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Star Wars: Knights of the Republic

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Anyone played this game before? i never really cared for star wars but this game is flat out sick!!!! I cant stop playing it. It like never gets boring. Wut do u guys think of it?

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Excellent game. It has tons of depth and is enjoyably even if you arent into Star Wars. You can shape your character in anyway you want and can do pretty much whatever you want. Great game. I would definitely recommend it.

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It's a fantastic game.. Took me nearly 40 hours to complete it the first time! You just have to savour the experience! I've racked up nearly 200 hours on it, and still keep finding new areas/quests...

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It's a fantastic game.. Took me nearly 40 hours to complete it the first time! You just have to savour the experience! I've racked up nearly 200 hours on it, and still keep finding new areas/quests...

Dude 200 hours? You gotta get a life man, go out and get some friends. There's a whole world out there. Damn, that is sad.

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It's a fantastic game.. Took me nearly 40 hours to complete it the first time! You just have to savour the experience! I've racked up nearly 200 hours on it, and still keep finding new areas/quests...

Dude 200 hours? You gotta get a life man, go out and get some friends. There's a whole world out there. Damn, that is sad.

And you're making fun of someone on a hockey website.

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It's a fantastic game.. Took me nearly 40 hours to complete it the first time! You just have to savour the experience! I've racked up nearly 200 hours on it, and still keep finding new areas/quests...

Dude 200 hours? You gotta get a life man, go out and get some friends. There's a whole world out there. Damn, that is sad.

And you're making fun of someone on a hockey website.

chadd - 1

hkydog - 0

while on the topic of star wars games, does anyone know when the next star wars movie comes out? its been like... 2 years

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I actually looked this up, I am not enough of a gook to know this information on my own.

EP3: 350 Days Till Episode III Hits Theaters

Thu, Jun 03, 04 04:02:56 AM EDT

    Today, Thursday, June 3rd, marks both 350 days and 50 weeks until Episode III comes out on Thursday, May 19th, 2005.

Less than a year to go!

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I just rented KOTOR off Gamefly and put it on my xbox, I think Ive played it for about an hour total. I have no patience for games where you cant control the damn fighting on your own. Whats the fun of having a light saber fight if you have to press the buttons and tell the character what to do? Im waiting for Republic Commando to come out later this year, looks a ton better.

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I liked Galaxies when it came out but I just didn't have the time to compete with the people that were on there 24/7. I still get the emails for the updates on what they're doing and I may check it back out again.

I also want to see what Commando looks like as well as some new game where you're Vader.

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It's a fantastic game.. Took me nearly 40 hours to complete it the first time! You just have to savour the experience! I've racked up nearly 200 hours on it, and still keep finding new areas/quests...

Dude 200 hours? You gotta get a life man, go out and get some friends. There's a whole world out there. Damn, that is sad.

And you're making fun of someone on a hockey website.

And you spend close to all day on a hockey website.

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