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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Referree Equipment

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I can help you out a bit. You can use an old pair of shin pads as your shin pads, work like a charm. Use your normal cup, and elbow pads as well. My referee pants I got at local store, a smaller version of Wal Mart, they look identical as the "real" ones, and they cost $10. I don't wear a girdle, so I can't help there. This has nothing to due with your question but it's a suggestion.

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i got my shin pads, elbow pads, under armour, helmet, and visor from Nat'l sports and my pants have built in protection in them there amazing i know the guy who custom makes them he makes em out of his house

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A couple of my favorite online official's stores are:

The Official's Wearhouse - http://www.officialswearhouse.com

The Referee's Closet - http://www.refscloset.com

or if you're in Canada:

First Place Sports - http://www.jetnet.ab.ca/FirstPlaceSports/

If you're needing a RED sewn-banded referee jersey, this is THE place to get one. They're about the only place you can get a CCM referee's jersey with sewn on red bands. I've seen other shops with sewn banded jerseys by other manufacturers, but IMHO they don't look as nice as CCM's.

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You could probably get away with using an inline hockey girdle. Gear makes one that goes for around $20-25. It's not very protective, but it's very slim.

I just ordered one of the gear girdles the other day.

The guy who runs the referee's closet is a ref, seems like a good guy too.

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You could probably get away with using an inline hockey girdle.  Gear makes one that goes for around $20-25.  It's not very protective, but it's very slim.

I just ordered one of the gear girdles the other day.

The guy who runs the referee's closet is a ref, seems like a good guy too.

All of our officials wear these kind of girdles too.

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The guy who runs the referee's closet is a ref, seems like a good guy too.

I've bought from Jim's online store (The Referee's Closet) a few times and have nothing but great things to say about it. He is a good guy and good to deal with. He's also a frequent poster on the HockeyRefs.com forum.

Another company you may be interested in is a relatively new company out of Vancouver, BC called PG that makes referee equipment. Their website is http://www.pghockey.com. I've seen some of their gear at The Hockey Shop-Source For Sports in Surrey, BC and it looks to be of pretty good quality. I'm seriously thinking of buying their pant/girdle combo when it's time to get rid of my Stevens.

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