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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dream Equipment

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Helmet:Reebok 8k with Ovechkin visor

Gloves:Eagle custom

Sticks:CNT Stealth,Drury,80 flex or XXX lite woody with same curve,flex

Skates:One90's with white LS2's

Pants:Bauer 8000

Other Protective:Mostly Bauer stuff with some Easton

thats exactly what id get not one thing different

Helmet:Reebok 8k with Ovechkin visor

Gloves:Eagle custom

Sticks:CNT Stealth,Drury,80 flex or XXX lite woody with same curve,flex

Skates:One90's with white LS2's

Pants:Bauer 8000

Other Protective:Mostly Bauer stuff with some Easton

You must have really good taste ;)

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Helmet:RBK 8

Gloves:RBK 8

Sticks:CNT Stealth Sakic 100

Skates:Ols Swiss Graf 703 great whites or One90's with black pitch

Pants:Old Easton 4000

Protective:Jofa baby

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helmet- Bauer 8000

skates- Bauer Vapor XXX or Graf G5's with t`blades

sticks- XXX Lite 87 flex lindros curve and stealth CNT grip 85 flex Iginla curve

gloves- custom Mia's navy and black and white

all other protective- Bauer gear

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I have been blessed with all my equipment that I have ever wanted. The good Lord has given me that and so much more. I'm focusing now on giving back any way I can to my community here in the Toronto area. It just seems like the right thing to do.

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I have been blessed with all my equipment that I have ever wanted. The good Lord has given me that and so much more. I'm focusing now on giving back any way I can to my community here in the Toronto area. It just seems like the right thing to do.

i'm in Ottawa, holla at me, i don't like new stuff but am looking for stuff from the past that i did not have a chance to get...

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Have pretty much everything...

Helmet: 8k with Ti cage and ovy visor...have all of it.

Shoulders: Itech 660s...got them

Elbows: Want Itech 990s or S9s...have V11s

Shins: Easton S9s...got them

Pants: Easton S9s/ CCM Coyote Pros...got them

Gloves: Easton custom pro nylon....got them. Would also like to try the one90 glove.

Skates: 1500s with LS2s got them...but want to see how a EE fits me in a one90.

Sticks: Heatley CNT Stealths...love that stick, just need a few more for the season.

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Bucket: 8k with oakley medium wave cut

Skates: synergy 1500 C with tuuk custom +

Gloves: 8k or TPS HGT

Pants: 8k

Shins: 6k

Stick: Vector 10.0

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Thye only thing id ask for would be a pair of custom nylon vapor xx's in forest green. Other than that probably a pair of skates that fit my feet pefectly.

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I'm pretty good and content with what I have for gear

-although if I could do/have anything I'd make NBH dig out the old P103 pattern for some standard replacement blades and hook me up with the pro spec XX and XXX lite shafts in a 102 flex, might even use it in an OPS version

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i've done it before, but here's my new list:

nikebauer 4500 lid with oakley straight visor

bauer sp 60 shouldies

pro stock jofa 8044 elbows

pro stock xx/xxx nylon gloves

tackla 5000 pro pants

jofa 8090 shins

graf 705 great white custom with blue pitch

sticks would be the hardest one to go on, but since this is dream equipment:

custom easton ultra light xx-long 115 flex with sand paper grip

custom easton SL pro grip xx-long 115 flex lidstrom and/or sakic

custom warrior dolomite xx-long 115 flex lidstrom and/or sakic clone

custom bauer either XX or XXX lite xx-long 115 flex lidstrom and/or sakic clone

eastom pro stock z-carbon blades lidstrom and/or sakic

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skates: easton 1500c

gloves: mission 10000 - what i have now

sticks: stealth grip 85 forsberg, warrior starskie

helmet: rbk 8k blk w/ itech titanium

protective: what i have now is cool

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I'm in love with this post..............

Helmet: Bauer 4000

Visor: Oakley Straight cut

Stick: Fisher Pro Stock 80 flex SL

Iginla Pro Stock Stealth CNt 85 Flex

Skates: Graf G5

Gloves: BNH One90's

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Skates- Kor shift 1 with LS2

Gloves- Nylon eagle X70's Purple/Black/White

Stick- 105 flex Easton CNT Stealth with a Steve Berry Pro curve

Pants- Mission M-1

Shins/Elbow/Shoulder- Nike V14

Helmet- Mission Intake with Bauer 5500 cage

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