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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fight strap?

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Your Avatar is Theo Fluery yelling at spectators, from the penalty box, during a Belfast game... Damm why can I remember such a thing, but not my mathematics for school. <_<

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yup sure is Mr.Theo Fleury trying to climb out of the penalty box into the stands in my home town Coventry!Will never forget that moment!


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I'm not suprised about how pissed off he got, considering what your fans were yelling at him

And implying with the little bags of flour, eh? Scum!

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Coventry only fight straps sewn onto their jerseys about 5 minutes befre the first home game this season, doubt you'd get on there lol.

Snake, what do you want it for? Junior teams? If so don't, itll just make you a target for other players and the ref. But if you have to, looks kinda like the thick woolen socks some teams use. try making one yourself.

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Snake, what do you want it for? Junior teams? If so don't, itll just make you a target for other players and the ref. But if you have to, looks kinda like the thick woolen socks some teams use. try making one yourself.

what are you talking about... fight straps are nothing like that. They're basically some strong fabric with elastic and button down surrounded by velcrow. It would be easy to make.

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