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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I've had it done twice, at two different places in Montreal, Canada. Both of them charged $20 canadian to install the pair of chassis. I had already removed the blade holders myself though, and I didn't ask how much they would have charged, if anything, to remove them. The first place was a hockey store and they didn't center the chassis correctly but I was only testing them on old boots. The second place was a sports repair shop and fortunately, they did a great job installing them on new boots.

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I also had it done twice...cost me 30.00 each time. they removed the old and installed the new. I supplied my own chassis.

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I have had 3 skates converted and all in the 20-30 dollar price range. Usually at shops I get the 20 for the labor and then more money on top of that for the rivets and other hardware.

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I went with a friend to get his done, and it cost $35 total. They didn't use very high quality bolts (rivets?), though. I sent one pair to Tour for their chassis deal, and it turned out very nicely. Their estimate was $20 to get chassis put on.

BTW, I'm speaking in U.S. dollars.

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It cost me $30 at the LHS to remove old ice holder and put on chassis. They are mounted better (ie. not crooked) compared to my store bought roller hockey skates (CCM Mavericks).

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Make friends with an installer and they'll do it for a cookie. Actually work time is an hour or 2. Could take up to a week depending on the shop.

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I'm friends with an "installer" and last week when I came done to his shop... "oops I completely forgot about your skates". took him 15mins to take of the chassis on a pair of skates and mount the chassis on another pair.

And the mounting is fine.

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My advice is that you can't put a time limit when it comes to mounting skates correctly. Do some reserch on the person doing the work to ensure that they take their time and do quality work. Some guys take it very seriously and have great pride in what they do. There is nothing worse than having to skate pigeon toed due to improperly "toed in skates".

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I agree, but it's the same guy that has mounted all my chassis' (7-8 pairs in total over the years), and I completely trust his work.

He's been doing it for 15+ years. And always done a good job on mine, but i was still surprised when he mounted them in 15mins...

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