but in the end this website is about helping players, not making sales.

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I'm quite familiar with Grafs, hence my comments. Sorry if I pay attention to what links posted on our website say.

ya your right I should try the kor skate...

Great skate, but it doesn't work for everyone. It doesn't work for me and my issues were documented. Skates are something you should try on before buying. Sorry if that opinion doesn't gibe with your business model but in the end this website is about helping players, not making sales.

your right you should fly out so I can sell you some skates. can't we kiss and make up..

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I was trying out a pair of CCM 692 5.5E skate, I found that it fits me better then the Bauer 8090 5.5EE. I was wearing the CCM E60 5.5E before I switch to Bauer (E60 is not wide enough in the toe box, but the heel was good, very snug fit, very thin socks). I found that the CCM 692 is really good for my feet (snug fit, not too much volume inside the toe), Wide front and narrow at the heel. The 8090 that I have has a lot of volume, I have to put a shock doctor footbed and wear thick socks and still have room to move. But the 692 fits really well, wide enough for my feet (no need extra footbed & thick socks). So I guess I have to switch bacy to CCM Tacks series.

And just as everyone saids in this forum, try it out before buying, I bought my 8090 from a local shop but never got the chance to try!

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