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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ipod warrenty feedback...buyer beware

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That can be a software issue buddy. I am sure an apple tech knows a lot more than you do. Go to an apple store and cry to them, and show them what is wrong.

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Well, there is only 2 apple store in the whole Canada. And too bad it is not in my town.

And Really, how could it be software?? My problem is when the white big thing at the end of the headphone is connecting to my ipod, well i just need to make it move like 2mm and sound will go down. this can be software.

If you have an explication, i will be more than happy to read it.

P.S: It may look like i'm crying but i'm not, i'm just unhappy with the whole thing.Think about it, I'm a 15yr old student who worked 120hrs his last summer to get this ipod photo, and well it is fucked after only 10 month of use!!!and if paying 500$ wasnt enought i have to repay 50$ to get it check by Apple..

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Firmware does funny things. It can be the coding of your songs, it could be the way the player handels the music. this would mean that it is merely coincidencd that when you fumble with your wires that it begins to work again. If they send it back and it still ceases to work, keep giving them shit, make them pay to ship it, and tell them you are an angry customer blah blah, say your a student. Make sure you are explaining what the problem is to a tee also.

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I as very happy with Apple's customer service, actually. My iPod nano broke a couple months ago, and after trying everything myself to get it back working, my mom took it to the Apple store. She had to set up an appointment but it was no problem with her. She went in, they took a look at it, found the problem RIGHT away, and hooked me up with a brand new nano. I give them two thumbs up for their service. Maybe it's different up in Canada, but they were very helpful in New Jersey.

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P.S Ebondo, isn't nike that started the whole joga bonito thing?? Why is nike ''ditching the joga thing''?? Or i'm just french and don't totally understand the meaning.

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I'm not sure. That's something from one of the JogaTV commercials or whatever. I took what the guy said and put it into my signature.

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I ditched apple and couldnt be happier. I had enough of that "never turning completely off" thing. I'd go to turn my ipod on the next day and the battery would be pretty much dead. Why cant it ever fully shut off? Is that so damn hard? Not to mention the quality of them suck. 2 hd failures and a dead battery all in under 6months.

Now i have had a Cowon IAudio A2 for about 3 months, and have yet to have a single problem. Oh, and they dont charge you for customer service....what a joke that is.

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I almost bought a Powerbook, and I would have probably been happy with it minus a few things that I simply wouldn't be able to do on it.  Its just retarded that you pay hundreds and hundreds of dollars on Applecare, only to have them charge you close to $2500 to fix a $2000 laptop.  Thats not right.

Who has been charged 2500 to repair a powerbook? My exeperiences with AppleCare have been great, they have replaced my notebooks and repaired my iMac for gratis many times.

My roommate.

The ad agency that I used to work for had problems with thir macs all of the time and between the art department's arrogance, the local shop's greed and apple's brainwashing they blew about $20k in less than a year.

As for the laptop issue, probably the video on the mobo. That's pretty similar to what we were quoted on a machine way back then.

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Ive spent the last two days working on my cousins Nano and came to the conclusion that APPLE has THE WORST customer service ive ever seen. I couldnt find a tech support phone number, and their updates for the iPod gives more trouble then it fixes. Look on their forums nearly every single post is about a problem caused by update that apple never fixes or even responds to on their own forum. This further fortified why I see no reason to use an iPod other then it being a fad. There are tons of mp3 players such as cowon's and creative's with more features for cheaper. and im out

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Ive spent the last two days working on my cousins Nano and came to the conclusion that APPLE has THE WORST customer service ive ever seen. I couldnt find a tech support phone number, and their updates for the iPod gives more trouble then it fixes. Look on their forums nearly every single post is about a problem caused by update that apple never fixes or even responds to on their own forum. This further fortified why I see no reason to use an iPod other then it being a fad. There are tons of mp3 players such as cowon's and creative's with more features for cheaper. and im out

It took me about 12 seconds on apples site to find their phone number. Yes, apple has had some problems with updaters in the past as most companies have. Firware can be tricky. Think of how many iPods they have sold. How many people have posted on the forums 10 or 15? Think of it on a larger scale, not everybody is having this problem. If you call having 80% of the market a fad, then you, my friend, are an idiot. Creative had a loss of 240 million dollars this year (what a great company). I have honestly never heard of Cowon before now, and I like to think I keep up with technology. One of the best features of the iPod is its simplicity. Sure you can throw an fm tuner and transmitter in there, how bout a camera, bluetooth, etc. At that point, it gets complicated and big. What seems to be the problem with his nano?

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Vapors input comes in 3,2,1

HA, you were right on the money :lol:

:) You cannot say something bad or good about Apple without having some input from Vapor.

To add to that, i'm ALMOST sold on the Macbook for a laptop. :ph34r:

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Im just about getting the truth on the table here. I can cry about how crappy windowz is, but what does that mean if I dont use facts, its just some kid crying about blah blah blah.

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To add to that, i'm ALMOST sold on the Macbook for a laptop. :ph34r:

It with be the best purchase you have EVER made. :ph34r:

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Im not gonna make generalization on a large scale. Im just using personal experience, Every Windows based system ive ever had has had 0 problems besides operator error, A few of my friends are die hard MAC fans and love em for their CG work but for other stuff they bitch about it. Ive had experience with quite a few models of iPod's and I still prefer the Mp3 player I used to have, a Creative Zen 30gb. I do believe that iPods are a fad in the way that many people use them, not the way they were intended. It may be different where you are but around here, MANY people purchased iPods because it is simply a "hip" accesory to establish your class in society. These people will have 10 or 20 songs on a player that can hold a couple thousand of songs. They were created as a way to carry your music on you in a more convenient way than a CD player, but it has snowballed into, as I said before, a fad. I believe that iPod's will pass the way of the Pogs, Pokemon cards, and yo-yo, in five years or so. If that thought makes me an idiot to someone whom I'll never meet on the internet, so be it.

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You are using the wrong word. A fad is something that is big one day and out of your mind the next. If this is what you mean, you are crazy. You just do not understand the apple core customer and you do not understand apples marketing tech. I just would love to know what you base that opinion on? Will people stop listening to music? What will come to replace the iPod? The iPod will be dynamic, not static in its development. That is like says windows was a fad back in the mid nineties. They might not make the best OS (BY FAR), or put out the very best product (although the iPod is;)) but they have a dedicated user base.

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There are players out there with more features than the ipod and at better prices. It's the best marketed product in the genre and the one that caught the fancy of the early adopters

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