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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Can someone tell me what the hell is...

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Actually I think those were intended for field hockey goalies. I rember seeing similiar ones back in school but they were made by Cooper I think. Same style, though.

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Some of the pics you see Gretzky as a kid in hockey or lacrosse, I believe he has this helmet.

Nope-His were always Jofa-every pic Ive ever seen of him was a Jofa skid lid

Actually these were exclusivly for hockey and were quite comfortable-I wore one until I got a Mikita

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That helmet is circa 1968. The sides have a lot of holes that you use to adjust the fit. You have to move the male/female screw/nuts around to get the best fit. It does not slide back and forth as do modern helmets for fitting.

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Another trip down memory lane. Checkout that fine foam padding only really good for soaking up blood from cuts. What's next a Cooper Puckmaster helmet.

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Some of the pics you see Gretzky as a kid in hockey or lacrosse, I believe he has this helmet.

Nope-His were always Jofa-every pic Ive ever seen of him was a Jofa skid lid

Actually these were exclusivly for hockey and were quite comfortable-I wore one until I got a Mikita

Nope, he wore the Cooper version as a kid.

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That's a Cooper SK 100 JR. They also made SR versions. Some of them seem to go for quite a penny on Ebay. They are also called hurling helmets, and I believe that some people still buy them for the purpose of hurling. No hurling is not the worshipping of the porcelain god after a night of binge drinking. It is an Irish sport.

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Wouldn't buy it to use in a game but might be a nice keepsake or discussion topic with friends and family. I remember those helmets from way back as a kid in elementary school. ( circa 1960's )

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I guess it shows my age, but that's the first helmet I wore when I played minor hockey. This was back before the real CCM Paul Hendersons came out in 72.

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Swear to god my Dad had almost this identical helmet until he donated it to the Salvation Army a few months ago. Probably should've donated it to a museam.



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