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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Are Reebok's, really any good?

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I'm always hooked by the "latest" new technology. I was looking at ePuck.com about the reviews of the new Reebok pump inline skates. All the reviews were great.

Has anyone from this board used them? Can you give any input?

I was thinking of getting them. I recently got a pair of CCM's but they are giving me wicked ankle spurs. Besides the ankle problems the CCM boots are awesome. I really like the lace lock feature and the break in time is a matter of minutes. Boots are very light also.

So i was thinking that these new Reebok's might help with the ankle problems. Any opinions on that?

BTW, the only skates that don't give me ankle spurs are Missions's. But since i have tried the new setup on the CCM's and noticed how much faster a skate it is from the Missions' HiLo setup, i will not go back to Missions.

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Reebok bought out CCM, and thus RBK product is essentially CCM product re-branded. I'm not sure how close to fit is between RBK and the CCMs, but CCM roller is closer to CCM's vector Ice series. You could do a search regarding the fit of the vector and the fit of the RBK pump ice skates, which should have a similar fit to the inline RBKs. I suspect that the RBK fit will be similar to the fit of the CCMs. If you have a LHS that carries the RBKs, go in an try them on, and compare the width of the ankle to the CCMs.

I went from mission to tour and found the boot to be wider throughout, which works for me. Tour's Hum'r chassis is very fast with good grip, as it is an all 80 mm setup, but a lot of people claim they have more agility in missions (I find them to be pretty darn close.)

You could always buy a Mission boot and mount the CCM chassis from your current skates on it, or wait until the fall when the new missions come out- they'll have a faster 76-80 HiLo setup.

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I really have to disagree with you on your vison of THC. RBK isn't CCM products rebranded. The fit of RBK is completely different from CCM. For sure there's a resemblance but you can't compare both. And the air bladder of the Pump system is a good feature if you have ankle problems so I suggest to you to try on a pair.

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I have the 5K pumps for ice hockey. I love them. The pump system is a very good innovation for skates. Yes, it's not very 'new' cause they were on older CCM models, but I love the pump system. It gives me a fit for my skates no other one has been able to provide for me.

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Like EBondo, I have 5Ks for ice, and coming from a CCM skate, I believe the RBK boot is narrower than that of the CCM. The pump is a very nice feature along with the skate lock, and if the inlines are anything like the ice skates, I would recommend giving them a shot.

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i would support a company that supports the sport- go MISSION they do more for ROLLER HOCKEY than anybody else. they don't build ice boots and then slap a chassy on it- where is the cred in that??? CCM ( Canadian Cycle & Motor Co ) has a long tradition in ice and make great boots, but i don't always buy what you see planted in the pros hands. look at Innovative- they have ALWAYS had great product, but nobody bought Innovative because Easton had enough money to choke them out. now New Balance puts money behind them and throws flashy paint on them and everyone is dropping their drawers. i would not say the consumer is ignorant ( but you could because if you do your research then you really know the score ), but i hate it when people throw money at pro exposure to get the business. Fedorov has used Innovative long before Warrior came along and made them " cool ". so after all this babbling- Easton is NOT the end all be all of sticks just as RBK is not the end all be all of skates. do your research and try on as many skates as possible ( this means go to a LOCAL dealer and buy from him after you try his skates on ) sure you will spend a few dollars more, but is saving $20-$40 at the risk of getting the wrong size or having to return them for any number of reasons worth it? buy what feels best and do business with companies that support our sport.

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i would support a company that supports the sport- go MISSION they do more for ROLLER HOCKEY than anybody else. they don't build ice boots and then slap a chassy on it

This is the best statement anybody has put on this site in a long time....Support the brands that support the sport or their won't be a sport in the future....

Sponsoring a couple teams and donating a few sets of equipment is not supporting the sport....

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Hopefully this will be helpful...

When I first started playing roller, I had been playing ice for several years and wearing CCM Tacks. My roller team was sponsored by CCM and we got CCM Tack RH skates. Which was great for me because I was already use to the ice skate...and these were essentially the same fit boot. CCM 952 vs 970. Ever since then I have have only been happy with CCM RH skates. They fit my foot better than the other brands. Not knocking the other brands...I just choose my skate based on fit, rather than what pro wears that brand, or "how fast" they are.

Anyway...I have always been a frustrated skate shopper because CCM hasn't exactly produced a steady line of RH skates. When the Externo's came out I bought a pair of Mavericks and I like them. The the Vectors cames out and I purchased a pair of PF 8's. This was a bit of change (wheel configuration and fit), but I adjusted.

Now I play on two surfaces (which require different wheels setups), so I instead of switching wheels twice a week, I just own two pairs of skates.

CCM PF8 and RBK 6 Pumps

I really like the pump because it provides a nice fit around your ankle. Other than that, these two skates feel identical. Holding them side by side there are only subtle differences between the two.

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Other companies do spend significantly larger amounts on sponsoring teams, tournaments and other grassroots programs compared to us at THC. Lets just not forget that they we all do the vast majority of it for a reason, advertising/exposure.

I suggest you try on as many skates as possible and then make your decision based on what fits your needs the best. Picking a skate based on the size of marketing budgets will do nothing for you.

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I have a pair of 8Ks & 9K pumps for ice and 8K pumps for inlines and I'll say they are the best fitting boots I've had. I've tried a lot of different models in the past but always end up going back to CCMs. In the end it all depends if the boot fits, wear it.

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i would support a company that supports the sport-  go MISSION  they do more for ROLLER HOCKEY than anybody else.  they don't build ice boots and then slap a chassy on it

This is the best statement anybody has put on this site in a long time....Support the brands that support the sport or their won't be a sport in the future....

Sponsoring a couple teams and donating a few sets of equipment is not supporting the sport....

I would wear Mission for roller if I could fit into them. I don't know why, but I could wear an S400, but when I tried on Mission for roller, I couldn't fit into them at all... :(

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SORRY TO HI-JACK your thread! i have sold lots of CCM skates- they fit some people better. i would carry Bauers' and CCMs. seems like anyone who would not fit a Bauer bought the CCM TYPICALLY for the wider fit. anyone who wanted to get max discount as a buyer would consider carrying a D and an E from one line rather than split their dollars between two companies ( thus splitting their discount ). point i am making is that everybody is different so it is important to try them all on- support the LOCAL guy that spends the money to put the product on the shelf, but be aware of different companies stances on the market. someone noted that the last real rollout of CCM roller product before this last year was the Externo line ( a couple of years back ). some companies spend alot on advertising, real life R&D, supporting the sport- EVERY YEAR. mistakes have been made by all manufacturers and venues which has led the sport to where it is at. nothing but tournament teams is bad for the sport- the real growth is to get back to the old style of courts ( outdoor with a roof ) and focus on the little guys ( grassroots ). it was not my intent to offend anyone here, but Mission started as a roller company and has consistantly supported roller hockey as they were the first to really market and support ROLLER HOCKEY. i cannot say that i have always agreed with some of their product, but that is my personal opinion and just like A$$holes everybody has one. i thought Gard Mayer and his Rocker Chassy was great, but it did not really come to fruition for him, but it fit a great niche for guys that came from ice and enjoyed roller as well. we could go round after round on this- all i am saying is be aware of companies policies before you do business with them. would you buy paper from a company that does not use recycled paper waste? it's your call, but the decisions you make today will and does affect your future. just one of the many small things to ponder when trying on ALL manufacturers skates.

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I don't understand what people mean when they say a company supports the sport.

If it's not sponsorship then what is it?

There are inline hockey companies and hockey companies who also do inline.

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And there are inline companies like Mission that also do ice hockey. Should we avoid buying mission's ice hockey line? (rhetorical question, btw)

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I think that Mission has done extensive work in both ice and roller. speaking specifically of their ice line, their innovation started with the formula holder with the driveshaft, and has given way to the pitch holder. Last year, they went to two distinct lines of ice boots, (Supplefit/litefit) and are now doing the AG/XP thing. They even have a line of gloves that are intended for ice (Litefit, aka L series).

The fact that mission continually pushes the boundaries and innovates shows their commitment to bringing a quality product to the consumer. Their work has in turn caused everybody else to rethink what they've been doing with their equipment. Anybody else notice how often Easton, NBH, and THC have redesigned their skates/sticks in the few years since mission started making ice equipment?...And how often they did so previously?

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These are all excellent points.

Honestly i have the my eyes set on either the Mission Ice XG boot w/hummer chassis (but gonna throw on 78mm and 80mm for turning and speed), or the Reebok Pump with its own chassis. I'm also eyeing the One90 boot, but i don't want to spend over 300 just for a boot. :(

Personnally my opinion is that Mission WAS the most passionate skate company for roller hockey. Now if you really look into it, its all pretty much modular. I know a lot of guys, including myself, that are making there own skates from different parts.

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These are all excellent points.

Honestly i have the my eyes set on either the Mission Ice XG boot w/hummer chassis (but gonna throw on 78mm and 80mm for turning and speed), or the Reebok Pump with its own chassis. I'm also eyeing the One90 boot, but i don't want to spend over 300 just for a boot. :(

300? :lol:

Try over 600 LOL

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larry brings up a good point- those ice companies that scoff at Mission Ice and make dealers feel like they have no business in the ice market turn around and expect you to accept them as a roller company- how does that work??? someone else brought up the point that Mission works very hard to INNOVATE....... not emulate ( so true )! sometimes it blows up in their face and sometimes they rock your world. i just want people to be aware of how important it is to support companies that are tryng to GROW the sport and to support the local guys- especially the rinks that have shops in them- sure you can save a few dollars by buying it off of the net, but don't go crying when your rink is gone. the truth is that the only value rinks have ( ice or roller ) is the dirt they are built on and when the real estate market is cooking rinks suffer. think about how many hours a day rinks sit dormant until the busy hours pick up. sorry for the long debate- to answer the original question " does RBK make good skates? ". YES.... yes they do. let's just hope that ALL of the companies are doing their part to GROW the sport and not just cash in when it is convenient. if you work for a company that is not doing its part then you have every right to be sensitive to my remarks. i have just worked too hard to see our sport shrink and watch rinks close.

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So if someone were to only support the two major inline companies, Mission or Tour, and those companies' skates were not able to fit that person, are they not supposed play inline hockey? Should inline players continue to use ice hockey equipment in roller hockey?

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i think RBK makes a much better boot than TOUR- but again that is just my opinion. i made the point that supporting companies that try to grow the sport is one thing to ponder- but even i realize that skates can be a mofo- i hate- err- strongly dislike bauer ( maybe more as a buyer due to the fact that you have to book so much to even have a shot at making 25-30 points ) but i have had more bauer skates my whole life than any other brand. buy what boot that fits you the best ( from the guy that spent the money to put it on the shelf ). being aware of one companies policies is not always going to get you the best fit in a skate, but what about other pieces if equipment? some things we as hockey players are not willing to change and i understand that as i am a picky pain in the a$$. i will take a step back and say that IN GENERAL you should TREND your dollars to companies that love our sport just as much as we do. sometimes we just have to be different and be the only guy in the rink with a new pair of MIA gloves or something else- that's fine! like i said- TREND your dollars.

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