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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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mission fuel

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That just may be the dumbest response I've seen or read to date.

You don't judge a skate by what promo comes with it. You judge a skate based on durability and performance. If you're buying the skates just for the stick, you're buying them for the wrong reason.

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That just may be the dumbest response I've seen or read to date.

You don't judge a skate by what promo comes with it. You judge a skate based on durability and performance. If you're buying the skates just for the stick, you're buying them for the wrong reason.

well, I think promo does play a part in deciding but it should not be the main reason.

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I think you misread what jon93 was saying. He made it seem like even if the skate was made out of toilet paper and tomatoes that it'd still be cool because you got a free stick.

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I have had the XP 110s for like a month, and couldn't be happier with them. I was planning on getting the one90s, but couldn't justify $600 on a skate at that time. Anyway, the skates are very stiff and have a lot of 'pop,' but they are still pretty forgiving, if you know what I mean. I've been extremely happy with them, and if you have any specific questions, just ask.

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I think you misread what jon93 was saying. He made it seem like even if the skate was made out of toilet paper and tomatoes that it'd still be cool because you got a free stick.

I don't think it is possible to have a skate made out of those materials :P

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The XP's sound like a skate I would like due to the stiffness but what do you mean by pop greenchbc9.

How do the AG's compare to the XP's? I read all the litature on the Fuels but what does that really mean. " Do you wan't to skate around or skate through players ". I'm at a loss.

Dougie8 what was the deciding factors with you between the AG and XP?

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Two different schools of thought. It REALLY doesn't have to do with agility vs power or position...some people believe in the SuppleFit concept, and the AG skate is for them. For the traditionalists, the XP fits the bill.

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The XP's sound like a skate I would like due to the stiffness but what do you mean by pop greenchbc9.

How do the AG's compare to the XP's? I read all the litature on the Fuels but what does that really mean. " Do you wan't to skate around or skate through players ". I'm at a loss.

Dougie8 what was the deciding factors with you between the AG and XP?

I mean like theres definite energy return and you can really feel the skate give off power as you take your stride.

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I have tried a few customers in 110 AG and noticed the top eyelets really come close together when lacing. The top of the boot almost wraps around the front too much. I know the sizing has not been perfect for these customers. I'm just wondering if anyone else is having the same experience when they tried the skate on or were letting customers try the skate on.

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I have tried a few customers in 110 AG and noticed the top eyelets really come close together when lacing. The top of the boot almost wraps around the front too much. I know the sizing has not been perfect for these customers. I'm just wondering if anyone else is having the same experience when they tried the skate on or were letting customers try the skate on.

The ankles are way too deep for most people and they don't lock your heel nearly as well as the S or L. I think it's a step backwards and I told them as much at the show.

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I was really looking into buying a pair of ag110's, but i went to the pro shop 3 times and they never had any. I asked them why and they had to keep returning the skates because of a manufactoring defect. Something with the skates not being stiched right. Im not sure how often something like that happens with new skates, but take it for what its worth.

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They seem like decent skates, both the AG's and the XP's. But like all skate brands they don't suit everyone. I had a short stint with a pair of L-7's for about three months but I'm definitely not a Mission person when it comes to skate fit. Nothing bad to say about them but I just prefer the CCM/ Easton fit for some reason. I guess if I stayed with Mission long enough I'd probably adjust. The Pitch 3 holders and the steel Mission uses are very good products, probably one of the best on the market. Best of all Mission has reasonably priced their high end skates well below that of other manufacturers and you get a good quality product. If you don't have mega bucks to spend on some good top end skates the AG's or the XP's would be a good choice for just about anyone looking for a decent pair of blades.

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I have played on the AG110 for about 6 weeks.

They Fit my foot really well. I have not had a single rub or pressure point in them since day one.

I have NO complaints about the skate. The pitch 3 is a great holder. I changed the pitch to the +1 and it works great I also did a slight grind on the front.

As for the heal not locking I have not had that problem but I tie my skates in the following manner. snug but not tight on top of my foot. The eyelet just before it goes up the the ankle I tighten very tight and keep it tight all the way up. my foot is locked in tight and no preausre points.

Great skate.

I find my forward skating is as it always was but my backward skating has improved. I find I drive of the toes in a backwards crossover giving me better accleration than my old skates. Since I'm a defenceman this is a good thing.

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