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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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1500c stiffness

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Change your mind on One90's? Every post, or even item description I've read is that they are softer than the 1300c in the ankle area for more movement.

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Thanks Neo. Its just that I havent tried the one90's on and yesterday at the LHS I tried on the 1500c and they fit my foot like a glove. They were the best fitting skate ive tried

And i dont know if i wanna drop 600+ on the one90 (after tax). My lhs has the 1500s for 449.99

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The 1200's have 15 percent less composite material than the 1500. They are somewhat softer. If you are thinking about the 1200's I highly reccomend them.

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They definately are not as stiff as the 1300's. The biggest difference is in the ankle where they are now very comfortable.

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I liked my 1300's stiffness compared to the 1500's. The 1500's feel too soft coming off the 1300's. Im going to go the custom route as my 1500's arent doing it.


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it seems like the 1500's are very stiff in the lower foot area, but allow some flexability at the top of the ankle. To me it seems like its a good combination, however you would prolly need to try the skate on and skate in it a few times before you can decide for yourself.

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Tried the 1500's when I was in looking at the Bauer 1/90's the other day. As previously mentioned they are stiff at the bottom like the 1300's but they have more ankle padding and are more open and flexable at the ankle area. A much better skate if you are a person who likes to finesse in and out a pack of players. I didn't have any problems with my 1300's as far as ankles are concerned( probably because of my skinny ankles) but these are a definite improvement and are thermo-formable as well. Easton seems to have begun using the one piece foot form for a number of their skate lines now so if you can't afford the top of the line 1500 you can choose from the Synergy 1200 or 800 which are slightly cheaper but use a slightly different combo of composite materials. If your willing to take a chance on the durability aspect of the newer skates these may be a nice alternative to some more expensive models currently on the market. Easton seems to have made a significant improvement in the comfort factor with their new lines of one piece skates allowing for more space in the midfoot and toe areas.

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You know, that's the funny thing...the SyNergy skate has always been thermoformable. They were just concerned retailers would screw up and overheat the boot, causing those glued-on pieces to fall right off.

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