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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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my rep came buy with the new (XXX lite woody)

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thought you guys would like to see this.woody

Awesome!! Just awesome!

I'm suprised we hadn't seen this before the pink and camo stuff.

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thought you guys would like to see this.woody

Awesome!! Just awesome!

I'm suprised we hadn't seen this before the pink and camo stuff.


wood colored gloves, wood colored laces....

this is the only thing wood coloring would really go for.

pink and camo can be made on nething.

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Retail price should be same as Vapor XXX Lite OPS. It is just a one time dealer purchase.

ya right..be the smae price <_< sure they will

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Very cool. I might just have to pick one up, but it would be hard to use it because I wouldn't want to mess it up. <_<

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thought you guys would like to see this.woody

If you only knew... LMAO!

Sounds like there's a story underneath the story.

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Retail price should be same as Vapor XXX Lite OPS. It is just a one time dealer purchase.

wow a woody for over $120

that is horrible

its an ops painted wood color


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If you only knew...  LMAO!
Sounds like there's a story underneath the story.

Thats what I was thinking....Id like to know what problems there are because I assume thats what the story is about :ph34r:

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Retail price should be same as Vapor XXX Lite OPS. It is just a one time dealer purchase.

ya right..be the smae price <_< sure they will

I won't speak to your pricing policy but I have no reason to make up a higher price for this OPS. It is still a Vapor XXX Lite OPS, right?

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