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Should I Go to a Fiona Apple Concert?

Should I go, given that I've never heard any of her music and I probably won't like it  

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DUDE! you missed out! I went with a small group, the music sucked balls, but this was one of those concerts with the girls goin crazy , liftin their shirts, spilling beer all over themselves! :o

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I'd go, if you rate her a 9 cause she's someone you feel comfortable with, i believe you would enjoy her company. Anyway, she seems to really like you too when she said she would pay for everything. Even if you dont get laid, this could be the foundation of a good friendship, which is a bloody hard thing to find with a girl.

anyway, be a gentleman and pay for the rest of the stuff. my girlfriend (now wife) and I used to split the costs of our dates, cause both of us were studying then.

Go there and have fun... update us once you are back...

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Dude, I would have gone. You figure, even if you don't like this girl and don't get with her, that scores huge points in the "good guy" category. That way, if she has a hot friend, you get the thumbs up from your friend, which only helps. Ah well, maybe next time.

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I missed out on this one. You definately should have gone. Fiona Apple is a freak in concert. I saw her just recently and I thought she was going to slit her wrists for an encore. You could have commented to your "friend" how un-happy Fiona seems and how it makes you sad...

You would have gotten some for sure. Ha!

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So I have a chance to redeem myself. Same girl, this weekend, Jason Mraz concert. I've never really paid any attention to him, but from what I hear he should be much easier to sit through.

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No question - if you don't go this time, you've blown it, permanently. She can write off the first one cuz maybe it really was Fiona you weren't into. If you ditch this one the only conclusion she can come to is you're just not that into HER.

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No question - you don't go this time, you've blown it, permanently. She can write off the first one cuz maybe it really was Fiona you weren't into. If you ditch this one the only conclusion she can come to is you're just not that into HER.

Do you mean if he doesn't go?

Yea you need to go to this one, jason mraz is one of the sickest acts out there. Right up there with John Mayer, Bella Fleck, Ben Harper, Jack Johnson, etc. If you want to check out some of his best stuff, DL his live cd "Live from Java Joe's."

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So I have a chance to redeem myself. Same girl, this weekend, Jason Mraz concert. I've never really paid any attention to him, but from what I hear he should be much easier to sit through.

Same deal as before...? it's all on her (no pun intended).


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So I have a chance to redeem myself.  Same girl, this weekend, Jason Mraz concert.  I've never really paid any attention to him, but from what I hear he should be much easier to sit through.

Same deal as before...? it's all on her (no pun intended).


Yeah its all on her. She is interning for a radio station, so she is getting sick deals on concert tickets. Plus this show is actually in Eugene and not 2 1/2 hours away. I figure I should at least spring for dinner before hand, though.

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So I have a chance to redeem myself.  Same girl, this weekend, Jason Mraz concert.  I've never really paid any attention to him, but from what I hear he should be much easier to sit through.

Same deal as before...? it's all on her (no pun intended).


Yeah its all on her. She is interning for a radio station, so she is getting sick deals on concert tickets. Plus this show is actually in Eugene and not 2 1/2 hours away. I figure I should at least spring for dinner before hand, though.

Yeah...dinner before is a good idea...mind you, if she's in radio...GC's for food are probably easy to come by *L*

If you're planning to get involved with a radio chick....plan to have a closet full of t-shirts with logos, and very little money *L*

I speak from experience.

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Mraz's lyrics suck, but he gets by on his range. I like Fiona more, I'm actually going to that show on Friday. It's all personal preference (sounds familiar....), and as for girls and sex the night of a Fiona Apple concert it may have everything to do with whether or not "The First Taste" from her first album is on there. It's a sexy song. No other way about the lyrics, which girls absorb more anyway. Damien Rice is great too and from the bootlegged live stuff I've heard online he seems to be really comfortable with a crowd.

But suit yourself.

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No question - if you don't go this time, you've blown it, permanently. She can write off the first one cuz maybe it really was Fiona you weren't into. If you ditch this one the only conclusion she can come to is you're just not that into HER.

If you're into her it's time you join the rest of us who do things we don't enjoy just to make women happy. Honestly, it's more about spending time with her than anything else.

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No question - if you don't go this time, you've blown it, permanently.  She can write off the first one cuz maybe it really was Fiona you weren't into.  If you ditch this one the only conclusion she can come to is you're just not that into HER.

If you're into her it's time you join the rest of us who do things we don't enjoy just to make women happy. Honestly, it's more about spending time with her than anything else.


That's pretty much the only reason to go to such an event. Also, don't make it obvious that you're not enjoying yourself, then she'll just feel bad for dragging you along. Making a girl feel good about themself is a good thing.

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The show was actually really good. A guy named Matt Kearney opened. Hes a local guy from Eugene and he was really good, I'd definitely suggest checking him out. I thought he was better than Mraz.

Like I said previously I hadn't heard much of Mraz. I downloaded a half dozen songs and listened to them this week so that was all I had heard. He sounds much better live. Hes a great performer, even though he came off like a huge douche bag. Him and his band put on a great show. Mraz definitely thinks hes the shit and makes no strides to hide that, but then again I probably would too if I had thousands of preteens screaming over me. He did a sick crossover with his song Remedy and Oasis' Wonderwall. If you like his CDs, definitely check him out live.

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Ugh, she used the old "I had to get up at 4 and drive my parents to the airport, work from 9-5, and I still have to get up at 7 tomorrow to go into work" excuse. Normally I'd think she was just playing hard to get but we went back to her place, started watching a movie, and she fell asleep within five minutes. I wasn't feeling adventerous so I figured I'd just let her sleep and left. I can play off the guilt she'll feel though, so I'm not that bummed.

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That's actually not that bad for a chick flick, but I'll quickly divert the convo elsewhere as to not bring up questions about my own sexuality. Even though she fell asleep (and you held off the devil on your shoulder telling you to go for 2nd--ps tell him I said 'hi' kthnx) at least it was an effort at some sort of date-ish movie. I see a call after work tomorrow to go get a bite to eat, but she'll be too tired and you guys will just hang out at her parent-less house.


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