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Is there a place to buy a goalie package?

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I previously, and still do want to try goalie as I used to play goalie in soccer, and think I have decent reflexes (which may never transfer over, but won't know until I try).

Anyway, you can buy for the regular player protective gear in packages online, the Shoulder/elbow and shin pads. They have low mid and high end packages.

Is there anywhere they do that for goalies?

Or is the gear to personalized that you can't really do that.

Just curious.

I had to put my goalie aspirations on a back burner for a while financially, but am perhaps getting ready to look again

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I used to do packages for goalies buying a full set of gear. Keep an eye out for DR stuff, their mid level pads are a pretty good bargain.

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Kinda wierd that they would go to those lenghts to put a package together but leave out pants, cup and skates. You would think they'd go the extra mile and include those items and throw in a promotional goalie cut jerseys to complete the package and get some free advertising in the process.

...kinda like a hockey geeks jersey.

Just my 2 cents...

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Yeah, when I was pursuing my goalie aspirations I was wondering the same thing...but a couple of them do have the pants, helmet, and bag. But I would put a warning out on the helmet, those probably might not be the safest helmet. The Itech 1200==Widowmaker

But yeah like Chadd says, DR is a good buy.

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Yeah, when I was pursuing my goalie aspirations I was wondering the same thing...but a couple of them do have the pants, helmet, and bag. But I would put a warning out on the helmet, those probably might not be the safest helmet. The Itech 1200==Widowmaker

But yeah like Chadd says, DR is a good buy.

The 1200 is not a widowmaker. It will protect you just fine. The big problem with it is durability. It certainly will not stand up as long as a higher end mask, but what do you expect for $120. IMO it it as good (protection-wise as the old Cooper helmets with the HM30 wire cage used by pros for many years.

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I've got some goalie stuff(mask, pants, pads, skates, pro knee guards) that I'm willing to sell, some new and some used.

pm me if you're interested, I'm not looking to turn your thread into a for sale ad :)

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Yeah, when I was pursuing my goalie aspirations I was wondering the same thing...but a couple of them do have the pants, helmet, and bag. But I would put a warning out on the helmet, those probably might not be the safest helmet. The Itech 1200==Widowmaker

But yeah like Chadd says, DR is a good buy.

The 1200 is not a widowmaker. It will protect you just fine. The big problem with it is durability. It certainly will not stand up as long as a higher end mask, but what do you expect for $120. IMO it it as good (protection-wise as the old Cooper helmets with the HM30 wire cage used by pros for many years.

That's the just reputation it has amongst goaltenders.

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Kinda wierd that they would go to those lenghts to put a package together but leave out pants, cup and skates. You would think they'd go the extra mile and include those items and throw in a promotional goalie cut jerseys to complete the package and get some free advertising in the process.

...kinda like a hockey geeks jersey.

Just my 2 cents...

quite a few of them do have pants.....

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